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The fact that he isn't trying to offend anyone does NOT prevent his actions from being offensive.
It's the old "No offence meant" disclaimer.  Maybe not, but plenty taken..!

Having now watched the video of Dave the monk in a wheelchair , I understand the differences
  Knew you would once you'd seen the video, Supes. x
Reference:triggers The fact that he isn't trying to offend anyone does NOT prevent his actions from being offensive. And, that is the bottom line IMHO also A person of pure faith really doesn't need all the bells and whistles (and wheelchairs) to proclaim it.
Indeed this is true, it's possible to be unintentionally offensive, so if it's unintentional then he doesn't deserve some of the horrid nasty words that have been used to describe him.
Reference: Spy
Indeed this is true, it's possible to be unintentionally offensive, so if it's unintentional then he doesn't deserve some of the horrid nasty words that have been used to describe him.
It doesn't take a genius to work out that the wheelchair conning method is offensive. Just because he thinks the ends justify the means, doesn't get him off the hook, IMO.

Last night, he told Sam that he needed wisdom to appropriate things.

Not sure what word he meant to use, but, to me, that summed up his mission in life!
Reference:triggers The fact that he isn't trying to offend anyone does NOT prevent his actions from being offensive. And, that is the bottom line IMHO also A person of pure faith really doesn't need all the bells and whistles (and wheelchairs) to proclaim it. 

Indeed this is true, it's possible to be unintentionally offensive, so if it's unintentional then he doesn't deserve some of the horrid nasty words that have been used to describe him.
Okay if he is being unintentionally offensive then he must be incredibly naive if he thinks that pretending to be disabled is the way forward. Because what he did was wrong and people can try and dress it up as they like but that will never excuse it.
Personally the arrogance, the strutting, the general bullshine that he has been full of since entering the BB house screams "Charlatan" to me,
Indeed this is true, it's possible to be unintentionally offensive, so if it's unintentional then he doesn't deserve some of the horrid nasty words that have been used to describe him.
So are you now saying he's braindead in his defence? That he 'didn't know' impersonating disabled people to give fake blessings would be offensive? How desperate to excuse his despicable actions are you exactly? Are you connected to him in some way?
I'm not trying to defend him or his actions, merely having an alternative opinion and trying to incite some interesting discussion, which I think we have been having in this thread.  There have been no insults bandied about just people giving their views which is what this forum is all about.  I'm personally enjoying the debate.
Reference: squiggle
Blizzie do you think he meant appropriate things (ie to steal or take) or was it a malapropism and he meant to say appreciate?
I think he meant that Sam needed to learn how to behave appropriately towards people, but he could have meant another word entirely!

I just thought it was a funny mistake to make, seeing as that it sort of sums up his mission in life!
I think he meant that Sam needed to learn how to behave appropriately towards people, but he could have meant another word entirely!
Ha ha well I know that Dave is certainly a strange guy but that would have been a bit blatant if he was telling Sam to have wisdom so he could take things.  Thanks for clearing that up.
Oh right, so some bigoted views are more equal than others then?

When did he give a view that was against disabled people? He did a silly/stupid thing in the name of "his" religion but I didn't see anything that told me he was a bigot or in any way "anti" disabled people.
I don't believe that comedians who pretend to be gay and play on effeminate ways are homophobic.
wouldn't compare him to racists and homophobes, he didn't say anything insulting to or about disabled people or attack them.  He IS a very stupid person for doing it but not a vile and nasty one.
Well I would. I would also go further by saying that he is NO Christian . JC preached humility. He did not preach " forsooth go thou into a house and make a spectacle of yourself 24 hours a day in my name".
Neither did he preach " when thoust can, be thou rude and disrespectful to thy fellow housemates in my name."
Neither did he say.... "if thou wife comes into the house make sure you are lewd and disrespectful".

Here endeth the Gospel according to Isadora. 
You're right he didn't but he did also try and teach us about forgiveness and that sometimes people make mistakes.  Perhaps if you asked Dave how he feels about that video now he would be very sorry and possibly ashamed.  I've seen many "ministers" on those channels on the TV behaving in a similarly idiotic manner claiming to heal and deliver evil spirits, they may be wrong but who am I to judge?

I judge Dave as he is as a housemate and I personally quite like him.

Spy, I don't believe for one second that you would find it appropriate for Dave to "put his hands" on Mario and pray to make him straight, or the same to make Jo white.

I don't think you'd find it appropriate if he said he was going to wear make up to look black then advise all his mates to do  it...and laugh his head off about how much attention he got.

I explained last night that he is perpetuating ugly myths, I explained how disabled people don't WANT to get attention and be stared at when they are out in their chairs, Dave sends out the completely wrong message.
You're right he didn't but he did also try and teach us about forgiveness and that sometimes people make mistakes.
So, going on and on and on and on about one of the housemates 'making mistakes' is showing forgiveness?  Dave bitched about the housemates with Ben, but it's all right because he's a "Christian"?

Dave's whole bit about using the wheelchair and then LAUGHING with his followers about the gullibility is NOT what Christ taught - quite the opposite.
You're right he didn't but he did also try and teach us about forgiveness and that sometimes people make mistakes.  Perhaps if you asked Dave how he feels about that video now he would be very sorry and possibly ashamed.  I've seen many "ministers" on those channels on the TV behaving in a similarly idiotic manner claiming to heal and deliver evil spirits, they may be wrong but who am I to judge?
Err Dave is  a so called church leader and as such he is supposed to set an example. I am not just "judging" him on the wheelchair video - I am making a judgement on his whole attitude.
IMO Corin is a far better Xian than he is....and I don't suppose that she would even call herself one.
I am quite sure that the only reason Dave would feel sorry for the video is because it showed him up in a less than favourable light. Other than that .. no.
No I wouldn't find it appropriate for him to do those things, nor DID I find it appropriate for him to go out in a wheelchair, I totally respect your point but I just can't agree with the level of hatred towards him as a bigot.

I totally understand that disabled people don't want to be noticed and I can sympathise/empathise but unfortunately in our society people who are "different" ARE noticed ,whether they are disabled, obese, have acne, dwarfism or any of the many other things that might get you funny looks on the street.  Dave was taking advantage of this for the benefit of "his" church.  Something I don't condone but can understand.

He certainly wasn't doing progress any favours but I don't think he was putting it in reverse either.

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