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Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Originally posted by luxor:


I think the main reason is that people dismissed the Nazis the first time around. They said that there was no way that such a bunch could ever achieve power.
Hopefully the same thing applies to the BNP-lite UKIP, but we must remain vigilant.

There is nothing remotely racist about wanting the UK out of the EU. To suggest that by voting UKIP you are in some way a 'Lite BNP' supporter is unjust.
I live North of Aberdeen where anyone not pasty white has either just returned from holiday or is lost, I would be happy to see more people up here no matter what their colour.
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
do the BNP supporters honestly believe that Hitler wouldve gained power in Germany in the 1930s if he hadve stated his intentions from the start?

As far as I know, he and his side-kicks were popular because he was voicing what a lot of people seemed to think: that Jews and communists were responsible for their ills and the ills of their country after WWI. Rather like Muslims and/or other immigrants now, it seems to me. Scapegoating, in other words.
So much for the EU being corrupt. Ashley Mote, sometime UKIP MEP, but too nasty and dodgy even for them (hence his decision to sit in the EP with the Independence, Traditions and Sovereignty Group with people like the French Front National) has been jailed for 9 months for benefit fraud. News from the BBC about it here.

Never one to be a hypocrit, Mote has been banging on for years about how the EU is vile and corrupt and even tried to lobby the House of Lords about it. How he is supposed to represent his constituents from behind bars is anyone’s guess, but judging by how ineffective he (and indeed his former cronies in UKIP) has been in the European Parliament I don’t suppose anyone will notice the difference. Let’s hope the people of the South East have the good sense to not re-elect him in 2009.
Garage Joe
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
the TRUE face of the BNP

FROM THE ARSES sorry, horses mouth,

they are an Fing joke, we ALL come from Africa if ya watched that BBC 1 prog the other night unless you ARE African, it seems that ALL of us come from ONE tribe of no more than a couple of hundred people, who left Africa a couple of hundred thousand years ago, we are ALL distant relations of each other, oh and a good part of THIS country is STILL owned by the offspring of FRENCH knights since 1066,
racial purity my arse, we should have a cull of people with a low IQ that would destroy their fan base at a stroke, Shake Head

Yep its called the Out of Africa model Thumbs Up and can be proven by evolutionary studies into mitochondria
Originally posted by Poolshark:
As far as I can recollect from doing my Government and Politics course at school, should the BNP ever get in power, in order for you to stay in this country you have to be pure English 7 generations back minimum, you also have to be straight, white, not sure about religious stands. As of yet I have met hardly anyone who is of total pure English White background 7 generations, so there will be very few people left to hold the fort, I should imagine the economy will collapse within a week as embargos will be held against us.
How ridiculous. How many people in this country go back 7 generations in this country alone? Pathetic idiots they are. Shake Head
They're bloody idiots, 1-2 generations back and all of my forebears are from beautiful southern Ireland. Will they send me back there? Will they pay?

What people don't seem to realise is that they are not only 'against' ethinic minorites or immigration, they have a diseased view of women too.

Famously they had a member, Nick Eriksen (does that name sound a bit German?) who said, and I quote: " Rape is simply sex. Women enjoy sex, so rape cannot be such a terrible physical ordeal. To suggest that rape, when conducted without violence, is a serious crime is like suggesting that forcefeeding a woman chocolate cake is a heinous offence. A woman would be more inconvenienced by having her handbag snatched."

He is no longer a front-line member of the party as he said too much, out loud, but believe you me, he won't be the only member with similar views.

They make me shudder!
Ms Golightly
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
I'd rather stick red-hot needles in my eyes, and listen to Westlife for the rest of my life, and sit there trying to plait fog for a living, than vote for these people. Laugh

Still I guess they must have *some* fans... no-one that I know votes for them though - at least no-one will admit to it!!! I wonder WHY supporters of the BNP never seem to admit to it, and why they were soooooo upset, when that list of 12,000 members was leaked...

They have their beliefs and opinions, and are entitled to them of course, but WHY are they afraid of people knowing who they are and who they support, if their views and opiniosn are so valid and so good and so important? BTW, I would bet an awful lot of money (if I had it,) that they will NEVER get in power. Smiler

REALLY must go now.... bye all... Wave

the reasin they don't want ppl knowing is that they will be crucfied for it - as was seen when the list was leaked a number of people lost their jobs!!
Originally posted by electric6:
Ms Golightly their views on disabled people are also repugnant.

One of them advocates smothering disabled babies at birth!

They are simply neanderthal - unintelligent and incapable of reason. I believe we have nothing to realistically fear from them politically, but as OHG said on the other thread, the reaction they cause in Sun readers and their ilk, is quite unnerving.

And It just makes me even angrier with the current pigs at the trough in Westminster (my avatar seems particularly apt!), who have given the BNP a great big bonus by being less than scrupulous themselves! Mad
Ms Golightly
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Originally posted by fabienne:
I wish I'd seen who it was that put one of their leaflets through our letter box the other day. Glance I was shocked that someone from that lot could be operating in our neighbourhood.

My friend's dad is a postman and he actually binned all the leaflets he was given.

Good for him. Thumbs Up Come to think of it, it did seem to arrive at the same time as the post.
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Originally posted by fabienne:
I wish I'd seen who it was that put one of their leaflets through our letter box the other day. Glance I was shocked that someone from that lot could be operating in our neighbourhood.

My friend's dad is a postman and he actually binned all the leaflets he was given.

I'm pretty sure that is illegal - furthermore who gives him the right to do that ppl should have the opportunity to make up their own mind - I hate the attitude that some ppl have in thinking they have the right to behave in such a way!!!
Originally posted by fabienne:
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Originally posted by fabienne:
I wish I'd seen who it was that put one of their leaflets through our letter box the other day. Glance I was shocked that someone from that lot could be operating in our neighbourhood.

My friend's dad is a postman and he actually binned all the leaflets he was given.

Good for him. Thumbs Up Come to think of it, it did seem to arrive at the same time as the post.

We have had a few off the postman for different parties!!
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Originally posted by fabienne:
I wish I'd seen who it was that put one of their leaflets through our letter box the other day. Glance I was shocked that someone from that lot could be operating in our neighbourhood.

My friend's dad is a postman and he actually binned all the leaflets he was given.

I was reading that postal workers have been given the freedom to do that mary bee - and rightly so.

I've never had the desire to read anything about the BNP other than this thread and reading this, I am absolutely horrifed at their beliefs.

Especially their views on babies with disablities Shake Head
Originally posted by Pretty_P:
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Originally posted by fabienne:
I wish I'd seen who it was that put one of their leaflets through our letter box the other day. Glance I was shocked that someone from that lot could be operating in our neighbourhood.

My friend's dad is a postman and he actually binned all the leaflets he was given.

I'm pretty sure that is illegal - furthermore who gives him the right to do that ppl should have the opportunity to make up their own mind - I hate the attitude that some ppl have in thinking they have the right to behave in such a way!!!

It probably is illegal, you're right and nothing gives him the right to 'make up people's minds' but I couldn't care less when it comes to this lot and he felt the same way. He said that he felt guilty for a while, but then when you look at what this party 'offers', I'd say it's worth it.

I would sooner die than vote for them when I finally get the chance to vote.
Originally posted by Miss_S:
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Originally posted by fabienne:
I wish I'd seen who it was that put one of their leaflets through our letter box the other day. Glance I was shocked that someone from that lot could be operating in our neighbourhood.

My friend's dad is a postman and he actually binned all the leaflets he was given.

I was reading that postal workers have been given the freedom to do that mary bee - and rightly so.

I've never had the desire to read anything about the BNP other than this thread and reading this, I am absolutely horrifed at their beliefs.

Especially their views on babies with disablities Shake Head

That is so wrong - should not be allowed!!
Originally posted by Ms Golightly:
They're bloody idiots, 1-2 generations back and all of my forebears are from beautiful southern Ireland. Will they send me back there? Will they pay?

May I suggest that everyone reads "Foley the man who saved 10000 Jews."
In short you will have to pay to get back to Ireland, or hope that someone else does.
Garage Joe
Originally posted by Pretty_P:
Originally posted by Miss_S:
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Originally posted by fabienne:
I wish I'd seen who it was that put one of their leaflets through our letter box the other day. Glance I was shocked that someone from that lot could be operating in our neighbourhood.

My friend's dad is a postman and he actually binned all the leaflets he was given.

I was reading that postal workers have been given the freedom to do that mary bee - and rightly so.

I've never had the desire to read anything about the BNP other than this thread and reading this, I am absolutely horrifed at their beliefs.

Especially their views on babies with disablities Shake Head

That is so wrong - should not be allowed!!

I think we're going to have to agree to disagree here.

I think any measures to stop people voting for the BNP or for their lies to be spread further are more than welcome. I genuinely don't care how 'unfair' that is.
Originally posted by Poolshark:
As far as I can recollect from doing my Government and Politics course at school, should the BNP ever get in power, in order for you to stay in this country you have to be pure English 7 generations back minimum, you also have to be straight, white, not sure about religious stands. As of yet I have met hardly anyone who is of total pure English White background 7 generations, so there will be very few people left to hold the fort, I should imagine the economy will collapse within a week as embargos will be held against us.

well i'm screwed on just about every criteria yet i'm still going to vote for them in the eu elections, of course i wouldnt in any meaningful elections but frankly the more votes they get in the eu elections the better as it will send a very clear message to the mainstream politicians that we are sick of them pushing us further and further into a hitleresque european superstate and its time for them to do someting for us instead of themselves.

if the anti eu bnp or even ukip can do well in these eu elections the main parties have around a year to come up with suitable proposals to start getting us away from the eu superstate and judging by the anti bnp panic on these forums if those people thought the only way to keep the bnp at bay was to only vote for anti-eu politicians i'm sure many would do it.

am i proud to be supporting the bnp in europe, no, would i support the bnp at home, no, but i want to give this government and the other leftovers from a bygone age a bloody nose that they will remember come the next general election and only a bnp euro vote can do that.
Originally posted by mary_bee:

I think we're going to have to agree to disagree here.

I think any measures to stop people voting for the BNP or for their lies to be spread further are more than welcome. I genuinely don't care how 'unfair' that is.

of course its wrong both legaly and moraly but in truth its another big votewinner for the bnp too, if the post office refuse to deliver their leaflets they will simply deliver their own and take pleasure in pointing out that they are having to do it because of the post office workers, it certainly gives them more publicity and sympathy after all, if the left dont what you to read what they have to say then they must be worried about something.
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Originally posted by Pretty_P:
Originally posted by Miss_S:
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Originally posted by fabienne:
I wish I'd seen who it was that put one of their leaflets through our letter box the other day. Glance I was shocked that someone from that lot could be operating in our neighbourhood.

My friend's dad is a postman and he actually binned all the leaflets he was given.

I was reading that postal workers have been given the freedom to do that mary bee - and rightly so.

I've never had the desire to read anything about the BNP other than this thread and reading this, I am absolutely horrifed at their beliefs.

Especially their views on babies with disablities Shake Head

That is so wrong - should not be allowed!!

I think we're going to have to agree to disagree here.

I think any measures to stop people voting for the BNP or for their lies to be spread further are more than welcome. I genuinely don't care how 'unfair' that is.

I cannot believe that attitude - some ppl may disagree with labour or conservative policies but that does not give them the right to refuse to post their mailing if it is part of their job - the point is the BNP are a legal political party and the postman who binned all their leaflets rather than deliver them should be sacked!!!!!!!
Originally posted by Pretty_P:
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Originally posted by Pretty_P:
Originally posted by Miss_S:
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Originally posted by fabienne:
I wish I'd seen who it was that put one of their leaflets through our letter box the other day. Glance I was shocked that someone from that lot could be operating in our neighbourhood.

My friend's dad is a postman and he actually binned all the leaflets he was given.

I was reading that postal workers have been given the freedom to do that mary bee - and rightly so.

I've never had the desire to read anything about the BNP other than this thread and reading this, I am absolutely horrifed at their beliefs.

Especially their views on babies with disablities Shake Head

That is so wrong - should not be allowed!!

I think we're going to have to agree to disagree here.

I think any measures to stop people voting for the BNP or for their lies to be spread further are more than welcome. I genuinely don't care how 'unfair' that is.

I cannot believe that attitude - some ppl may disagree with labour or conservative policies but that does not give them the right to refuse to post their mailing if it is part of their job - the point is the BNP are a legal political party and the postman who binned all their leaflets rather than deliver them should be sacked!!!!!!!

I'm fully aware that they're a legal political party thankyou, but I think that he was well within his rights to do it. In the area I live in, a lot of people will be heavily influenced by these leaflets and every lie that they tell and I think it's a dangerous thing to let happen. It would be exactly the same if say, the Labour party had the same extremist ideas and views and their coming into power could have the same disasterous effects, I would still condone it then.
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Originally posted by Pretty_P:
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Originally posted by Pretty_P:
Originally posted by Miss_S:
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Originally posted by fabienne:
I wish I'd seen who it was that put one of their leaflets through our letter box the other day. Glance I was shocked that someone from that lot could be operating in our neighbourhood.

My friend's dad is a postman and he actually binned all the leaflets he was given.

I was reading that postal workers have been given the freedom to do that mary bee - and rightly so.

I've never had the desire to read anything about the BNP other than this thread and reading this, I am absolutely horrifed at their beliefs.

Especially their views on babies with disablities Shake Head

That is so wrong - should not be allowed!!

I think we're going to have to agree to disagree here.

I think any measures to stop people voting for the BNP or for their lies to be spread further are more than welcome. I genuinely don't care how 'unfair' that is.

I cannot believe that attitude - some ppl may disagree with labour or conservative policies but that does not give them the right to refuse to post their mailing if it is part of their job - the point is the BNP are a legal political party and the postman who binned all their leaflets rather than deliver them should be sacked!!!!!!!

I'm fully aware that they're a legal political party thankyou, but I think that he was well within his rights to do it. In the area I live in, a lot of people will be heavily influenced by these leaflets and every lie that they tell and I think it's a dangerous thing to let happen. It would be exactly the same if say, the Labour party had the same extremist ideas and views and their coming into power could have the same disasterous effects, I would still condone it then.

I'm sorry but you seem to be missing the point here - i really can't make it any clearer so I suppose i will just have to bow out gracefully!!
Originally posted by Pretty_P:
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Originally posted by Pretty_P:
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Originally posted by Pretty_P:
Originally posted by Miss_S:
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Originally posted by fabienne:
I wish I'd seen who it was that put one of their leaflets through our letter box the other day. Glance I was shocked that someone from that lot could be operating in our neighbourhood.

My friend's dad is a postman and he actually binned all the leaflets he was given.

I was reading that postal workers have been given the freedom to do that mary bee - and rightly so.

I've never had the desire to read anything about the BNP other than this thread and reading this, I am absolutely horrifed at their beliefs.

Especially their views on babies with disablities Shake Head

That is so wrong - should not be allowed!!

I think we're going to have to agree to disagree here.

I think any measures to stop people voting for the BNP or for their lies to be spread further are more than welcome. I genuinely don't care how 'unfair' that is.

I cannot believe that attitude - some ppl may disagree with labour or conservative policies but that does not give them the right to refuse to post their mailing if it is part of their job - the point is the BNP are a legal political party and the postman who binned all their leaflets rather than deliver them should be sacked!!!!!!!

I'm fully aware that they're a legal political party thankyou, but I think that he was well within his rights to do it. In the area I live in, a lot of people will be heavily influenced by these leaflets and every lie that they tell and I think it's a dangerous thing to let happen. It would be exactly the same if say, the Labour party had the same extremist ideas and views and their coming into power could have the same disasterous effects, I would still condone it then.

I'm sorry but you seem to be missing the point here - i really can't make it any clearer so I suppose i will just have to bow out gracefully!!

No I really do understand your point, I just don't agree with it.
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
the BNP should NOT be silenced, in fact I am in favour of giving them all the air time they want, we need more progs like "BNP wives"
they dont need any help from me in letting people see them for the knuckle dragging cretins they are they do a great job of it themselves,
"give em enough rope" etc Big Grin

you're right ppl need to see their policies etc to truly understand what they are about - some postman binning their leaflets is just playing into their hands - joke is on him when you think about it in that way!!
Originally posted by Pretty_P:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
the BNP should NOT be silenced, in fact I am in favour of giving them all the air time they want, we need more progs like "BNP wives"
they dont need any help from me in letting people see them for the knuckle dragging cretins they are they do a great job of it themselves,
"give em enough rope" etc Big Grin

you're right ppl need to see their policies etc to truly understand what they are about - some postman binning their leaflets is just playing into their hands - joke is on him when you think about it in that way!!

It wasn't done as a joke more him completely disagreeing with everything that they stand for and he would rather not promote what they have to say.
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Originally posted by Pretty_P:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
the BNP should NOT be silenced, in fact I am in favour of giving them all the air time they want, we need more progs like "BNP wives"
they dont need any help from me in letting people see them for the knuckle dragging cretins they are they do a great job of it themselves,
"give em enough rope" etc Big Grin

you're right ppl need to see their policies etc to truly understand what they are about - some postman binning their leaflets is just playing into their hands - joke is on him when you think about it in that way!!

It wasn't done as a joke more him completely disagreeing with everything that they stand for and he would rather not promote what they have to say.

I never said it was done as a joke i said his actions made him look like an absolute joke!!!
Originally posted by Pretty_P:
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Originally posted by Pretty_P:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
the BNP should NOT be silenced, in fact I am in favour of giving them all the air time they want, we need more progs like "BNP wives"
they dont need any help from me in letting people see them for the knuckle dragging cretins they are they do a great job of it themselves,
"give em enough rope" etc Big Grin

you're right ppl need to see their policies etc to truly understand what they are about - some postman binning their leaflets is just playing into their hands - joke is on him when you think about it in that way!!

It wasn't done as a joke more him completely disagreeing with everything that they stand for and he would rather not promote what they have to say.

I never said it was done as a joke i said his actions made him look like an absolute joke!!!

Personally I don't think they do, but whatever.

Like I said, we're going to have to agree to disagree here.
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Originally posted by Pretty_P:
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Originally posted by Pretty_P:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
the BNP should NOT be silenced, in fact I am in favour of giving them all the air time they want, we need more progs like "BNP wives"
they dont need any help from me in letting people see them for the knuckle dragging cretins they are they do a great job of it themselves,
"give em enough rope" etc Big Grin

you're right ppl need to see their policies etc to truly understand what they are about - some postman binning their leaflets is just playing into their hands - joke is on him when you think about it in that way!!

It wasn't done as a joke more him completely disagreeing with everything that they stand for and he would rather not promote what they have to say.

I never said it was done as a joke i said his actions made him look like an absolute joke!!!

Personally I don't think they do, but whatever.

Like I said, we're going to have to agree to disagree here.

Roll Eyes
Originally posted by Pretty_P:
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Originally posted by Pretty_P:
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Originally posted by Pretty_P:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
the BNP should NOT be silenced, in fact I am in favour of giving them all the air time they want, we need more progs like "BNP wives"
they dont need any help from me in letting people see them for the knuckle dragging cretins they are they do a great job of it themselves,
"give em enough rope" etc Big Grin

you're right ppl need to see their policies etc to truly understand what they are about - some postman binning their leaflets is just playing into their hands - joke is on him when you think about it in that way!!

It wasn't done as a joke more him completely disagreeing with everything that they stand for and he would rather not promote what they have to say.

I never said it was done as a joke i said his actions made him look like an absolute joke!!!

Personally I don't think they do, but whatever.

Like I said, we're going to have to agree to disagree here.

Roll Eyes

Originally posted by mary_bee:
Originally posted by Pretty_P:
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Originally posted by Pretty_P:
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Originally posted by Pretty_P:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
the BNP should NOT be silenced, in fact I am in favour of giving them all the air time they want, we need more progs like "BNP wives"
they dont need any help from me in letting people see them for the knuckle dragging cretins they are they do a great job of it themselves,
"give em enough rope" etc Big Grin

you're right ppl need to see their policies etc to truly understand what they are about - some postman binning their leaflets is just playing into their hands - joke is on him when you think about it in that way!!

It wasn't done as a joke more him completely disagreeing with everything that they stand for and he would rather not promote what they have to say.

I never said it was done as a joke i said his actions made him look like an absolute joke!!!

Personally I don't think they do, but whatever.

Like I said, we're going to have to agree to disagree here.

Roll Eyes


well you keep saying agree to disagree but then come back at me with something else - i don't get it!!!

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