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actually she was the same the night she entered the house
I've just been told you're right. What happened to the mentalist personality after the opening night? Oh I remember now, it got lost under a duvet. No JJ, the screaming looney persona comes back. Sorry but I think she's being utterly pathetic. She's as desperate to win as Mario and that's saying something.
Excused................I just wonder how carefully you've been listening all along
I'll tell you when I'll start to worry eh,when I resort to coming on here and calling Hm's wa*kers,I thought  she said lovely as in nice,I'm sure it's not  such a big issue considering I'm not from mainland UK and unfamiliar with some accents...As for listening all along I done just fine,how about yourself?
Why wouldn't she be desperate to win? I mean she is in the final
Then she should stop bloody lying saying she doesn't care.
It  is a bit like doing exams saying "ah well I am sure I haven't passed" whilst secretly hoping that you have cos it sounds so desperate to say that you hope you have done really well.
I'll tell you when I'll start to worry eh,when I resort to coming on here and calling Hm's wa*kers,I thought  she said lovely as in nice,I'm sure it's not  such a big issue considering I'm not from mainland UK and unfamiliar with some accents...As for listening all along I done just fine,how about yourself?
Yep I'm fine. I may well have been a tad abusive to one or two of the HM's ............actually I feel I've been tame compared to some.

I haven't been outright rude to other FM's though - although I have had others be downright rude and offensive to me for daring to have an alternative view. I will admit to retaliating.
Soozy Woo
No one said it would be easy supporting Josie.  We are definately a minority on this forum
I've had it from all angles ...........John James was my first choice.

I thought it was an unwritten rule .......say what you like about HM's but don't get personal with FM's ................this year the rule book seems to have been thrown out the window!
Soozy Woo
I haven't been outright rude to other FM's though - although I have had others be downright rude and offensive to me for daring to have an alternative view. I will admit to retaliating
And I have been downright rude to FM's?,is that what's being implied here?....Unless my memory is failing as well as my hearing that resulted in my terrible of crime of mistaking lovely for lucky I can't remember ANYTHING that would compel you to retaliate in my direction....Don't matter any road, different strokes for different folks .

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