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Reference Xochiquetzal Today at 02:04:
Erm. As they say, context is all? I might otherwise think you were being unreasonable!
Further to PeterCat's response:

Grace's comment about "things that have come out" was a reference to the rumour that Susie was a prostitute. Although Grace only alluded to those rumours in the house (probably because BB warned her about it), she repeated the rumours directly several times on the outside. In the end, Susie had to threaten her with legal action before she stopped.

Pete is notable in that clip by his absence. As soon as Grace re-entered the house, he ran off and hid in the bathroom until she'd left! When the HMs discussed the visit afterwards, Pete kept saying in disbelief "Who would shake her hand?" (A reference to Grace's claim that no-one "in the street" had criticized her for the water-throwing incident, but several had instead congratulated her.) 

And of course, when Grace returned to the HND, she boasted about how she'd shown-up Aisleyne in their exchanges: much to the delight of Richard and Nikki...
Eugene's Lair
Grace's comment about "things that have come out" was a reference to the rumour that Susie was a prostitute. Although Grace only alluded to those rumours in the house (probably because BB warned her about it), she repeated the rumours directly several times on the outside. In the end, Susie had to threaten her with legal action before she stopped.
Well even if that were true does not mean that she should not have apologised to Susie. Bad manners is bad manners and the implications here are pretty atrocious.
 It was also the moment when I went right off Glyn. He was firmly up Grace's backside and was reeeally pleased when she popped back in. Then he had a row with Aisleyne about the water-chucking and defended Grace, saying it was OK to do it because Susie was boring.
She was, but so what? Glyn bored me with his 'juuuurrrrney', plus his constant banging on about being head boy and (even though I'm Welsh myself) Welsh nationalism. Wonder how he'd have liked it if people started lobbing stuff at him?
Reference: Demantoid
After weeks of hating her, he went into the house next door and suddenly decided to start licking her backside.
Richard: "Revenge is a dish best served by Grace", or something to that effect.  The man was a slimey smug toad that's for sure.  Still, he got his wake up call on finals night.

He was never happy unless he was toadying.  On finals night he said something like "This is Glynn and Pete's night" to Aisleyne. I couldn't understand why he would make that point when all of them had been in the house for almost as long.

Being a bit of a conspiracy theorist about the show I had my suspicions that he'd been briefed in the diary room.

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