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I mean the whole 'what goes around comes around' deal. I'm not talking from a religious point of view I mean are you superstitious and think twice before saying or doing certain things because you worry that it may come back on you even though the logical part of you says it's all nonsense?

As I get older I seem to have become more superstitious and have started to think there is something out there that gives you some kind of payback for doing things you probably should not have done and conversely rewards you for doing 'good' things. Or maybe I'm just off my rocker.

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Not really, know some folk who have been real barstewards and seem to have well and truly got away with it with no negative repercussions, and others who have been lovely, kind, thoughtful people who have been 'rewarded' with an early death, leaving small children without a mother/father
Well that's the other side of it all isn't it? That's what makes most people stop and think hard about religion and the whole 'God' thing too.
I believe we make our lives - we make things happen through our actions.  A simplistic example being that we'll never be lottery winners if we don't buy lottery tickets, people will be good to us if we're good to them .... and I always try to be. 

I do think we're fated though, there have been a couple of incidents in my life where I should have died - I didn't, my only answer is that it wasn't my time.
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
I believe we make our lives - we make things happen through our actions.  A simplistic example being that we'll never be lottery winners if we don't buy lottery tickets, people will be good to us if we're good to them .... and I always try to be.  I do think we're fated though, there have been a couple of incidents in my life where I should have died - I didn't, my only answer is that it wasn't my time.

I think that pretty much sums up my philosophy on life as well Hoochie.

I think if something is wrong and you are unhappy you have to change it....
Not really, know some folk who have been real barstewards and seem to have well and truly got away with it with no negative repercussions, and others who have been lovely, kind, thoughtful people who have been 'rewarded' with an early death, leaving small children without a mother/fathe

yeah...   thats the "only the good die young" thing....       

I tend to think of the karma thing in more of a "you get out of life, what you put into it"..   e.g.  my ex - miserable git who would rip off his mother given half a chance...    treated everyone like crap at some point...   now reaping it as he is a miserable and lonely old man, who moans he has no friends.
Yes i believe in it and seeing him now heading towards 40 and hasn't even got a house or a stick of furniture to call his own, while me and my daughter are happy and doing well, makes me very happy, reap what you sow mate
hahahaha... just read this Aimee... 

you & I are on the same page then..    Karma is ALL about the ex that left us to cope with it all...
IT'S NOT ABOUT possessions and riches - it's about contentment and being able to live with yourself. The most (seemingly) successful people - in monetary terms may never ever be really happy if they've had to shit on people to get where they are. Happiness is often the smaller things in life and peace of mind with a clear conscience.
Soozy Woo
Hoochie, if we are talking about 'our time', I have a funny feeling it might be mine soonish. I am driving in the car being breathless all the time, that's different from last month, I feel I might need an automatic and some oxgygen


The weather does not help chronic lung conditions atm. We have had that awful muggy rainy damp stuff and now this foggy cold...

Get some oxygen if it helps but don't assume the worse yet.
Well that's the other side of it all isn't it? That's what makes most people stop and think hard about religion and the whole 'God' thing too.
Suppose I was trying to stay away from the possibility of the influence of any deity/other lives Prom.....'Cos if there isn't, the idea that people 'reap what they sow ' 'evil comes to evil' etc. actually really ps me off when I think about 'innocents' who suffer the most terrible things
I tend to think of the karma thing in more of a "you get out of life, what you put into it"..   e.g.  my ex - miserable git who would rip off his mother given half a chance...    treated everyone like crap at some point...   now reaping it as he is a miserable and lonely old man, who moans he has no friends.
I suppose, in a way, I'm thinking about it the opposite way around to some others on here, the idea that when dreadful or v good things happen to people that they've somehow done something to deserve I believe that's always the case? Definitely not
the idea that when dreadful or v good things happen to people that they've somehow done something to deserve I believe that's always the case? Definitely not

When you put it like that ...............yeah - there is another side!

generally though - I'm of the opinion of 'What goes around comes around'.

Sometimes .............really horrible things happen to lovely people and there is no satisfactory explanation!
Soozy Woo
Well there's the rub. You can't write off situations like that with 'sh*t happens' and then subscribe to a belief that dictates good deeds are rewarded and bad deeds are given payback.
That's what I'm trying to say Prom' As much as some might want to see, and we can all site examples of people getting apparent 'payback' for evil deeds and others getting 'rewards' for good deeds.... it seems to me that we can't have it 'both ways'

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