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I agree he isn't funny. The Harvey joke was low but it seems nothing is untouchable to him.
But why? If something isn't funny, don't book the guy. He can do what he wants on a paid night because people will go to it as fans (more fool them IMO), but don't show it on Ch4 when they will get the backlash (deservedly).
cologne 1
I don't watch him but read about the 'joke'. Very unfunny, and as someone else has said, he has a track record for verbally abusing disabled kids - what a tool he is.

However - and I'm sure this is a contraversial viewpoint - would he and others be making fun of Jordans family/lifestyle/marriage go round if she didn't shamelessly expose every facet of her life to the media? That Kerry whatshername is another one - market yourself by all means but leave your poor kids out of it.

You have a choice - they don't
However - and I'm sure this is a contraversial viewpoint - would he and others be making fun of Jordans family/lifestyle/marriage go round if she didn't shamelessly expose every facet of her life to the media? That Kerry whatshername is another one - market yourself by all means but leave your poor kids out of it.

He could have had acres of material just from Katie and Peter alone and they are fair game, he overstepped the mark by using Harvey to get a laugh. But your right if Katie and Peter and Kerry didn't expose their children to the world we wouldn't have a situation like this.
I think Katie's realising that and that's why Katie announced she is not going to be using her children in her shows or for photo shoots any more. It seems Peter disagrees and will continue to use his children as a prop in his future show.

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