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As far as I can recollect from doing my Government and Politics course at school, should the BNP ever get in power, in order for you to stay in this country you have to be pure English 7 generations back minimum, you also have to be straight, white, not sure about religious stands. As of yet I have met hardly anyone who is of total pure English White background 7 generations, so there will be very few people left to hold the fort, I should imagine the economy will collapse within a week as embargos will be held against us.

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I'd rather stick red-hot needles in my eyes, and listen to Westlife for the rest of my life, and sit there trying to plait fog for a living, than vote for these people. Laugh

Still I guess they must have *some* fans... no-one that I know votes for them though - at least no-one will admit to it!!! I wonder WHY supporters of the BNP never seem to admit to it, and why they were soooooo upset, when that list of 12,000 members was leaked...

They have their beliefs and opinions, and are entitled to them of course, but WHY are they afraid of people knowing who they are and who they support, if their views and opiniosn are so valid and so good and so important? BTW, I would bet an awful lot of money (if I had it,) that they will NEVER get in power. Smiler

REALLY must go now.... bye all... Wave
the TRUE face of the BNP

FROM THE ARSES sorry, horses mouth,

they are an Fing joke, we ALL come from Africa if ya watched that BBC 1 prog the other night unless you ARE African, it seems that ALL of us come from ONE tribe of no more than a couple of hundred people, who left Africa a couple of hundred thousand years ago, we are ALL distant relations of each other, oh and a good part of THIS country is STILL owned by the offspring of FRENCH knights since 1066,
racial purity my arse, we should have a cull of people with a low IQ that would destroy their fan base at a stroke, Shake Head
old hippy guy
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
I'd rather stick red-hot needles in my eyes, and listen to Westlife for the rest of my life, and sit there trying to plait fog for a living, than vote for these people. Laugh

Still I guess they must have *some* fans... no-one that I know votes for them though - at least no-one will admit to it!!! I wonder WHY supporters of the BNP never seem to admit to it, and why they were soooooo upset, when that list of 12,000 members was leaked...

They have their beliefs and opinions, and are entitled to them of course, but WHY are they afraid of people knowing who they are and who they support, if their views and opiniosn are so valid and so good and so important? BTW, I would bet an awful lot of money (if I had it,) that they will NEVER get in power. Smiler

REALLY must go now.... bye all... Wave
so so true! if they so 'proud' they should just come out and admit it. they hidin for a reason...
Originally posted by Bigdaddyostrich:
Originally posted by Scrumtum:
so so true! if they so 'proud' they should just come out and admit it. they hidin for a reason...

I'd wager a hefty tithe of my income that they're embarrassed about being bigoted wankers

oh no theyre NOT racists, they just want to put British people FIRST, see, they intend to give people preferential treatment based only on their RACE,..... but thats NOT being racist... knobheads, I am non violent me, but in their case I will gladly make an exception, Mad
old hippy guy
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
we should have a cull of people with a low IQ that would destroy their fan base at a stroke, Shake Head

Yep, you can only join their party if your IQ is lower than your jackboot size.
And what's with the Spitfires etc? These are the numbnuts that walk aroung with swastikas chanting zeig heil (sp) Confused
Surely a Messerschmidt is more their style
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Alas! The hip intellectual sort who post on here are not the target market, and one suspects that we will be the first ones in the ovens.

oh I have posted on a few anti BNP groups on facebook AND a few PRO groups as well, and I have been told that ALL of us who oppose them are on a "list" so it looks like they will need BIG ovens, Wink
old hippy guy
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Nobody is pure white everybody is a mix of something... Alot of taxpayers money would be spent on determining who should leave or remain in this country...

This country will be empty by the end of it and will definitely crumble...

UNITED we stand, divided we FALL, as true now as it ever was Nod
old hippy guy
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Nobody is pure white everybody is a mix of something... Alot of taxpayers money would be spent on determining who should leave or remain in this country...

This country will be empty by the end of it and will definitely crumble...

UNITED we stand, divided we FALL, as true now as it ever was Nod
Yes indeed Clapping
Originally posted by Hotpants Helen:
Originally posted by stonks:
Thats the Royals screwed.... Ninja

Me as well. Only half of me is British.

I've said this before elsewhere, but I'll say it again..... Most of the initial victims of the Nazis were Germans. They murdered huge numbers of their fellow Germans and there is nothing to suggest that this bunch would be any different.
Garage Joe
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Originally posted by Hotpants Helen:
Originally posted by stonks:
Thats the Royals screwed.... Ninja

Me as well. Only half of me is British.

I've said this before elsewhere, but I'll say it again..... Most of the initial victims of the Nazis were Germans. They murdered huge numbers of their fellow Germans and there is nothing to suggest that this bunch would be any different.

Very true Joe, thanks for adding that. Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Garage Joe:

I've said this before elsewhere, but I'll say it again..... Most of the initial victims of the Nazis were Germans. They murdered huge numbers of their fellow Germans and there is nothing to suggest that this bunch would be any different.

yeah that's right Joe, they were the Communists and the SPD, they were the people that the original concentration camps were built for.
Truth of it is that whenever a dictatorship takes over anywhere, the first thing they do is to target anyone who might be a resistance to them.
Then. when the field is clear, they will go for other targets
I've tried for years to trace back my ancestry, and have only got back 4 generations. Records are so incomplete or routes to the past have got so muddled up, it would be nigh on impossible to trace many of us back 7 generations. So that's me gone then.

I would never ever, in a million years, consider voting for a party like the BNP. However, I don't ever say which party I vote for. It's my business. Private. Nod So I can understand them not being too happy that their membership list was leaked. It is an infringement of their privacy. I can laugh and say serve you right, but I really wouldn't want public information about me broadcast to all and sundry. And I don't have anything to hide!
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Originally posted by Hotpants Helen:
Originally posted by stonks:
Thats the Royals screwed.... Ninja

Me as well. Only half of me is British.

I've said this before elsewhere, but I'll say it again..... Most of the initial victims of the Nazis were Germans. They murdered huge numbers of their fellow Germans and there is nothing to suggest that this bunch would be any different.

yip it wasnt only the Jews that they slaughtered,it was the mentaly ill, people with disabilities, homosexuals, political opponents, trades union members, communists, etc etc,
do the BNP supporters honestly believe that Hitler wouldve gained power in Germany in the 1930s if he hadve stated his intentions from the start?
it was too late once he was IN power,
and I am not prepared to give the B Nazi P the benefit of the doubt,
they should be stopped by whatever means possible, and THEY go on about democracy blah blah free speech etc, THESE BASTARDS would remove these rights as soon as they gained power, Nod
old hippy guy
Why are people getting so annoyed about a fringe party that have no chance of getting any more than a few thousand votes.
What with the politicians constantly throwing up their hands in mock horror at the very mention of the BNP they are trying to frighten us into voting for the usual suspects.
The BNP exist, Muslims extemists exist, we just have to deal with it.
If the government had allowed proper discussion on immigration during the last 10 years. Allowing people to voice concerns instead of being labeled racist as soon as you questioned their open door policy, perhaps the BNP would not have grown into everyones bogeyman.

Originally posted by luxor:
Why are people getting so annoyed about a fringe party that have no chance of getting any more than a few thousand votes.
What with the politicians constantly throwing up their hands in mock horror at the very mention of the BNP they are trying to frighten us into voting for the usual suspects.
The BNP exist, Muslims extemists exist, we just have to deal with it.
If the government had allowed proper discussion on immigration during the last 10 years. Allowing people to voice concerns instead of being labeled racist as soon as you questioned their open door policy, perhaps the BNP would not have grown into everyones bogeyman.


I think the main reason is that people dismissed the Nazis the first time around. They said that there was no way that such a bunch could ever achieve power.
Hopefully the same thing applies to the BNP-lite UKIP, but we must remain vigilant.
Garage Joe
Originally posted by luxor:
If the government had allowed proper discussion on immigration during the last 10 years. Allowing people to voice concerns instead of being labeled racist as soon as you questioned their open door policy, perhaps the BNP would not have grown into everyones bogeyman.

Sadly, lots of discussions about immigration are based on racial prejudice or outright racism as far as I can see. One doesn't have to be shouting Get Blacks/Muslims Out to be a racist.

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