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I really don't understand why Pete Burns is like he is. Could he not let Aaron have his moment of glory. Whether you like Aaron or not, I felt a little bit for him last night. Not only was he clearly surprised about his win, he seemed to get stick or non complimentary comments from a number of quarters.


I don't like Pete Burns one bit. I find it difficult to see him on TV as he has made a complete mess of himself. What possessed him to do those things to his face.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


I really don't understand why Pete Burns is like he is. Could he not let Aaron have his moment of glory. Whether you like Aaron or not, I felt a little bit for him last night. Not only was he clearly surprised about his win, he seemed to get stick or non complimentary comments from a number of quarters.


I don't like Pete Burns one bit. I find it difficult to see him on TV as he has made a complete mess of himself. What possessed him to do those things to his face.

he is just a nasty piece of work - there was no hesitation and no sign of anything on his face while asking - set in stone - the question was awful but if he had showed a little feeling it might have come across better than it did 


I think it would be odd too if that cretin Pete Burns went on BB again because he has been on once, but I guess there is no law against him going on.  


However, I bloody hope not, because I find him one of the most disgusting and vile human beings on the face of the planet.  He is a HORRIBLE person!  and he looks like a complete freak with what he has done to himself.  He seems incapable of being on telly for more than a MINUTE without slating someone and being plain f**king VILE, and he has actually crossed the line from being a 'bitch' to actually being a total c**t.  


On BBBOTS last night, he was horrible to Aaron and so was that ugly hairy pig Carole.  And there was no reason for it at all....  Does he think he is clever?  Does he think he is funny?  Smart?  Cute?  Well he is NONE of the above.... !!!   I have no IDEA what has happened to him in his life to make him such a nasty bastard.  He is like that ugly pig off the ice dancing programme...  jason - the bald one who had plugs...  nasty for the sake of being nasty!  


There is nothing funny or whimsical or endearing about Pete Burns and what he says - what he said to Aaron was plain f**king nasty, and even Emma looked like she felt bad for him.  Why do we have to have that twat Burns on our telly anyway?  He is a shitty one hit wonder from the mid 80s and has done F**k-all else to deserve his 'fame....'  I wish the twat would fall off the face of the earth, I really do.


Poor Aaron may not have been everyone's cup of tea: I actually got annoyed by him half the time, and I think he is a bit of a whingey fusspot, but he is not a bad person, and he did not deserve the boos from that horrid chavvy audience ONE BIT, nor did he deserve the vitriol from the Z list pigs who were with that stupid ginger bird.


p.s.  I can't stand that harries twat either!  I wish she would f**k off as well!  Also tries to be 'funny' by being rude and vitriolic.  F**k off stupid bint!

Originally Posted by Cupcake:

I think it would be odd too if that cretin Pete Burns went on BB again because he has been on once, but I guess there is no law against him going on.  


However, I bloody hope not, because I find him one of the most disgusting and vile human beings on the face of the planet.  He is a HORRIBLE person!  and he looks like a complete freak with what he has done to himself.  He seems incapable of being on telly for more than a MINUTE without slating someone and being plain f**king VILE, and he has actually crossed the line from being a 'bitch' to actually being a total c**t.  


On BBBOTS last night, he was horrible to Aaron and so was that ugly hairy pig Carole.  And there was no reason for it at all....  Does he think he is clever?  Does he think he is funny?  Smart?  Cute?  Well he is NONE of the above.... !!!   I have no IDEA what has happened to him in his life to make him such a nasty bastard.  He is like that ugly pig off the ice dancing programme...  jason - the bald one who had plugs...  nasty for the sake of being nasty!  


There is nothing funny or whimsical or endearing about Pete Burns and what he says - what he said to Aaron was plain f**king nasty, and even Emma looked like she felt bad for him.  Why do we have to have that twat Burns on our telly anyway?  He is a shitty one hit wonder from the mid 80s and has done F**k-all else to deserve his 'fame....'  I wish the twat would fall off the face of the earth, I really do.


Poor Aaron may not have been everyone's cup of tea: I actually got annoyed by him half the time, and I think he is a bit of a whingey fusspot, but he is not a bad person, and he did not deserve the boos from that horrid chavvy audience ONE BIT, nor did he deserve the vitriol from the Z list pigs who were with that stupid ginger bird.


p.s.  I can't stand that harries twat either!  I wish she would f**k off as well!  Also tries to be 'funny' by being rude and vitriolic.  F**k off stupid bint!

Originally Posted by Aimee:

I've found the get Lauren into the house page on FB, i think i have found my new place to spam 

Has she really got a fanbase trying to get her INTO the house? Why on earth would people do that when it will cost them a fortune to get her removed again? She is totally unhinged, the psychologists cant allow it surely?

Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

I've found the get Lauren into the house page on FB, i think i have found my new place to spam 

Has she really got a fanbase trying to get her INTO the house? Why on earth would people do that when it will cost them a fortune to get her removed again? She is totally unhinged, the psychologists cant allow it surely?

Yes and they are all Aaron haters  their all as barmy as she is  I've joined the keep Lauren out group, i think it's run by the Aaron fan club 


Didn't watch BB or the prog you're talking about but if there is a hate hour going on for the loathesome Burns creature then I'm in.

I couldn't give a monkeys how freaksome he looks on the outside, it can never compare to how warped and damaged he is on the inside.

Sad, sick unhappy man who seems to only find validation is being as vile as possible to anyone he feels he can dominate.

He is a bully and a coward and, quite frankly, the best punishment for him would be if the entire world ignored him

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

Didn't watch BB or the prog you're talking about but if there is a hate hour going on for the loathesome Burns creature then I'm in.

I couldn't give a monkeys how freaksome he looks on the outside, it can never compare to how warped and damaged he is on the inside.

Sad, sick unhappy man who seems to only find validation is being as vile as possible to anyone he feels he can dominate.

He is a bully and a coward and, quite frankly, the best punishment for him would be if the entire world ignored him

I hear you sista 

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

Didn't watch BB or the prog you're talking about but if there is a hate hour going on for the loathesome Burns creature then I'm in.

I couldn't give a monkeys how freaksome he looks on the outside, it can never compare to how warped and damaged he is on the inside.

Sad, sick unhappy man who seems to only find validation is being as vile as possible to anyone he feels he can dominate.

He is a bully and a coward and, quite frankly, the best punishment for him would be if the entire world ignored him

Blimmin' marvellous!

Originally Posted by Aimee:

According to Jay's mum he has a criminal record and that is why he was kicked off KP's show but it wasn't him he took the flak for his girlfriend of the time 

I guessed as Much,and I'll bet it was him,he's  a thug.The way he described what he would like to do to Aaron in the "real" world confirms this.

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

According to Jay's mum he has a criminal record and that is why he was kicked off KP's show but it wasn't him he took the flak for his girlfriend of the time 

I guessed as Much,and I'll bet it was him,he's  a thug.The way he described what he would like to do to Aaron in the "real" world confirms this.

I bet it was him as well  but he will have us believe he's a big bloke will a soft heart 


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