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OMG she is SO still depserate for Peter Andre back.  All she has done so far is reminise and waffle on about him, and talk about how 'fit' he was and so on...  She may have said in the past few months that her 'cage fighter' is a 'real man' compared to Peter, but she has so not got over him.  Closure my arse; she is still besotted with him.  Shoulda treated him better shouldn't you Katie?!

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Hi Frosty, I think people are posting over on the IACGMOH in the reality section.
I absolutely agree with you. I was stunned the way she kept mentioning Peter, I thought he would be the last person she would bring up. I guess if someone leaves you, there will always be that feeling of rejection. Having said that she has behaved so outrageously (IMO) she must  known that Peter wouldn't ever touch her again.
aw karma i hope not ............. she treated him worse than horse shit
I know that's what was shown on the tv (I am a mega cynic when it comes to these things!), but he did stick around for 5 years and no-one held a gun to his head. I dunno, I grew tired of Pete very quickly, especially when initially he said he would never slag Katie off publically, yet within a few weeks that's exactly what he was doing. I'm also so over his humble act.

And it has to be said, had he not got with her there's no way he would be in the popular position he is now, as bad as she may have been he's done bloody well out of it and has made an absolute fortune (and continues to do so). I just think his new found popularity is down to sympathy and not talent, and I do think Katie has been given a bit of a rough time.

Money is a huge motivator for both of them so wouldn't be surprised in the least to see OK owning the rights to their reunited pictures. I anticipate this will happen when Pete's career starts to dry up
She's a bloody pain on that show,totally taking it over.I was looking forward to watching it,now my mute button is on whenever she starts rabbiting on,and it looks like the dumb viewers that vote are going to make her do all the challenges..Pah!

And what's up with her top lip? is it botoxed to buggery or summat,it looks totally weird.
I know, she's loving getting picked for the trials, more airtime, and she keeps bloody repeating herself...oooo, I'm scared of water, oooo, I'm scared of water.... for the top lip, have you noticed she keeps covering it with her hand....?

As i already said, I knew before she went in she'd say only nice things about Pete....a desperate attempt to win over the public! Oh, and her boobs look
The Devil In Diamante
Have to agree, that I feel Jordan is taking over the show and lots of the camera shots are focussed on her and her twittering and waffling, and others are being largely overlooked. I have hardly seen the lovely Sam Fox since that old minger went in. I hate the stupid bint, I mean really hate her. And yes, some may question is it possible to hate someone you have never met, but I actually HATE this creature.

She represents everything I hate about a person. She is fake, plastic, talentless and pointless, and a user.  Also, her fake tan is RIDICULOUS, she is a media whore, the trashy rags are plastered in her, she is obsessed with her looks, (and hers are not so good as she is destroying her face. Look at the state of her mouth as many have stated.) And I just can't STAND her. She is ruining the show for me this year and I sincerely hope she goes ASAP!
so are the viewers voting her to do the trials because they like her or dont like her its certainly working in her favour as the show has now become the KP Show would love to see more and get to know more about some of the others
I would think it's coz they don't like her Mrs H.  And yes I would like to see some of the others too, and am sick of seeing her horrible face now!  WHY did they have to put her back in?!  It's just wrecked it for me this year now. 
Reference: karma
I know that's what was shown on the tv (I am a mega cynic when it comes to these things!), but he did stick around for 5 years and no-one held a gun to his head. I dunno, I grew tired of Pete very quickly, especially when initially he said he would never slag Katie off publically, yet within a few weeks that's exactly what he was doing. I'm also so over his humble act. And it has to be said, had he not got with her there's no way he would be in the popular position he is now, as bad as she may have been he's done bloody well out of it and has made an absolute fortune (and continues to do so). I just think his new found popularity is down to sympathy and not talent, and I do think Katie has been given a bit of a rough time. Money is a huge motivator for both of them so wouldn't be surprised in the least to see OK owning the rights to their reunited pictures. I anticipate this will happen when Pete's career starts to dry up
I don't buy "sweet pete" either 

I think he's been a man with a plan for some time - if not from the beginning.  She may not be the most likeable person, but when they split and she started doing all that crazy stuff - effectively destroying the "Katie" image she'd worked so hard to build - I saw a woman in real pain.

The camp pete statements were so obviously calculated to preserve his image and build on it to help sell his new album - (with all the songs based on the pain of his failing marriage - poor soul ) .  His approach has been far more cynical and self - serving than hers - even her manger left her to go with him, and his saintliness has been orchestrated from the start.

I think it's all very tacky but I think Jordan's drive comes from well-hidden insecurities and he's played them, so of the two I'd say he is the truly nasty one
Starfleet Admiral hoochie

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