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I couldn't understand how come she hasn't lumped him one already the way when he was really going at her the first day then lay all over her and tried to cuddle up where ever she went.. . .I know I'd have thumped him one if I was locked in with him for any amount of time. .  

and tis not like I am keen on the girl, she's getting right on me norks now cos she is doing her stretching of the truth thing about stuff he has said including what he said to Dave which, unless he has said more that wasn't shown,  was Dave struck him as someone who would be worried about what was being said outside but according to Josie he said Dave should be worried about the outside. .huge difference. .

Plus he never said she was just looking for a story to sell and that's all..  he said she probably would sell it when out if offered and interview. .which is no different to what any of them have said they'd do..

Sam is also mainly only asking questions  that they get asked in the DR too as well as those Davina will ask..

still the way eh does things then invades personal space after having constant digs means I still would have lumped him one by now..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
That's what I heard too Olly, when there was a group of them sat on the sofas a few days ago
yeah I think JohnJ was saying in a group convo that he wasn't worried about outside stuff and Dave said nor am I and Sam said I don't; believe you, I think you are the one who is or would be the most worried..

Somehow Josie  and Dave turned it around to he should be the most worried..

again that was just from a  HL show so he may well have said both versions on LF which I never saw.. but I did wonder why she kept labouring her point. .and twisting what he said to ehr as well ..unless again he said different version of it to her at different times and only a few made LF and HL..  ouch my brain hurts now..

I still would have lumped Sam tho for getting on my case then trying to nuzzle up all friendly like to me when all I'd want is to see the back of him
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I dunno Super,  I did listen extra hard after hearing them bang on about it all day and missing the LF the previous night... and I rewound my TV to double check and defo heard him say to Dave I think you are the most worried about what is going on outside..   but as I say twas the HL show only, not LF.. so he could have said both. .
Mount Olympus *Olly*
even though he lives in Australia and doesn't care about the show. What an absolute liar
of course he cares about the show .........i think he said he's not bothered about winning it. He was shortlisted for BB Australia and then his father was killed ..............he applied to BB Uk because BB Aus no longer runs.

He appears to be quite knowledgable about BB Uk because he's a fan ........he's there because he really wants to be there - not because his agent thought it was a good idea.

I think it's nice to have genuine fans in the house TBH.
Soozy Woo
Reference: Olly
Plus he never said she was just looking for a story to sell and that's all.. he said she probably would sell it when out if offered and interview. .which is no different to what any of them have said they'd do..
I think it was the sarcastic, "Yeah, it's all about the love, Josie", which he said after she'd voiced her disapproval of it.

Plus the fact that he said that he doesn't know if she is being 'real' and that he believes John James is being genuine.
Reference: DS
and whereas I would never approve a violent response from anyone, I think even Gandhi might consider twatting Sam one

Josie has been told by BB to stop mentioning that Sam told a woman with one leg that he didn't know why she bothers dressing up etc., in the audition stage.

So, I'm going to mention it, a lot.
Don't believe that for one second
i do believe it actually .......I think he wants to be in there for as long as possible (as they all do) I dont think he'll be gutted if he doesn't win, I'm one of the few who believe that most of the contestants do go in there for the whole experience, Winning would simply be a bonus.
Soozy Woo
i do believe it actually .......I think he wants to be in there for as long as possible (as they all do) I dont think he'll be gutted if he doesn't win, I'm one of the few who believe that most of the contestants do go in there for the whole experience, Winning would simply be a bonus.
He has said he will do anything to win, cause arguments, stir things up etc. Channel 4 profie of one Mr. John James,

John admits he will do anything it takes to win the show and believes he'll be a good asset to the house as he'd be funny and argumentative. His dream would be to have daring people and hot girls in the house with him.

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