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I was outside making Xmas wreaths and decided to let the dog come hang around with me, when she went into the garage and started eating rat poison I had forgotten it was in there

I saw it right away, whipped it out of her mouth and had her to the vets within 15 mins! They made her sick, and a small trace of poison came out along with her breakfast.
They fed her a load of charcoal too.

Her blood test has come back ok, and we have to keep an eye on her, and take her back in 48 hours for a second blood test.

She's been quite perky and playful since but please pray that she's gonna be ok, i could have killed her! I feel terrible and mr summer hates me right now too

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Awwwwwww Sweet poor you Thank goodness you were there and realised what had happened - sounds like you did the right thing at the right time. Very scary for you and Bramble though


It just shows you hoe dangerous stuff like this is though - my great niece ate some once - I don't know what the answer is - Rats are just horrible and you wouldn't want them anywhere near you but rat poison is dangerous.


Hope Bramble (and you) recover quickly! 

Soozy Woo

when I first had Milo - he was such a buga he never seemed to sleep.  One afternoon I nodded off on the couch and he pulled my ear rings out of my ears and started chewing them.  I woke up because he was choking on one of them.  We got most of it out but then had to take him to the vets in case it ripped anything on the way through - he had an xray and luckily it was only little bits that came out naturally but it didn't stop me fretting and thinking how bad I'd been   he's still a little terrorist now 


rat poison scares the bejesus out of me...     we had no option but to use it up at the barn (where the chickens I look after live), cos they kept killing & eating the baby chicks.. 


top tip - the groundsman put it down in the middle of lengths of plastic piping (looked like two bits of guttering sandwiched together)...    so that only something rat sized & inclined to go into pipey areas ate it.


Glad she's ok Summer...      & welcome to parenthood -  honest...   I doubt there is a parent out there (of human or furry kids) that hasn't had a near miss that they blamed themselves for...      you were on the ball & acted swiftly after it happened...    stop beating yourself up about it!


Thank you so much everyone I've calmed down now, I think I was in shock earlier I'm still gutted it happened but I'm pleased I reacted how I did because she seems alright. She's wanted to play all evening and her expression says "what's the big deal? " Great advice about the plastic piping, that's a great idea! The rat vanished 18 months ago and we've never had one back since, I think that's how come I forgot about the poison. I'll never ever let it happen again though! Saint, you are raj lol thanks for making me giggle as I read this thread
~Sparkling Summer~

pets get into all sorts of scrapes,Hugo the Bengal was playing with a pink piece of tissue paper,he was ripping it up then I  noticed about 6 white tablets lying among it.My daft nieces partner had his DHC painkillers loose in it.Cue me thinking  did he eat one or not?Phoned the vet and told them the name of the drug ,they said bring him in right away they are Opiate based and could be very serious.He was kept in for observation and given charcoal,he was not a happy cat.luckily he was fine,it was mainly a precaution as anyone who has cats will know they won't take tablets willingly.Cost my niece ÂĢ130 fees,and her partner got a right bollicking.

I couldn't assume he hadn't touched them as it was in the other room when i found him,that was a couple of weeks ago.


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