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Task: she was asked to choose whether to A) go on BBBM and propose to George Lamb or B) for JJ1 to dress up in a crab suit. She chose B
A crab suit or a thong it were....Now barsteward as he is, and by god he's a big one,she knows the bother crab eyes caused before,she knows tensions are running high in there atm,so instead of doing what she's already done and propose to G Lamb she opts for the crab suit....Nice one Josie,she knows other poor sods will bear the brunt of his tantrums.
so now this is all josie's fault?'s josie's fault john james,sam,jj and dave have been hell bent on making corin's life a misery these past few days?.......her fault john rowed with corin this morning?...her fault sam called corin on her appearance?........

a couple of days ago it was 'where's josie? she should stand up for corin' she has she's 'manipulating and sly'..........was it a bad move to choose the crab suit......?? hindsight probably yes......but if she hadn't there'd be ppl claiming 'she's so boring sticking up for john'.......she's damned whatever she does

if john james goes off the planet....and imo he's been raging since sam caught him bitching then it's down to him....he's been a loose cannon since day 1....arguing.....picking fights......taunting ben about not doing the tasks....then not even trying in the miss haversham's been clear since day 1.....if he thinks it's on his terms he'll do it.....if it's not he won't.....that's down to him and him alone
f john james goes off the planet....and imo he's been raging since sam caught him bitching then it's down to him....he's been a loose cannon since day 1....arguing.....picking fights......taunting ben about not doing the tasks....then not even trying in the miss haversham's been clear since day 1.....if he thinks it's on his terms he'll do it.....if it's not he won't.....that's down to him and him alone
I agree Spongey but bear in mind each time she laughs at him tearing strips of others,each time she tongue in cheek berates him while smiling then crawling into bed with him she's condoning and or tolerating his antics...She gave off to him today about Corin,that was the right thing to do,what happened next she's in bed cuddling him,that's the wrong thing to do.
She lied about the thong, she was winding the barmy bassturd up with that, it was either propse to GL or have him be a crab!

Aww Lee, she did it in the dr with Keeva having a laugh, bit different to going on BBBM and being humiliated when he said thanks but no thanks dontcha think?
It's a game, but our Josie prefers not to lose face (well she has with me from week one when she shacked up with that non entity Govan). So she decides to lose her so-called boyfriend's face. Nice.
cologne 1
Apparently Sam abused her about her appearance. (Orange face or something...) How low have these characters sunk?
Brisket he was doing that from the start with Josie and most fms seemed to think it was hilarious. I think that the logic goes:
Josie:fat, ergo okay to call her fat slag
Corin: wears too much fake tan, ergo okay to call her orange face
i must admit lee.....the cuddling up to him afterwards isn't a good idea........i don't think she supports him....hence why she has a go at him..and she's always said he has 2 sides to him 'the prick and the nice guy'......but i do think she could show him more that she disagrees by not cuddling him afterwards.........i read earlier that he did one of his 'if you don't tell me,i'll never talk to you again' type speeches......i think he is still trying the control thing......i'm just hoping that once she's not in the house....and is amongst her friends and family she'll see what sort of bloke john really is
Did G Lamb say he'd reply that way?...He's up for a laugh as far as I see,he'd have played along as much as she has/would.
No, he didn't but I seriously doubt he would have said yes, so the laugh would have been at her expense..... potentially humiliating imo.  I agree with spongie, she'd have been damned if she'd let JJ1 off the hook and she's damned when she didn't.....the girl can't win whatever she does
i must admit lee.....the cuddling up to him afterwards isn't a good idea........i don't think she supports him....hence why she has a go at him..and she's always said he has 2 sides to him 'the prick and the nice guy'......but i do think she could show him more that she disagrees by not cuddling him afterwards.........i read earlier that he did one of his 'if you don't tell me,i'll never talk to you again' type speeches......i think he is still trying the control thing......i'm just hoping that once she's not in the house....and is amongst her friends and family she'll see what sort of bloke john really is
Spongee she passed his compliance test with flying colours imo,he throws a tantrum she gives off,next she's back in baby's arms ,from that fundamentally he learns she may not like how I behave but she'll tolerate it....The co-dependency is a bad thing,she can handle him appropriately,we saw her do it when he tried his nastiness  with her ,she won't let him do it to her but continually by one means or another condones him doing it to other HM's....I hope too she takes to her heels and gets away from him fast,imo he is a liability to anyone looking for a functional relationship.

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