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Sree was nuts to go again against Siavash when he'd already beaten him in the race for a can. Then it became double or quits when everyone saw him lose for the second time.

He went on and on about it after and didn't accept he'd lost did he?

Can you just imagine on Friday night when he's evicted he'll probably refuse to leave the house saying that it's a mistake.

Eeee I'm really looking forward to Friday night now Clapping

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Yep I agree. Sree is a bad loser and talks the biggest load of garbage ever - garbage that has nothing to do with what is actually happening. I'm not surprised he infuriates the other HMs so much and good for Rodrico for saying to his face that he is always interrupting people and talking over them Clapping. Sree has made a complete and utter tw@t of himself in there.
Lord Lucan
Originally posted by Lord Lucan:
Yep I agree. Sree is a bad loser and talks the biggest load of garbage ever - garbage that has nothing to do with what is actually happening. I'm not surprised he infuriates the other HMs so much and good for Rodrico for saying to his face that he is always interrupting people and talking over them Clapping. Sree has made a complete and utter tw@t of himself in there.

I just loved it when Rod was laughing at Sree's ridiculous analogies ......'We never know when we will see the sun .......we never know when we will feel the rain etc.'

Do you think Sree is actually winding us all up?
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Lord Lucan:
Yep I agree. Sree is a bad loser and talks the biggest load of garbage ever - garbage that has nothing to do with what is actually happening. I'm not surprised he infuriates the other HMs so much and good for Rodrico for saying to his face that he is always interrupting people and talking over them Clapping. Sree has made a complete and utter tw@t of himself in there.

I just loved it when Rod was laughing at Sree's ridiculous analogies ......'We never know when we will see the sun .......we never know when we will feel the rain etc.'

Do you think Sree is actually winding us all up?
I really think he has led a sheltered life... I think he is naive and a Mommy's boy(look at how he looks to Lisa for approval of his every action)... I am beginning to understand him now..
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Lord Lucan:
Yep I agree. Sree is a bad loser and talks the biggest load of garbage ever - garbage that has nothing to do with what is actually happening. I'm not surprised he infuriates the other HMs so much and good for Rodrico for saying to his face that he is always interrupting people and talking over them Clapping. Sree has made a complete and utter tw@t of himself in there.

I just loved it when Rod was laughing at Sree's ridiculous analogies ......'We never know when we will see the sun .......we never know when we will feel the rain etc.'

Do you think Sree is actually winding us all up?
If he isn't winding us up the uni he goes to must be full of idiots.
Loved the way he just couldn't accept that he had lost. First he was like "NO what you talk bout man" then he was calling Sea of ash (SP) a chicken for not wanting to jump the pool. Then he did what he always does when he knows he cant win the disagreement. He sought out lisa. Was soooooo funny when he lost a second time only this time infront of everyone! Laugh

Originally posted by Towno Smiler:
He went on and on about it after and didn't accept he'd lost did he?

Can you just imagine on Friday night when he's evicted he'll probably refuse to leave the house saying that it's a mistake.

Eeee I'm really looking forward to Friday night now Clapping

pmsl he was really squirming wasn't he Laugh I didn't know whether to laugh or kick the television screen in Blush and what's all this about mathematics..he bangs on about being intelligent yet he can't form a cogent argument..I mean he really can't. pmsl As someone else has refferred to..when he he was making all those analogies about that we don't know when the sun will rise, rain will fall...lmao Rodrigo whose first language isn't English either could tell it was ridiculously explained Laugh

Also loved it when he told Sree to let him finish sentances..and even when Sree apologised he reitterated that ' do it all the time' pmsl get in there Rodrigo Clapping

'now shut up, go to sleep, have
nice night. good night. thankyou *sly wink*
I get the feeling Sree's parents have treated him like a "little prince" all his life.

He's admitted he never had to wash a dish or do anything for himself before he left home.

I think he's also been brought up to believe he's perfect and wonderful at everything, that everything he says are the utterings of a genius and that other people should be honoured by his presence.
Originally posted by Demantoid:
I get the feeling Sree's parents have treated him like a "little prince" all his life.

He's admitted he never had to wash a dish or do anything for himself before he left home.

I think he's also been brought up to believe he's perfect and wonderful at everything, that everything he says are the utterings of a genius and that other people should be honoured by his presence.
I agree... He probably led a sheltered life and didnt have that much interaction with people because his social awareness is limited....
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by Demantoid:
I get the feeling Sree's parents have treated him like a "little prince" all his life.
He's admitted he never had to wash a dish or do anything for himself before he left home.
I think he's also been brought up to believe he's perfect and wonderful at everything, that everything he says are the utterings of a genius and that other people should be honoured by his presence.
I agree... He probably led a sheltered life and didnt have that much interaction with people because his social awareness is limited....

His self awareness is more limited!
Originally posted by squiggle:
The bottom line with Sree is that he thinks he is above everyone else. He is actually guilty of what they accuse Freddie of! Did you notice his remark to Siavash about prestige and social standing when he lost the running race. Translation I am a million times better than you are anyway mate!

Now what is that phrase? Pride comes before a fall seems to sum it up for me!!!

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