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i missed it, can anyone tel me what kim said
Katie asked what the others though of her before they met her (or something along them lines), Kim I admit was a tad theatrical when she said it, but she told Katie exactly the truth, that she loved all the media attention and she lives, breathes and sleeps it (in a nutshell).....which is true......
The Devil In Diamante
Kim just said what most of them were thinking, she does love the media attention, negative or positive. If she didn't she wouldn't be on that programme. She could find a secluded beach to get away from everything, not a tv programme watched by millions. I think her management have given her bad advice, she's commited career suicide.
Reference:  DiD
Kim was honest and only said what the others were thinking, granted she could've said it in a way that didn't make her look abit silly BUT it is the truth...go on, admit it to yourselves, you've all thought the same Twee, I so agree with everything you say...I am not fooled by her shaking and tears, she knew she would get picked on by the public, and the tears are probably for self pity as she is realising just how much the public have it in for her.....IMO, she is loving all the attention she is getting at having to do the tasks....more media coverage..... ...this is one big PR exercise for her to win people over, she has a soft side agreed BUT she also has a very nasty and vicious tongue, and I think she is a very jealous person. I'm not talking about Peter here, I'm talking at all the other Celebs she's stuck the boot into in interviews over the years....
Hi D   Kim calls a spade a spade.  She laid it on with a trowel, admittedly, but it was what I was thinking myself and most likely what the other Brits on the show were thinking also who know the relationship KP has with the media.  Unless she is on the front page, she doesn't feel alive.  She measures and judges her raison d'etra in column inches.  I have always liked Katie, even though I know she is a fame-junkie, but I have gone off her because she doesn't want anyone else, bar her, to shine.  It is selfish and greedy. 

Also, like you, I don't subscribe to the belief in the new nervous less-ballsy Katie.  It's an act.  Why she should want to rehabilitate her reputation with the public is beyond me.  Who the bluddy hell cares anyway?  Not me, for sure.  I just want her to leave the jungle, take all her excess baggage with her, and allow me to watch the others in peace.  She has an inflated sense of her own importance imo.  It's now time to move over and allow someone else into the spotlight.
Twee Surgeon
Kim just said what most of them were thinking, she does love the media attention, negative or positive. If she didn't she wouldn't be on that programme. She could find a secluded beach to get away from everything, not a tv programme watched by millions. I think her management have given her bad advice, she's commited career suicide.
I agree 100%...
The Devil In Diamante
Thank you DID xx

yeah kim was right, and i think its just kim the way she said it.
Jordan is just sooo insensitive you cant help but laugh the way she takes it on the chin, i dont think she gives a hoot.
so my impression is that neither came out looking particularly bad, just different personalities.

What i thought was more telling was when gino said 'i thought you were a bitch' and she spoke over him saying no no no what did you really think. ....expecting to win his heart (he is only a man after all...i mean who can resist).

and finally i quite fancy gino
*goes to make cuppa*
Also, like you, I don't subscribe to the belief in the new nervous less-ballsy Katie. It's an act. Why she should want to rehabilitate her reputation with the public is beyond me. Who the bluddy hell cares anyway? Not me, for sure. I just want her to leave the jungle, take all her excess baggage with her, and allow me to watch the others in peace. She has an inflated sense of her own importance imo. It's now time to move over and allow someone else into the spotlight.
Excellent post Twee And why sit and ask what the others thought of her? None of the others have done that...!!!! It's all about ME, ME, ME with her...."Ooo I keep thinking Pete's gonna walk past", yada, yada, yada.....

I seem to remember her doing an eating trial last time, infact I seem to remember her being alot more gutsy back then in all the tasks This delicate female thing isn't fooling me....
The Devil In Diamante
DiD, to ask such a question, she must think very highly of herself.  I can't wait for the sparks to go off soon when they all starting battling with her to claw back some limelight for themselves.  They are all in there for a reason - to revive their careers and/or to generate some money for themselves - but with her there she is overshadowing them.  I predict Justin will be the next to crack haha.  He loves himself, nearly as much as Katie loves herself. 

Fab, I agree with you.  They are all in there for a reason and there are not many wallflowers among them.  Katie is keeping the focus off them and for huge egos that can cause a real problem
Twee Surgeon
Gosh and begorrah!

I am going to be a tad awkward..... because I can....... you are a load of meanies... give the girl a break! The public are getting what they ask for which is to make Katie....out of spite me thinks.... do those revolting tasks. If that means the others are pushed to the background, blame the public.Why do they say thankyou and are relieved when they are not chosen for a task  is it because they are actually grateful that they haven't been chosen! I know I would be.... katie Price has got guts so I would like to give her credit for that! Some of them..and I have no doubt... are hoping for quite an easy ride until the end and quite happy to coast along.
Happy viewing!!!!
cannot see what all the fuss is about really, people don't have to vote for her, do they?! and one of the others did say on camera the shaking and stuff was real and not fake.. either way, i think that old woman, what ever her name is, is quite a nasty old b*tch and letting the side down for oldies, georhe, on the other hand, takes it all in his stride, got humour and does not bitch along with the jealous whats her face..imo anyway and I am an oldie myself..
Gosh and begorrah! I am going to be a tad awkward..... because I can....... you are a load of meanies... give the girl a break! The public are getting what they ask for which is to make Katie....out of spite me thinks.... do those revolting tasks. If that means the others are pushed to the background, blame the public.Why do they say thankyou and are relieved when they are not chosen for a task is it because they are actually grateful that they haven't been chosen! I know I would be.... katie Price has got guts so I would like to give her credit for that! Some of them..and I have no doubt... are hoping for quite an easy ride until the end and quite happy to coast along. Happy viewing!!!!
Yellow Rose
She was hungry then trying hard to make it. Whereas, now she is all refined and a rich little princess.
My thoughts erxactly .........5/6 years ago she was a D lister desperate to be an A lister. Ahe would have eaten SH*t to get where she wanted to be. Hungry wasn't the word. She clawed her way up but in doing so has become spoilt and pampered ...........the hunger isn't there anymore.
Soozy Woo
figtree 1691 Forum Posts Today at 10:40 AM (Edited: ) Gosh and begorrah! I am going to be a tad awkward..... because I can....... you are a load of meanies... give the girl a break! The public are getting what they ask for which is to make Katie....out of spite me thinks.... do those revolting tasks. If that means the others are pushed to the background, blame the public.Why do they say thankyou and are relieved when they are not chosen for a task is it because they are actually grateful that they haven't been chosen! I know I would be.... katie Price has got guts so I would like to give her credit for that! Some of them..and I have no doubt... are hoping for quite an easy ride until the end and quite happy to coast along. Happy viewing!!!!

Hallelujah! someone thinks exactly as I do!!
my son is covered in moles i would never suggest he got them removed !!! unless they were indeed a danger to him , my daughter has them all over her back i think they are inherited
I am so moley ............I am in the records of Nortwick Park Hospital ..........I was photographed as an example. All my family are fair skinned and moley (in fact - we have a darkside of the family that are moley too) How very rude of Kim to make a point of it .......................would she have been so accepting if he'd responded by saying that she is not only very rude but also overweight? Who does she think that she is?
Soozy Woo
Kim has said that (I'm paraphrasing) she speaks her mind. I've come across a lot of people over the years who seem to think that saying what's on their mind should also come out of their mouth. These are the type of people who think it's ok to be blantantly rude and insensitive imo. They also give the impression it's a trait they're proud of....why be proud of being rude? especially when they seem to have no consideration for someone else's feelings. I liked Kim the first day or so but now she's becoming annoying, calling everyone darling but thinking she can say what she likes without wondering how the person, or others, feel about that.
Yellow Rose
Wonder how many of em are getting peeved at not getting any tasks to do??? The tasks seem to have helped Celebs in the past with their profile-- but none of em are getting a chance this time It seems to be all about Jordan   and i bet the voters are not ringing in to support her-- exactly the opposite This is suicide for her IMO. I want to see others doing tasks-- it makes or breaks them.

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