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I don't mind him, but whilst I believe he does care about her, it's not in the way she (he lets her) think.  To be honest, I'm not sure he's all that highly sexed - his cuddles and kisses all seem very chaste...... and whilst it might just be that he's super camera aware his talk of not havin many relationships and being 30 second guy all kinda make me wonder.


assuming he's straight, that is.

I change my mind about him on a regular basis Dame Ann -  I do think there are just a big game players in there mind you - Mario, Josie and Dave to name three.    I still think there's something very UNsexual about him - I was watching him cuddling her on the bed there... his legs were out in the opposite direction.. he just about had her in headlock - no way do I believe they've properly 'snogged'... when I see them cuddling in bed, I just keep thinking 'He looks like he'd be rubbish in bed!'    Now.. that might just be because he doesn't fancy Josie, I don't know.
Oh I agree with all that Kaffy, to me he comes across as asexual, but I'm no expert. I just can't understand people believing/seeing him as wanting Josie in that way. It annoys me she's getting all the blame, he's giving off mixed signals and will do anything to me that's wrong, so very wrong. In fact I would rather any of the others stayed in before him, he will walk over fire to win it, and that's sad.
,he makes sure that the cameras are on them when they are in an embrace.
\how does he do that then? Does he tip the wink to the cameras? There is some bloody silly talk on here IMO. They are all in there living a life ................nobody can be totally contrived 24/7.

I believe that there is a very real relationship between JJ and Josie ............admittedly Josie has a more romantic notion  but ...................surely it's pretty obvious that they really get on and like each others company isn't it?
Soozy Woo
Hms have said that they know when the cameras are following another HM(S).
They are the ones that have pointed out that they know who the camera's are focusing on .
Does Crab eyes like Josie ,Yes ,as he has said time and time again as a friend /sister.Not in a romantic way.
Its a forum and I am just giving my opinion ,no need to reply if you find it bloody silly (your words ,not mine)cheers.
Does he tip the wink to the cameras? There is some bloody silly talk on here IMO. They are all in there living a life ................nobody can be totally contrived 24/7.

I agree with this Soozy.  
Although I'm not a fan of John James I think he has genuine feelings for her.  I've just watched him walk into the living room and hug her for no apparent reason.
He also had a feel of her bum.  
Some will say he knew the cameras were on him but it was too spontaneous in my opinion.
I agree Tates.    I think its for real...  

I usually hate the romances in the house, when I think of Luke n Bex, Channelle & Ziggy, Maxwell & Saski,  and how seedy they were... 

this is nothing like that.   Thank god.

Luke n Bex & the cringefest that went on there in the bedroom.    Channelle & Ziggy & the dry humping episode.

I think this is a bit "ahhhhh"...  whereas all the ones I just mentioned were definitely yeuw!
I think this is a bit "ahhhhh"... whereas all the ones I just mentioned were definitely yeuw!

I think he genuinely cares about her - I'm just not sure he sees her in a sexual way.  I think he might be kidding himself, but nothing about the way he touches her says he wants to bonk her brains out or even snog the face off her to me.   Not a glimmer of it.   Like I say though - I think they do have a very caring friendship.
I know what you mean Kaffy...    and its one of the things I liked watching about him.. trying to work him out.

That side of things seems to be improving though...   he's more intuitive than your average bloke in some ways.   If I was in the loo having a sob, and MrDitty asked what I was doing (which he probably wouldn't)... if I said "going to the toilet"...  he would have assumed that is what I was doing!

I can't help it..  I sit there watching it at the moment... and I am "ahhhhing" out loud!
and its one of the things I liked watching about him.. trying to work him out.

Yeah, me too - I think I'd like it to be real - not that i'm saying he's faking anything, just that he might not be quite sure what he feels.   I actually wouldn't be surprised to find out he was a virgin tbh - cetainly don't think he's experienced in that department.   I agree he's intuitive though.
I think that anyone who wants to believe in any sort of real relationship between JJ and Josie or anyone else wants to stay well away from any research about the guy.  When I heard that he tapes all telephone conversations (including from his mother ) so he can play them back and prove other people wrong.  Well words fail me.  The guy is going to win the show, he has enough pre-pubescent fans to see to that, but he is fake fake fake.
 I still think there's something very UNsexual about him - I was watching him cuddling her on the bed there... his legs were out in the opposite direction.. he just about had her in headlock - no way do I believe they've properly 'snogged'... when I see them cuddling in bed, I just keep thinking 'He looks like he'd be rubbish in bed!'
I've been thinking the same for ages.
A couple of days ago, Josie tried to give him a kiss on the mouth and he was squirming and wriggling to get away from her.
I thought it was for real, but now I am not so sure. I think he is asexual but of course could be completely wrong and probably am. It may be that he is holding back until they leave the house. According to Josie though, they have been kissing properly for a while under the duvet
When she demonstrated how they kissed she puckered up and went mmmmmmm, you know how you would kiss a child.  Also on LF yesterday he was talking with the new JJ about how they never wash their jeans

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