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Reference: Bojangles
I am not joking here.She was talking to John James whilst he lanquished in the bath.Lying down in her usual position,She then had a label with Rachel's name on holding it towards the camera.For a very long while.When JJ got out of the bath she went into their lounge with the label,but when Rachel walked by she hid it under a frill of her dress. She might have just said vote for Rachel public. Absolute rule breaking for which she should be punished severly.
She should Bojangles.   
Shame that Josie`s become so desperate about JJ...she`s had to resort to this.
He wouldn`t do that for her. She`ll discover that sooner or later
Edited to make sense.
Last edited by Scotty
She should Bojangles.    Shame that Josie`s become so desperate about JJ that she`s had to resort to this. He wouldn`t do it for her. She`ll discover that and more sooner or later.
As if that's gonna influence anyon?. The girl is having a bit of a laugh ....that's all IMO. Surely all you who slate Josie (tirelessly) should be applauding her for injecting a bit of humour into the place?
Soozy Woo
It was like a large luggage label on a cord.She wasn't wearing it.She had in her hand whilst lying down she place her hand over her head making Rachel's name clearly visible to the camera for a long while.Pretending she was doodling with it.You're not fooing anyone Josie.Then swinging it when she walked inro their lounge it's attached to a pink cord.If it were  an innocent action then why did she conceal it under a frill on her dress when Rachel walked by.What a bitch she is.
As if that's gonna influence anyon?. The girl is having a bit of a laugh ....that's all IMO. Surely all you who slate Josie (tirelessly) should be applauding her for injecting a bit of humour into the place?
I didn`t say it would influence anyone. My point was that she`s backing JJ beyond the pale and she won`t have it returned.

I wouldn`t applaud ANY hm who shows another hm`s name who is up for eviction, on card to the camera. You think it was with done humour..laugh away. I didn`t. 
Josie made a very bad judgement IMO.
She wasn't laughing she was trying to do it surreptitiously.So as not to draw attention to herself within the house.It was all done to try and save JJ  with her fans.Why didn't she a JJ label in her hand then as she seems to think the sun shines out of his proverbial?Foolish girl.
Let BB show it on the plasma,the HM's can judge for themselves.....I wouldn't be laying any bets they'd see it as her having a laugh though
Surely all you who slate Josie (tirelessly) should be applauding her for injecting a bit of humour into the place?

She is about as funny as witnessing diarrhoea at a public swimming pool. At first there is mild amusement, but then as the murky brown cloud begins to spread and encroach upon your part of the pool, disgust takes over and you just want to get the hell out of the pool.

I wasn't paying much attention to the feed today but now I know whose label she was wearing last night ... cos it certainly wasn't her name but I was too far away to read it and too lazy to go look properly... .. must have been Rachels tab then as well..

She's been punished today for saying she has 10 reasons to nominate Sam and told JJ not to tell anybody..
dunno if she'll get punished for the label thing tho..  didn't a laod of HM's wear T shirts supporting a HM that was up last year or am I dreaming that..   but they didn't get puinished I'm sure of it.. .. I think..

Wish both of them  [JJJ] would eff off tho. .today they have mainly been being miserable ungrateful  old gits and bringing the place down..  they need private time away form the cameras..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
dunno if she'll get punished for the label thing tho..  didn't a laod of HM's wear T shirts supporting a HM that was up last year or am I dreaming that..   but they didn't get puinished I'm sure of it.. .. I think..
Olly if I remember right that was the night Noirin was up,they wore Tshirts in the DR and during the eviction show,I think.
if and it's if she's done it to try and influence the public then of course she should be punished for's not one of the things her and jj nicked as part of their tot task is it?......if it isn't then if she's brazenly holding it up for the camera i can't see why she hasn't been called in
Spongey, Olly just said she was wearing the label last night, I saw her with it today, so I assume that the's doing it with intent and BB will either try to protect her (if JJ1 stays) or call her in tomorrow.
cologne 1

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