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Reference Carnelian at 23:12:
On finals night he said something like "This is Glynn and Pete's night" to Aisleyne. I couldn't understand why he would make that point when all of them had been in the house for almost as long.
Being a bit of a conspiracy theorist about the show I had my suspicions that he'd been briefed in the diary room.
I think it had more to do with what he'd been told by Nikki and the others during his stay in the HND.
Richard's comments to Aisleyne had as much to do with her perceived unpopularity as it did to the popularity of the others. Remember that when the voting for HMs to re-enter the house took place, Aisleyne's popularity on the forums had still to be picked-up by the media. This led to the discraceful scenes on BBBM where the prospective returning HMs tried to outdo themselves in their claims of what they intended to do to Ais if they re-entered the house, because they thought it would make them popular.

Richard picked up all this stuff when he was in the HND, and he became convinced that Nikki and Pete were the golden couple, hence he sucked-up to them.
Aisleyne had a pretty bad time during the last few days (largely not shown on HLs) with Nikki and Richard convincing her she was unpopular and would be badly booed when she left. This was part of the reason why she had a panic attack when evicted...
Eugene's Lair

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