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noty.........she admitted she doesn't think about things..........gordon smart really laid into her on bbbm.......and from that moment on she looked exceptionally nervous.......

she did however i think appear to be looking bored etc with the whole thing......but as you say that maybe a cover up.......i do reckon she'll regret ever going on there's done her no favours......
Yes, she appeared disinterested on both BB and BBBM, but she really didn't have anything to say anyway. Typical comment: "Ivana was funny to watch," - that's all she had to say about Ivana. Nothing about her as a person, because she'd barely interacted with her - or most of the other HMs for that matter.

Compare Katia with Heidi: yes, I know there's an age difference, but Heidi spent so much time in bed and yet still seems to have got a lot more out of the experience.

Katia's clearly disappointed at not seizing the opportunity to create her own public identity, but that requires effort, and she simply didn't put enough in.
Eugene's Lair
She mentioned the fact that she's only 21. Well tough frankly. I accept she wasn't the only party involved but if you're a party in the break up of a long standing marriage then you're in the pot so to speak. 

And this never been without a BF since she was 14 crap? Erm.. that tells me she needs the attention. Stephanie regrettably was spot on with her assessment - she's a parasite.
Reference Cold Sweat Today at 00:53:
 Reference: "but she really didn't have anything to say anyway."
 Worked quite well for Sophie Reade, as i recall. LOL
heheh - True, but Sophie wanted to develop her modelling career, so she didn't have to say much.

Katia wanted to show the world that she had a personality of her own, and that requires - er - showing that you have a personality...
Eugene's Lair
Noty.........she admitted she doesn't think about things..........gordon smart really laid into her on bbbm.......and from that moment on she looked exceptionally nervous....... she did however i think appear to be looking bored etc with the whole thing......but as you say that maybe a cover up.......i do reckon she'll regret ever going on there's done her no favours......
Awww, I feel bad for her when you say someone laid into her.  I keep thinking how savvy I was at 21 LOL.  Not bloody very.  But I reckon the arrogance of youth is giving her the "whatever" attitude.  She will live, learn and regret
Stephanie regrettably was spot on with her assessment - she's a parasite.

Except it isn't spot on - how can it be? What does Stephanie know about Katia's past - other than perhaps Ronnie Wood picking her up in a bar when she was 19. Her assessment falls a bit flat when you consider Katia is skint... hardly a successful parasite! lol
Cold Sweat
Reference: yellow rose
Ronnie's ex wife Jo has a lovely personality so why he was attracted to Katia who just giggles is something I don't understand

going out on a limb i reckon......

she was 19.......pretty girl......he's 60 odd......he expressed an interest......she fell for it......he thinks 'result'......

if he was ronnie wood 60 plus bin man she wouldn't have looked twice and he wouldn't of thought he was in with a chance.....

no such thing in celeb world as ugly money......

he had his 'assets' did she...
heheh - True, but Sophie wanted to develop her modelling career, so she didn't have to say much. Katia wanted to show the world that she had a personality of her own, and that requires - er - showing that you have a personality...

Time and luck are both useful if you can gain them. Katia needed to escape nomination this week and perhaps she would have mixed more as the group got smaller. However, chances are she would have been out of her depth in most group situations.
Cold Sweat
Ronnie's ex wife Jo has a lovely personality so why he was attracted to Katia who just giggles is something I don't understand

Am i correct in thinking that Katia was not the first time that Ronnie had strayed? I read a piece about him a while ago and it referred to his drug habit, alcoholism, womanising and bullying.
Cold Sweat
She's probably tired.  But really I don't think it matters what she did or does she was always meant to be a scapegoat figure.  I think Jonas is alot worse, he is so selfish, has such a high opinion of himself and just wanted to get his leg over on national tv.  Jonas really just helped isolated Katia from the rest of the group (except a very few others such as Sov).  That made her more dependant on him for support on the house, which will have suited him no doubt.
Free Thinking
She yawned - yes YAWNED - during Davinas chat afterwards BBbm
She seems totally empty - but may be it was nerves
A perfect example of a BAD CHOICE once again
NOT a celeb
NOT mature enough
NOT really interested in BB
Just interested in how it can benefit HER (sadly she is one of many)

Its not her i get angry with so much - its Ch4 and Endemol chooing these people who then ruin BB

RIP BB you deserved bettter
hi cariad..........ltns!!!!...hope you're well???
I'm good ta ... still alive at any rate even though I almost totalled my car and myself last Thursday morning. Bloody ice!

I agree Ronnie is equally to blame - and I'm sure if he stuck his head above the parapet he'd be lambasted too.  He's older and cannier though and seems to be keeping his head down as far as I can see.

But I don't understand those who say it's mostly his fault. She was single and only 20 etc, etc...
Her assessment falls a bit flat when you consider Katia is skint... hardly a successful parasite! lol
I'm not sure Stephanie was referring to money. I didn't interpret her comments in that light for sure. I think Katia is looking for something but seems to think she can only find it with other people - her remark that she'd not been single for more than a fortnight since she was 14 was telling. She has to learn that until she's comfortable with herself she's not going to find it with anyone else - not least with raddled old rockers old enough to be her grandad.

She's amazingly pretty and that I suspect has not done her any favours at all. All too often beautiful people rely on their looks and forget to develop a personality.

And yes...Ronnie Wood is an Grade A arsehole and it is his fault. BUT it's her's too.

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