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I just wonder how carefully you've been listening all along
I believe this is the remark that sparked your latest altercation Soozy. And yes, that is a personal attack which is why Lee responded the way she did. I just thought I'd point that out before you tried to take the moral ground having yet again thrown the first stone.
And I have been downright rude to FM's?,is that what's being implied here?....Unless my memory is failing as well as my hearing that resulted in my terrible of crime of mistaking lovely for lucky I can't remember ANYTHING that would compel you to retaliate in my direction..
Not what I was implying at all. I'm talking about my experience in general. You chose to highlight the fact that I'd been critical of HM's .....................i thought that's what this forum is for .............a bit of discussion.

I've simply found it disturbing to see FM's being personally got at simply because they held an alternative view. It was in no way a personal attack on you ................I just picked up on your thread and expanded. My talk of retaliation was not directed at you.
Soozy Woo
Not what I was implying at all. I'm talking about my experience in general. You chose to highlight the fact that I'd been critical of HM's .....................i thought that's what this forum is for .............a bit of discussion. I've simply found it disturbing to see FM's being personally got at simply because they held an alternative view. It was in no way a personal attack on you ................I just picked up on your thread and expanded. My talk of retaliation was not directed at you
It's not my thread,I made a simple error ,one word ,not deliberate a genuine mistake....Out of all the comments in all the threads my one error made such an impact,odd to say the least imo that your retaliation was so forthcoming because of that,if things were disturbing say so at the time pointless letting an insignificant mistake lead to this tonight.
it's full on monster gateaux i'll have you know cosi!!!!..............oh blimey lee ibiza?? he all partied out?!!
He goes every year Spongee,he always said he'd spend his 30th there then that would be it,he was 30 on Friday and it's been extended to his 35th ,poor thing got home at 11.30 last night and was at work today,he's not long home.
I leant so much from my son when he returned from Ibiza They have discos where the floor sinks and fills with water, foam is ... apparently normal, and ladies pull ribbons and razor blades from places where ribbons and razor blades don't naturally habit
I knew about the foam parties but the ribbons and razors no ....TBH Rexi the nightclubs cost 2 fortunes but their money so what can we do only hope they enjoy spending it there.

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