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I really am fed up to my teeth with him but hope he does not wear the crab suit and be called crab eyes, only because Josie started all this crab eye thing to start with she knows he does not like it but she deliberately set him up, I dont know what game she is playing I just dont understand were she is coming from.
I know exactly where Josie is coming from.  I think she has had him sussed out from the start and is not as stupid as she would have us believe.  Now she wants him to squirm.  Well done Josie, much as I don't want you to, if you win BB it will have been worth it to see this happen.
He is obsessed about Corin. How ridiculously sad!!

I think he knows that she is a very real threat and he's doing what Josie did to Keeva when she felt threatened by her. Bad mouth, bad mouth, bad mouth. One of these days, they will realise that those tactics don't work because it tends to raise the protective instict of others.
cologne 1

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