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Some of you may be aware of my cashpoint trouble from my previous thread.


Maybe it's Karma, because pre xmas I bought £160 worth of online shopping from asda's.


Well it arrived a day later minus a 6 pack of lemonade from my order, I wan't bothered much however because it did have 2 massive jars of coffeee worth about £10-£12(nescaffe gold blend no less) I hadn't ordered, plus a nice lacoste aftershave worth £26, a washing deodorant kit worth £8, a bramley mint sauce and a bramley apple sauce worth about £3. Also 2 oven part baked baguettes 3 packets of face wipes(which by the way make a nice soothing wiping action on a bumhole) and some green beans all together worth about £5-£6. Oh and some nail polish remover worth about £1 for the other half.


PS, I did telephone to get my lemonade back.

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