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From BB11 I'd like to see Andrew go in. .He has a kinda dry humour that I think will go down  well in there.. and more girls to lust over and not a water melon is sight..

the Peppers humour I doubt will be appreciated in there except by maybe Brian... and am not sure he will come off that well ..he make be liked but tis a maturer house in a way and he showed he's not that tough really when he had his tears at JJ  bitching about him..   can;t see him fitting in with that lot at all..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
From BB11 I'd like to see Andrew go in. .He has a kinda dry humour that I think will go down well in there.. and more girls to lust over and not a water melon is sight.. the Peppers humour I doubt will be appreciated in there except by maybe Brian... and am not sure he will come off that well ..he make be liked but tis a maturer house in a way and he showed he's not that tough really when he had his tears at JJ bitching about him.. can;t see him fitting in with that lot at all..
I honestly dont think he will be able to handle it, he maybe a prankster but them lot will eat him for dinner if he tries any old prank. Besides he is far too young for the house.
prettycocoaeyes offline 8,353 Forum Posts Today at 3:27 PM Last Edited: Reference: From BB11 I'd like to see Andrew go in. .He has a kinda dry humour that I think will go down well in there.. and more girls to lust over and not a water melon is sight.. the Peppers humour I doubt will be appreciated in there except by maybe Brian... and am not sure he will come off that well ..he make be liked but tis a maturer house in a way and he showed he's not that tough really when he had his tears at JJ bitching about him.. can;t see him fitting in with that lot at all.. I honestly dont think he will be able to handle it, he maybe a prankster but them lot will eat him for dinner if he tries any old prank. Besides he is far too young for the house.
Sadly, I think  you're right
I don;t think the only way to get in UBB from BB11 was to qualify as the winner...

  that was just a shoe in and they all signed contracts for the full length of time so technically any of them can go back for the new series under their current contracts over and above the Winners place.

I's like to see a pretty full house right  until the final night. .so the more that go in  the merrier I think.. or it will be half empty and boring as eck within a week .. 
Mount Olympus *Olly*

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