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i think she was just on the crest of a wave  lee......she'd come out as the winner.......her name was being chanted......she was excitable etc she's on comedown.........i think it's perfectly natural to feel that way..whoever had won i'd say the same.........i think she has looked awkward........i think she's trying to fit in......but these ppl are on a completely different scale to terms of etc etc........nikki was talking about going to australia to visit sara(former bb contestant) and said she was going in november and staying to see in the new year there.........6-8 weeks in aus takes alot of josie has never had.........coolio lives in a nice place in the u.s............she lives in a cabin in bristol
...TBH I thought she wasn't backward for coming forward with the new HM's,it could well be she knows they watched her,they know how she operates she could be struggling how to get around that,perhaps.
You've hit the nail on the head Lee. Josies shennagins have been seen by the others who are now mentioning things they have seen to her, ie. her reaction to Caoimhe for example. She is not liking it one little bit. All her sychophantic husbands who pandered to her every whim are no longer dancing attendance around her and I think we'll see a very different Josie in this house.
Reference: kaffers
Spongey - don't you go getting all sensible!
well i've never been so insulted!!.....................and no i don't think another bb11 contestant should go in..........cos i think they'd feel the same as she is right now..........but then preston and chantelle were married.......coolio and ulrika were in the same series......ok they didn't get on but they still know each other...all of them know each other in some shape or form..........
Josies shennagins have been seen by the others who are now mentioning things they have seen to her, ie. her reaction to Caoimhe for example.
well if that proves one thing then its that she wasn't bb's 'chosen' one then........cos no way would bb set her up to be pulled apart if they wanted her to be the 'one'.....

and that's just their take on it as viewers......same as we are..
What psychological effects?

They threw her out to the crowd and she saw how many people loved and admired her, they allowed her to see her family, friends and John James, then they yank her away from it all. Now she cannot stop thinking about what she's missing out on and has lost. (I know she's won100k) She’s been unable to share her joy with the people she saw.

All this and in their stupidity (IMO) BB are allowing the UBB HMs to discuss and talk to Josie about BB11. Giving their opinions on her and John James, what she should or shouldn't do, which has to feel weird to someone who hasn't seen the show, let alone the fact that after 2 months it probably doesn't feel like a show to her any more, to her the emotions, feelings and relationships are real.

After having her actions, emotions and relationships analysed and picked apart her state of mind has to be feeling unstable. What she thought was real, she is now questioning, whether the viewing public believe this to be real or not. Added to this she is now sharing a house with people she feels out of her depth with.

BB needs to reassure her and ban the HM's from talking about BB11; after all they don't normally allow HM's to talk about previous series. I'm feeling really sorry for her, it must be mental torture to be in there and imagine all sorts or scenarios. Added to this we have to remember that all emotion is multiplied in that house. She’s only human after all. 

What Spongey and Monkey said AND, the other hms who've watched BB11 all seem to be liking her don't they? AND, someone does need to speak to her about John James and her relationship with him, but a friend not Nadia and McCririck, 5 mins after they came in as complete strangers. Her head must be all over the place poor girl. Tbh, I think that she's possibly better out of there now, but it would be such a shame for a winner to be potentially leaving out of the back door and in an upset state imo
Monkey - I'm not going to go all quotastic... all I'll say is..

She wasn't 'thrown out to the crowd' - she emerged the winner (small point and prob not that relevant to this discussion)       She had the opportunity not to go back in, I don't believe for a moment any of them would have said no.     If she feels she can't hack it, she should go - I won't complain.   

My main point was that I don't see why she should have a mate to help her with the psychological effects - I think it's the phrase 'psychological effects' that got me... it's not like they're doing her any damage... she may feel uncomfortable, she may be wondering about her pretendy boyfriend, but that would have happened whether she was in UBB or not as soon as he was evicted.   I do agree that the new HMs shouldn't have been allowed to discuss the outside world though - although Sam Pepper has already done that, so that's a bit of a moot point.    More importantly though - I don't see how having one of the other HMs would 'help' - especially as she'd have chosen her duvet buddy.
Apparently Nikkie has said to Josie that she should demand a phone call to John James, so that he can reassure her.  Demand a phone call?  Who, do they think they are?  If Josie does do this, I can imagine that they would give her the phone call

Blooming heck I was hoping that once JJ was out of the house and she was in there with new HM's, we would hear the last of it.  But no...... it goes on and on and on
i think she was just on the crest of a wave  lee......she'd come out as the winner.......her name was being chanted......she was excitable etc she's on comedown.........i think it's perfectly natural to feel that way..whoever had won i'd say the same.........i think she has looked awkward........i think she's trying to fit in......but these ppl are on a completely different scale to terms of etc etc........nikki was talking about going to australia to visit sara(former bb contestant) and said she was going in november and staying to see in the new year there.........6-8 weeks in aus takes alot of josie has never had.........coolio lives in a nice place in the u.s............she lives in a cabin in bristol
TBH Spongee I know when I first meet someone it takes me a little time before I feel comfortable enough to be speaking/behaving as though we'd been friends all our lives,most folk are really,Josie was straight in there without any qualms,not coming across at all as the insecure lacking in confidence person she tries to portray when it suits her,at one stage when she was saying to Coolio about not wanting to smell his s..t in the bathroom I was cringing...I find a lot of what she claims at times to be contradictory tbh,one minute we've the modern day Cinders,the next her ex is a millionaire,truth is we don't know what money she has but I found it odd she was so quick to shhhh Ulrika who claims Josie lives in a shed....More and more I'm not buying into her story,I've saw it in RL folk who cry a poor mouth to get where or what they  want when they're really as financially secure as the rest of us but want more the easiest way possible,

Oh Gawd, Nicki going to Os? Any chance she'll bump into JJ? Josie won't like her much. Sorry, I still can't take to Josie and don't buy all this guff about her being anxious because she's seen her family etc.,  She knew that would happen if she won BB. Her problem is that she necome used to being top dog in BB11 and now has to re-establish her place amongst HMs who have bigger egos than hers. 

awww..  I feel sorry for her.   I was surprised she agreed to go back in there...  I wouldn't have done.

I hope BB lets her go...   I think she would enjoy watching the UBB's on the telly rather than being in amongst them.   And...  she can go out and find out for herself what the score is with what has been shown during BB11..   rather than have to listen to that lots perceptions on what was going on.

Its like the most extreme viewpoints from this forum have been thrown at her by some of the UBB's...   enough to do anyones head in!
DOn't get the problem about being in there,if normal BB hadn't been cut short, she'd still be there! It all boils down to John James and her missing him..
She would have been with people she knew not complete strangers. They have all been in the BB circle for years they all know each other. She only knows what she has seen and read about them. Also they have been giving her outside information which is rocking her confidence. She wouldn't have had that information until she was released.
But most of them are only celebs becasue they won BB, they are exactly the same as better
They are Leccy, but she hasn't got her head around that yet because she hasn't really had the experience of being a BB winner. Unless things change q drmaatically then I think, for her own sake, she may well be better off out of there
But they have had years of it she hasn't.

They are Leccy, BUT she hasn't got her head around that yet because she hasn't really had the experience of being a BB winner
Yes, you are both correct   I just think its sad that she feels beneath them just because they are "famous"...fame doesn't make anyone a better person.  It's sad that young folks have this attitude.
I think BB royally fecked up sending the BB11 winner straight back in after letting them see the outside world and going in to a house full of complete strangers as well..  all of whom are fresh and not institutionalised to the extent BB long term HM's are..

They should have sent the winner back on Firday. .it gives them time to see family, friends.. .buy a few odds and ends etc. .acclimatise then rethink and be refreshed..

HM's have left the house in the past during a show.. some on trips and others like Charley on fake evictions but every one of them has gone back to the house to  the same people they had got to know ..

To be dragged away and not even allowed to speak to Family is not right..

BB if she goes tis your fault for being a tad stoopid and not thinking it thru.

Plus she gets to miss out on the first flush of interest for a BB winner.. [well the little there is nowadays]  and if she lasts much longer she'll be forgotten and superseded by the UBB winner..

don't get me wrong am not a fan of hers but I think it must be very hard and all the new HM's have an advantage over her cos of their outside world knowledge of news about Bb and current affairs etc.... .even sending in one of her own lot won't help her on that front... and only a few of the finalists would have been able to cope with turning around and going straight back in... .JJ cos he hadn't been in long and was still fresh and Mario cos he always said he had nothing to go home to and was desperate to stay to the point that I think he'd squat there if he could
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Reference: LEccy
I just think its sad that she feels beneath them just because they are "famous"...fame doesn't make anyone a better person.
I totally agree with that...   to the extent where I can't even ask famous peeps for autographs cos I feel cringy doing the "fan" thing  (I get my kids to do it for me - I got them to do all the legwork when we met Linkin Park)... 

but even I would feel... not beneath them so much, but definitely like a fish out of water..   like I didn't belong there.
I just think its sad that she feels beneath them just because they are "famous"...fame doesn't make anyone a better person. 
I agree, although she is beginning to get her head around the fact that they are 'normal' as she said to Ulrika a little while ago. BTW, sorry you had to suffer the shit you did on here yesterday, that was more, much more, than an outrageous and hurtful comment to make

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