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"I do miss my old housemates. I'm not like these people. They're all celebrities. I'm normal."
Where does one begin analysing this? Lots of contradictions even in those 4 short statements.

From the word "go" there were subtle - and not-so-subtle - signs of the 'celebrities' competing to be the  biggest 'celebrity'.
Last night Brian, for instance in an extended session with Josie was doing lots of name dropping, and trying to sound blase about his celebrity lifestyle and 'fame'.  The nuance throughout was that Josie should be impressed because she was not a 'cebrity'.
Goodness these 'celebrities' are very insecure and tenuous 'celebrities'.
but even I would feel... not beneath them so much, but definitely like a fish out of water.. like I didn't belong there.
Yeah I think I would's a shame though isn't it.  She should be enjoying it.
I agree, although she is beginning to get her head around the fact that they are 'normal' as she said to Ulrika a little while ago. BTW, sorry you had to suffer the shit you did on here yesterday, that was more, much more, than an outrageous and hurtful comment to make
Thank you
Josie doesn't like it that they aren't preoccupied with her and JJ1's fake relationship like the other HMs were. She doesn't like it that the dynamics's changed. They've been there done that etc..  Not being the centre of attention is not to Josie's liking.

I'm an hour behind on e4+1 but Josie's barely said a word, which is a blessing!

No need to feel sorry for Josie, she's more mentally prepared than Chantelle would have been for her CBB series.
Reference: LL
No-one forced Josie to go back into the house though
No they didn't but in truth, altho they found out about it the day of the final, not a one of them had a chance to really think it thru. .

When Josie came out there was less than half an hour turnaround before she was sent back.. .I think during the day they assumed some contact at least with family would be allowed but BB only let JJ near her...

Plus she is jaded as well and with getting a glimpse of the prize and her family to have it snatched away kinda with no chance to celebrate properly and sent back in puts her at a disadvantage as far as the game is concerned..  Yes again I agree she chose to go back but who in all that madness could make a really informed decision that quickly?

I know I couldn't.. 

I actually feel that as BB have set a precedent in this the final series she should be allowed a quick call to someone on the outside.. it's not like this new game is far enough in for any outside influences to effect it yet..  I also dont; think a lot of the advice she is getting from a few in there is helping the matter. .Chantelle just said she could never have turned back in cos she had just fallen in love with Preston  and couldn't wait to get out to celebrat etc.. .now that is not what Josie probably wants to hear right now. .oops
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
I actually feel that as BB have set a precedent in this the final series she should be allowed a quick call to someone on the outside..
Hmmm, but this year's BB was shorter and she can also console herself that she's very popular with the public. 

Of course she might be crapping herself that her fake boyfriend's now in some other woman's (or man's) bed!
What we`ve got now is her STILL going on and on about John James and how she didn`t deserve to win and she won`t win UBB....She`s got them all pandering to her right now on LF.. like she`s always done in her own crafty little way. I`m so innocent. I don`t know what to do. I`m so undeserving. You`re all celebrities. I`m just normal. I`m from a small little town in Bristol. I`ve got nothing to offfer...blah blah bliddy blah.   
I`m sick of it!   She`s as strong as an ox and wants to win more than any of them in there.
Josie doesn`t fool me ONE BIT!
I don't think she could've not gone back in, imagine thinking 'what if' and regretting it? She can go anytime now, though I do hope it's not all for John James.....

If John James had won, he'd have stuck it out and smoozied  up to the Celebs, can you imagine Dave!....

Chantelle seems to be doing a good job of talking her into leaving in a round about way...tactics maybe???? Call me cynical......
The Devil In Diamante
I couldn't find the folder Olly, It's not coz I'm on windows 7 is it?
ah it could be that it is 'hidden'. . .I don't know windows 7 so don't know how to change the Folder views to 'View all including hidden' ..

Did you say your hubby was a bit techy? he may be able to help there..   or the Zaph may know. .he knows all
Mount Olympus *Olly*
What we`ve got now is her STILL going on and on about John James and how she didn`t deserve to win and she won`t win UBB....She`s got them all pandering to her right now on LF.. like she`s always done in her own crafty little way. I`m so innocent. I don`t know what to do. I`m so undeserving. You`re all celebrities. I`m just normal. I`m from a small little town in Bristol. I`ve got nothing to offfer...blah blah bliddy blah. I`m sick of it! She`s as strong as an ox and wants to win more than any of them in there. Josie doesn`t fool me ONE BIT!
cologne 1
What we`ve got now is her STILL going on and on about John James and how she didn`t deserve to win and she won`t win UBB....She`s got them all pandering to her right now on LF.. like she`s always done in her own crafty little way. I`m so innocent. I don`t know what to do. I`m so undeserving. You`re all celebrities. I`m just normal. I`m from a small little town in Bristol. I`ve got nothing to offfer...blah blah bliddy blah. I`m sick of it! She`s as strong as an ox and wants to win more than any of them in there. Josie doesn`t fool me ONE BIT!
Nor me Scotty I am so sick of her, if she mentions one more time that she wants to go I think they should chuck her out but it aint gonna happen.  Crafty moo.
she's more mentally prepared than Chantelle would have been for her CBB series.
i don't agree...........the finalists of bb11 were told on the final day what were the circumstances.......josie had about half an hour outside and was back in........chantelle was auditioned/chosen and knew way in advance what was she'd of seen in the papers rumours of who would be in there......josie had no clue......she knew who they were when they came down the stairs............the celebs in there now have nothing to's a pay day for them and just work.........they're reminding us and each other constantly about their celeb status...holidays,houses etc......and of course then you get the 'you should DEMAND' bit.....

that's why i prefer the regular bb to the celeb the celebs it's just a job and a pay packet.......they don't care one way or another
LF. All she wants to talk about is John James. She`s "subtly" slating Nadia for telling her a few home truths about John James. 
That and what others have said is what`s got to her. Nothing more. 
If they`d told her he loved her, he was a great guy etc etc she`d stay in there for the duration giggling her head off. 
I don`t want to hear the John James saga for the next 2 weeks. I wish she`d go NOW!
Reference: Scotty
She`s "subtly" slating Nadia for telling her a few home truths about John James.
Somebody once said "Nothing hurts us more than the truth."
Even Josie herself only really fancies him in football gear.
It's all so light and fanciful.  And irritating.
I find it mind-boggling that the duvet girl is so delusional.
Although I said on day 1 of BB that she seemed to be "performing", - and I haven't changed my mind.
i can't see why ppl think it's so weird that after hearing all this stuff about john she wants to find out for herself?..........they've dropped hints to her and it's playing on her mind....
I would have thought that was obvious but apparently not.

In all honesty the new HM's should have kept their gobs shut is simply their opinions and there is no factual basis for what they've said They've messed with her mind and now they're dithering about trying to comfort her.
Soozy Woo
What we`ve got now is her STILL going on and on about John James and how she didn`t deserve to win and she won`t win UBB....She`s got them all pandering to her right now on LF.. like she`s always done in her own crafty little way. I`m so innocent. I don`t know what to do. I`m so undeserving. You`re all celebrities. I`m just normal. I`m from a small little town in Bristol. I`ve got nothing to offfer...blah blah bliddy blah. I`m sick of it! She`s as strong as an ox and wants to win more than any of them in there. Josie doesn`t fool me ONE BIT!
I'm really not a fan of hers at all cos I hate people that look thru others when they are having a 'convo' and only focus back in if the subject comes back around to them. .

 I saw her do this loads of times in the very first week and altho she was occasionally funny it put me off her as a person and even more so when she only found out Corin was a Widow 6 weeks in and worse, didn't know John lost his dad two years ago  until 9 or 10 weeks in. . [something talked about in the early weeks] cos all her chat is, as people say, all about her and nowt else..  once in a blue moon she'll tune into convo's about other stuff but as for really getting to know people she don't seem that interested..

however. .I still think that, unless it was JJ or Mario, non of the others could have walked straight back in and coped.. and I DO think BB should have given the winner a day at the very least before the turnaround..  and fake or not, playing up to the camera's or not,  I really think she IS struggling  to cope because of the way it was done..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
i can't see why ppl think it's so weird that after hearing all this stuff about john she wants to find out for herself?..........they've dropped hints to her and it's playing on her mind.....
Me either Spongy. Even if you don't like her you'd have to admit that this must be hard. I've never known her to be a cry baby. Those tears looked real to me.
ah it could be that it is 'hidden'. . .I don't know windows 7 so don't know how to change the Folder views to 'View all including hidden' .. Did you say your hubby was a bit techy? he may be able to help there.. or the Zaph may know. .he knows all
Yeah, I'll get him to read through your dialogue and see if he can figure it out for me, thanks again Olly xx
Yeah, I'll get him to read through your dialogue and see if he can figure it out for me, thanks again Olly xx
ooooh  I thought you'd gone, was just going to PM you. .

I am sure Windows 7 must have a search facility so you should be able to do a search for the dictionary file. .there should be an option to search hidden files too which you will need to do. .once you find it just go to the 'open with Notepad' instruction.. the name of the file is in the original Dialog..   something like persdict.dat   anyway tis all in the dialog instructions  thingy 

Good luck
Mount Olympus *Olly*

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