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for my daughter and they started asking me questions ie my National Insurance number and them she asked me what my favourite passtime was as a child   when i didn't answer at first she said it was a question they asked me when i filled the forms out about 3 yrs ago too use as a password  i said i couldn't remeber what i said, she said they couldn't deal with my claim as they couldn't varify who i was  i've now got too go to the tax office for an interview to prove who i am

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my oh  rang to replace a new card and was asked for memorable information, he then asked me, unfortunately the operator overheard him and had a right dicky fit because only HE should know, she then told him he must come up with something else and not tell me.  we share everything he knows all my pasaswords and i know his (mainly because we would forget)   sometimes i think "security" questions go too far


I rang Tax Credits yesterday aswell and got asked to choose 2 new passwords....where was my first job and the surname of my childhood best friend.  It took me ages to remember both yet I have to remember both of them for when I call back next time.  That along with the usual questions of Name, address, Postcode, NI Number, Bank name and then a date of birth for whichever child they choose that time. 


I rang Tax Credits yesterday aswell and got asked to choose 2 new passwords....where was my first job and the surname of my childhood best friend.  It took me ages to remember both yet I have to remember both of them for when I call back next time.  That along with the usual questions of Name, address, Postcode, NI Number, Bank name and then a date of birth for whichever child they choose that time. 

Originally Posted by Aimee:

for my daughter and they started asking me questions ie my National Insurance number and them she asked me what my favourite passtime was as a child   when i didn't answer at first she said it was a question they asked me when i filled the forms out about 3 yrs ago too use as a password  i said i couldn't remeber what i said, she said they couldn't deal with my claim as they couldn't varify who i was  i've now got too go to the tax office for an interview to prove who i am

  I know it is only for security, but all these passwords get be really confused...... and, like you Aimee, I  often have difficulty remembering what they are!!

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

For security reasons, they tell you not to use the same password and username for everything, so you end up with loads of them.

I can't remember half of my passwords, never mind the security questions.

I am locked out of games, forums even Asda online shopping because I can't remember nothing. I write them down and lose the place i wrote it.


The same thing happened to me Aimee when I claimed tax credits, I had to go to the tax office and fill in forms of my best friends name when growing up and my Father's occupation etc, I had already told them all this years ago when I first claimed working tax credits but they said they called me in because I use a shortened version of my first name and had to be sure it was me, I have always been known as my shortened name..

Originally Posted by longcat:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

For security reasons, they tell you not to use the same password and username for everything, so you end up with loads of them.

I can't remember half of my passwords, never mind the security questions.

I am locked out of games, forums even Asda online shopping because I can't remember nothing. I write them down and lose the place i wrote it.

I do the same.

Originally Posted by Elkie:

The same thing happened to me Aimee when I claimed tax credits, I had to go to the tax office and fill in forms of my best friends name when growing up and my Father's occupation etc, I had already told them all this years ago when I first claimed working tax credits but they said they called me in because I use a shortened version of my first name and had to be sure it was me, I have always been known as my shortened name..

God know's what will happen too me as i can't remeber what i did yesterday never mind what info i gave them years ago, i wouldn't mind but i was only try too give them info on a change of circumstance, i wasn't trying too ask for more money  


Hi Aimee, my sister,s friend , who is in the same situation as you, lost the details she had given the Tax Credit people, so she phoned Child Benefit, gave them the details of her 16 year old going to college etc. it was only a matter of giving her NI number. She then asked if it was possible if they could send the details to the Tax Office, the woman said she would, and did. Problem sorted ! She didnt mention she had forgotten the details, she said she was having a bother getting thru, as the lines were always busy. Worth a try, it depends on who you get on the phone, she was lucky x


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