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Hopkins certainly loves the sound of own voice. One of the traits I noticed about her in the house and on the vid is how she uses deflection. She'll talk over the person if they're saying something she doesn't want to hear or agrees with. She also doesn't like anyone trying to have a longer conversation than her, she has to have the last word

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Hopkins certainly loves the sound of own voice. One of the traits I noticed about her in the house and on the vid is how she uses deflection. She'll talk over the person if they're saying something she doesn't want to hear or agrees with. She also doesn't like anyone trying to have a longer conversation than her, she has to have the last word

HUH?  you've just described JSP.

Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Hopkins certainly loves the sound of own voice. One of the traits I noticed about her in the house and on the vid is how she uses deflection. She'll talk over the person if they're saying something she doesn't want to hear or agrees with. She also doesn't like anyone trying to have a longer conversation than her, she has to have the last word

HUH?  you've just described JSP.

So you didn't recognise Hopkins in what I said? They would probably clash in real life because of similarities

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Hopkins certainly loves the sound of own voice. One of the traits I noticed about her in the house and on the vid is how she uses deflection. She'll talk over the person if they're saying something she doesn't want to hear or agrees with. She also doesn't like anyone trying to have a longer conversation than her, she has to have the last word

Spot on YR

Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
I love JSP! Amazing woman!

Amazing at loving the sound of her own voice and not letting others speak.


JSP is opinionated, you'd have thought she'd have respect for another opinionated person.

The difference between the opinions of JSP & KH is, JSP has opinions on valid things, KH only flaps her gums about crap she knows will rile people up, therefore her opinions, in my opinion, are invalid.


She's a media troll. She makes vile comments about real tragedies. I imagine she was gutted when she came out of the house & found she'd missed an opportunity to spout her bile over the Charlie Hebdo tragedy. 

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
I love JSP! Amazing woman!

Amazing at loving the sound of her own voice and not letting others speak.


JSP is opinionated, you'd have thought she'd have respect for another opinionated person.

The difference between the opinions of JSP & KH is, JSP has opinions on valid things, KH only flaps her gums about crap she knows will rile people up, therefore her opinions, in my opinion, are invalid.


She's a media troll. She makes vile comments about real tragedies. I imagine she was gutted when she came out of the house & found she'd missed an opportunity to spout her bile over the Charlie Hebdo tragedy. 

JSP has opinions on everything, and she talks a lot of crap too.


I don't agree with everything Hopkins says but she is no worse than JSP...IMO I think Hopkins is better than JSP.


KH didn't answer any of the questions she was asked. .she spouted her repetitive speech that she has spouted in there and since leaving and that's it. .She has said the same thing so many times it rolls off her tongue.


When asked why she got personal in her support of Jim Davidson by criticising looks not character of another person she never replied.. except to say she was a JD supporter which is apparently makes her personal criticisms ok ..


JSP let her anger get the better of her and could have handled it better.. not that she would ever have got a proper reply anyway ..

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*

I agree, KH didn't answer the Nolan question,because there isn't any answer for it, really.she skated around it, but everyone was so cross about her, none of them, including JSP were thinking clearly enough to make her look silly.

She did answer JSP quite fully regarding KP's boy's travel  funding,once she was allowed to,and it would have been better if JSP hadn't been so rattled.


I think JPS was rattled because I reckon she was going to lead on to the fact that KP had tried all means possible to get a similar school opened to cover her region thereby reducing the costs of getting to the 'nearest' one, which am pretty sure KH wasn't aware of, and had failed to get the cover or support . . she, KP, was campaigning about the lack of facilities in general for all children that do get statemented for special needs and are not getting them or have to travel miles for them..


I am not a KP fan but I do know JPS was a supporter of the attempts she had made to try and get more coverage nationwide for the children who need it.. KH threw a pretty lousy argument into the pot about why KP should pay for it herself, stating she forks out 30k a yr for stabling and horse boxes. KH didn't do the maths, it would cost KP 30k a MONTH to pay for Harvey's needs and why should she when all kids, no matter what wealth there is in the background, are entitled to the same treatment and schooling help..



Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*

Oh I agree with the argument that KP is fully entitled for travel assistance  for her boy, and I know she's campaigned for better provision  of schools for disabled kids.

But KH did answer the question, in the face of JSP almost shouting over her,it would have just been better all round if JSP had kept her head and argued the point, I honestly think that the panel had an idea that could wipe the floor with KH, as they did with Ken.

They made themselves look unprofessional  and ridiculous,which is ,I suppose better than they looked after the Ken hatchet job.

I said at the outset of this BB that I had no time for KH and was quite happy not to bother with it, but as it happens and in spite of myself, regardless of the fact that I find her opinions either ridiculous or convenient,I had to change how I felt about her, but not how I felt and feel about what she says.KH is prepared to put herself up to be shot at, it's how she makes a living,she doesn't whine and fully expects people to stand up to her, as I said before she doesn't go limp when attacked for her opinions.


Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

I was genuinely surprised that in the confrontation with JSP, Katie H came off better.


old jan is a regular & wants to keep her job 


whereas katie gobkins just turns up on any old show spouts a bit of vitriol

and buggers off to the next victim

I expected more from old Jan. I can't believe she let herself be smacked down by KH.

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

I think JPS was rattled because I reckon she was going to lead on to the fact that KP had tried all means possible to get a similar school opened to cover her region thereby reducing the costs of getting to the 'nearest' one, which am pretty sure KH wasn't aware of, and had failed to get the cover or support . . she, KP, was campaigning about the lack of facilities in general for all children that do get statemented for special needs and are not getting them or have to travel miles for them..


I am not a KP fan but I do know JPS was a supporter of the attempts she had made to try and get more coverage nationwide for the children who need it.. KH threw a pretty lousy argument into the pot about why KP should pay for it herself, stating she forks out 30k a yr for stabling and horse boxes. KH didn't do the maths, it would cost KP 30k a MONTH to pay for Harvey's needs and why should she when all kids, no matter what wealth there is in the background, are entitled to the same treatment and schooling help..



Oh, I didn't know all that background. Thanks Olly 

Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

I was genuinely surprised that in the confrontation with JSP, Katie H came off better.


old jan is a regular & wants to keep her job 


whereas katie gobkins just turns up on any old show spouts a bit of vitriol

and buggers off to the next victim

I expected more from old Jan. I can't believe she let herself be smacked down by KH.

if the argument wasnt on tv but in the pub etc...

JSP wouldve ate KH up & spat her out

Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

I was genuinely surprised that in the confrontation with JSP, Katie H came off better.


old jan is a regular & wants to keep her job 


whereas katie gobkins just turns up on any old show spouts a bit of vitriol

and buggers off to the next victim

I expected more from old Jan. I can't believe she let herself be smacked down by KH.

if the argument wasnt on tv but in the pub etc...

JSP wouldve ate KH up & spat her out

How the hell would you know that?


What has location to do with it?


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