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Anyway it's the kid who was on the last X Factor. Can't sing to save his life and the song was so bad I cringed but he can really dance. No, wait, I mean really. All of the people who think I am a know-nothing nonce will no doubt feel this thread lends credence to their suppositions but he can dance Michael Jackson into a cocked hat, though quite why he would want to do that I don't really know. Michael is not exactly serious competition for him these days anyway. 

Have I gone completely mad or has this kid got a really special talent for dancing with charisma a la 'the old days' i.e. dare I say it Elvis in Jailhouse Rock?

Nah, forgeddaboudit I've gone completely radio rental. I'm just going to have a little lie down.

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Gone from the likes of The Beatles, Oasis, AC/DC, Led Zep all the way to Cheryl Cole, Bieber, Take That, Kings Of Leon etc.

Utter sh*te the music industry these days... and the likes of x factor and american idol are to blame. Artists used to write their own songs, these days it comes on a plate for them. Not to mension people giving kids like Bieber false hope and tricking them into thinking they are actually any good. Being quite young myself I would of killed to live in the 70s... just to see Led Zeppelin around that time.

The mimeing thing and Cowell calling every x factor performance "World Class" just tops it all off aswell.
Gone from the likes of The Beatles, Oasis, AC/DC, Led Zep all the way to Cheryl Cole, Bieber, Take That, Kings Of Leon etc.
You're missing the point. I hate Take That and all other manner of similar boy/girl band drivel and Beiber's singing was dire as was the song they lumped him with but he can dance and has massive charisma. Someone somewhere will see that and use it. I can see him doing a Travolta style movie where it's all about the dancing and he'll be a sensation.

He's right on the money with his moves. Makes Jackson look like the hopelessly staged over-rated non-singing performer that he was. Just my opinion of course.
Bieber was spotted on youtube and is signed to Usher's label (who is a brilliant dancer/ singer/ performer). Agree about the dancing talent of Bieber, Prom. I was stunned when I saw him on Saturday cos I always thought he was just some floppy haired all American sunny kid who struck lucky with not a lot to offer. The voice is on the lower end of dull but the dancing was bloody amazing.

I don't agree with being able to dance off Jackson, though (if you compare them like for like age-wise). It was evident that he has been heavily influenced by Jackson in his routine at the weekend. Love him or loathe him, Jackson did single-handedly change the world of dance for urban/ R&B performers.

While I'm at it I was also completely blown away by Nicole Sherthingy's performance. It made Cheryl Cole's performance look like she was doing Community Service.

Now I've had a mini rant about that annoying little fake haired national princess my arse squeaky trog headed polyp, I can now go back to bed
he only had a few dance moves eg; leg out twisty foot..moonwalk which he robbed and claimed was his.
As far as know, no dance-move has ever been protected by a 'patent'.
So, MJ could hardly be guilty of robbing any dance moves. 
But what I do know is, he was inspired by a number of styles - including that of the late James Brown and, incorporated them in his performances, making it his own 'popular trademark' or 'signature'. And again, as far as I know, he's never claimed to be the creator of any of the dance-moves he popularised - that might be more to do with his fans. 

You're entitled to YOUR 'opinion' - but it might be wise to indicate, that's all it is. 
As far as know, no dance-move has ever been protected by a 'patent'. So, MJ could hardly be guilty of robbing any dance moves. But what I do know is, he was inspired by a number of styles - including that of the late James Brown and, incorporated them in his performances, making it his own 'popular trademark' or 'signature'. And again, as far as I know, he's never claimed to be the creator of any of the dance-moves he popularised - that might be more to do with his fans. You're entitled to YOUR 'opinion' - but it might be wise to indicate, that's all it is.

MJ himself patented the lean forward dance move in smooth criminal and his dance moves were a of pop rocking so its not my opinion its a you see dance moves can be patented....
I do prefer the word like to the word basically which seems over used in England but back on track, I feel so sorry for this lad, he's lost his childhood, he's never been able to walk out without security since becoming famous, he'll never know if a girl loves him for him or what, who he is, he's only 16, I would not want that for my boys....
Brisket, I'm on FF but doesn't seem to be any difference.
Oh dear cologne. In that case I can't help.
Sure you are doing the quote in the right order?
> click reply button
> highlight what you wish to quote
> click the' " ' inverted comma button, 3rd from the right.
After that I've run out of ideas. I'm not good with technology stuff. 
MJ himself patented the lean forward dance move in smooth criminal and his dance moves were a of pop rocking so its not my opinion its a you see dance moves can be patented.
Oh, am supposed to take you at your word, and STFU?  
Let's keep it in context. You stated that,  MJ "robbed" his dance-moves from others and claimed it as his own - I said, as far as I know (NB: neutral stance) there were no patents with dance-moves.

OK, it turns out that MJ patented the shoe/dance-move in 'smooth criminal' - that doesn't prove me wrong. However, your assertion about him robbing dance-moves and claiming those moves to be his own, remains unsubstantiated.

And whether his dancing was "crap" or not - is a matter of 'opinion' not fact.
My girls fancy him. I tolerate the music. He's a wee cutie though. 

Why is it that everyone new that appears on the music scene HAS to be compared to someone else? He probably has idols just like the rest of us and if he tries dance like his then let him be. Everyone has influences in life...whether it be Michael Jackson or your mum

He's popular and as long as mothers like me give into their kids and buy them the CDs he always will be.

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