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KP is getting off lightly where the others are concerned.  When it dawns on them that she is stealing the limelight off them, they will turn on her.  Kim has already twigged that it is the Katie show, hence her outburst.  The rest will follow.  They are all aware of their own profile and they are keeping a lid on their own egos at the minute, but the likes of Lucy and Justin will not like the camera being panned on KP all the time.  They will want their own share of camera time and then the sparks will fly and the real egos will emerge.   Katie will then be facing some real jungle critters, and these ones can talk back.
Twee Surgeon
Give her her due..she knows how to work the media and public etc.That basically is her life.She rakes in the cash,who can blame her really,she's getting up towards 30 ,and her last lost of cosmetic surgery isn't looking too good to me,frozen trout pout with an underlying white  milk line on her lip.
She really needs to start stepping back a bit.Jordan you are no longer 20.Time to stop fighting nature and live off of your earnings and interest etc.
it all is feel sorry for me with her, and it is really getting on my nerves now to the point where i cant be bothered with it much more. 

Why do the papers and the TV give this woman all this attention all the time making her absolutely everywhere. She is making the other celebs irrelevant and hardly any air time.
Wish we could have a break hearing about her, seeing her and also p andre come to think of it..he is not whiter than white thats for sure.  He has definately had something work in his favour and knew what he was doing to get it.
sunny dayz
Team Katie to win!!

I don't mind Katie being there, in fact, I'm hoping to hear her side of the story. Saint Peter has done such a *poor hard done by me, feel sorry for me* act that I'm sick to death of hearing about him. He;s a total wimp and needs to grow a pair.

Kim Woodburn had a go at Katie for posing in papers etc, well that's how Katie became the multi millionaire that she is. She worked for her money, she didn't sit at home, living off benefits. I like Kim Woodburn, but I think she was out of order for that. I mean, let's face it, Kim is doing quite a bit of posing herself!
She makes me sick - its TOTALLY the Katie Price/Jordan show now. What do we know/have seen of the other players in the game??? Bloody nothing - thats what!!! We have learned that Kim snores, Gino (or whatever his name is) doesnt appreciate females farting or burping and that the two that did the 'chest' tonight cant add up. Rivetting stuff. The REST of the show was about Katie/Jordan - she's lapping it up, doing the trials, if shes not doing a trial, she's harping on about herself or having a ding-dong with Kim (or whatever her name is). And now TONIGHT.... she does a LIVE trial, with the other non-entities sitting by whilst she takes up half an hour of the show (two ad breaks yeah??)..... If I was the rest of them, I'd naff off just like Camilla did - they're not friggin needed in there. Leave Ms Jordan/Katie Price in there by herself - I'm sure she'd start an argument with herself in no time at all
She took up 30 minutes to do the trial, because the public voted her to do it.
If they would stop voting for Katie to do the trials, then one of the others could have a go.
You can't blame Katie that the public are voting for her to do the trials (probably only voting her out of spite)

and Ant and Dec said on itv 2 that it takes half an hour to do a live task anyway.

There's only 2 reasons why Katie is chosen every night, either the public want to see her because they like her, or they can't stand her and want to see her have to deal with the trials, but I suspect the latter. Those in the public who accuse her of publicity seeking are giving her publicity on the show if they vote for her, and if people on any Forums are voting for her because they dislike her they're doing the same thing. The trials are the main focus of the show, that's why we're seeing more of her than the others, blame the public, not Katie.

Yellow Rose
nanalou 296 Forum PostsYesterday at 16:02 (Edited: ) Team Katie to win!! I don't mind Katie being there, in fact, I'm hoping to hear her side of the story. Saint Peter has done such a *poor hard done by me, feel sorry for me* act that I'm sick to death of hearing about him. He;s a total wimp and needs to grow a pair. Kim Woodburn had a go at Katie for posing in papers etc, well that's how Katie became the multi millionaire that she is. She worked for her money, she didn't sit at home, living off benefits. I like Kim Woodburn, but I think she was out of order for that. I mean, let's face it, Kim is doing quite a bit of posing herself!

Totally agree with you on this.. I sat with my gob open when kim had a go at Katie... how patronising and how dare she?Kim is so far up George Hamiltons Jacksy she can tickle his tonsils! Yuk!
My advice to people who do not wish to see Katie do the trials.... Don't blooming vote for her or switch off! I do dislike it when someone is being pillered like Kate Price is..... that is when I think hang on a minute.... take your teeth out her neck and give the women a chance!Even if I didn't like someone I would defend their right to some fairness!
cannot do a quote on here but trying! thought that Kym was really nasty last night, a right bitch..she does this sweetness and light stuff to hide how nasty she is. given me katie over her any time.. she made herself look stupid, not katie
She worked for her money, she didn't sit at home, living off benefits. I like Kim Woodburn, but I think she was out of order for that. I mean, let's face it, Kim is doing quite a bit of posing herself!
Katie Price knew full well when she went in the jungle that it would be all about her and that the other contestants would play second fiddle to her.  She is so fame hungry that she is prepared to be this selfish and to hog the limelight away from the others.  I don't want to know anything more about KP, I don't want to watch her in the jungle, she has had her 15 minutes of fame and she wants more.  The rest of the cast are just there to make up the numbers.  The sooner she leaves the better I will like it, and it will give the others a chance to shine.  I quite like Jimmy White but what chance does he stand against this fame-hungry self-obsessed camera hogger?  It is just a matter of time before the rest of the egos rise up and make her feel uncomfortable.  At least Kim has been honest with her, the rest will follow imo.
Twee Surgeon
Katie Price knew full well when she went in the jungle that it would be all about her and that the other contestants would play second fiddle to her. She is so fame hungry that she is prepared to be this selfish and to hog the limelight away from the others. I don't want to know anything more about KP, I don't want to watch her in the jungle, she has had her 15 minutes of fame and she wants more. The rest of the cast are just there to make up the numbers. The sooner she leaves the better I will like it, and it will give the others a chance to shine. I quite like Jimmy White but what chance does he stand against this fame-hungry self-obsessed camera hogger? It is just a matter of time before the rest of the egos rise up and make her feel uncomfortable. At least Kim has been honest with her, the rest will follow imo.
Kim was honest and only said what the others were thinking, granted she could've said it in a way that didn't make her look abit silly BUT it is the truth...go on, admit it to yourselves, you've all thought the same

Twee, I so agree with everything you say...I am not fooled by her shaking and tears, she knew she would get picked on by the public, and the tears are probably for self pity as she is realising just how much the public have it in for her.....IMO, she is loving all the attention she is getting at having to do the tasks....more media coverage.....

...this is one big PR exercise for her to win people over, she has a soft side agreed BUT she also has a very nasty and vicious tongue, and I think she is a very jealous person. I'm not talking about Peter here, I'm talking at all the other Celebs she's stuck the boot into in interviews over the years....
The Devil In Diamante

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