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Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I just had my niece on the phone - she said she'd ordered the DVD. I said - oooh my friend in Ireland is going to see it tonight -


she said 'I didn't know you'd got a friend in Ireland'.


When I explained she was a bit 


I do think of most of you as my friends - is that odd?

Funny, now you mention it... me too Soozy


Maybe the smallness of the forum gives it extra intimacy? 




Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:


Is she of of you lot? That's how good a friend I am - Geography was never my strong point

hahaha.. yeah, I'm one of donks' lot!    I know what you mean about the friends thing though - I think of and refer to people here as friends too.  sometimes, if I'm talking to someone who knows my foruming habits I'll refer to them as forumfriends, but that can get you a raised eyebrow sometimes.


I gotcha, didn't I?  Say I did!


Well.... I am totally knackered now.   Talk about a rollercoaster!  Got goosebumps as soon as 'Look down' started and again at 'I dreamed a dream' (that was the first time I started crying... didn't really stop for long after that!)  I thought it was fan-bloomin'-tastic.     


I LOVED Anne Hathaway - she so deserved her award.    There's something very special about a live show, but in some ways I enjoyed this a bit more - it was easier to get really caught up in the emotion of it because you could see the 'acting' up close.     


Loved Hugh and Russell (Soozy - I don't really fancy him, but he did have a certain something when he was in his civvies and trying to infiltrate the rebels - I think it was the jaunty wee cap!)      Gavroche was lovely - I was already in (silent) bits when Eponine bought it - but I might have even let out a sob at the sight of his wee face with the tear running down it - and don't even talk about when Javert pinned the medal on his body!     Little Cossette was good too - and isn't she so pretty?     Loved the Thenardiers - I thought it was inspired casting before I went and I wasn't disappointed.


Can you tell if I liked it yet?       If there was one little thing I could say was less then perfect - I think Alfie Boe just shades Hugh Jackman at Bring Him Home.   Oh and how TINY was Samantha Barks' waist? 


Love to stay and chat.. but I have to go and place a pre-order at Amazon... 

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:



Been dying to know what you thought - I held it altogether until Javert pinned the medal on Gavroche - so glad it wasn't anti climactic for you - you have waited a long time.


I gave up trying to hold it together quite early - but I love a good cry.    Can't wait to get the DVD so I can enjoy a good sobfest in the privacy of my own home.     <==  wish I'd had these on the way out.     

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):

It sounds great Kaffy, glad you enjoyed it 

it was, Rog - and I'm glad I decided to see it for the first time on the big screen in all its uninterrupted glory

I'm definitely going to watch it now Kaffy. Funny it doesn't look good from the pics but so many people say its amazing. I'm a crier though... sounds like it'll be a fest


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