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Josie will win if the public vote for her to win, simple as. If people really dislike her they will vote for someone else to win, if they like someone else they will vote for them, if they like her they will vote for her. Everyone who picks up the phone has a say in it, just as those who picked up the phone last night did. If she's as unpopular as you believe then she won't win.
Yeah, we may have got a different result if it had been a vote to save, but we didn't, hardly worth protesting about imo and if it was Ben or Sam in her situation I v much doubt if you would be protesting.
Josie is in the final because that's what the hms voted for, most folk seemed to think that they would vote for Steve, if they had  then do doubt someone would be saying that he was their 'chosen one'!
Reference: Supes
Josie will win if the public vote for her to win, simple as. If people really dislike her they will vote for someone else to win, if they like someone else they will vote for them, if they like her they will vote for her. Everyone who picks up the phone has a say in it, just as those who picked up the phone last night did. If she's as unpopular as you believe then she won't win. Yeah, we may have got a different result if it had been a vote to save, but we didn't, hardly worth protesting about imo and if it was Ben or Sam in her situation I v much doubt if you would be protesting. Josie is in the final because that's what the hms voted for, most folk seemed to think that they would vote for Steve, if they had then do doubt someone would be saying that he was their 'chosen one'!
Yeah, that's what I meant.
see I cant understand why people think BB  have a chosen winner, it makes no sense at all, so can someone please explain it
every year that theory is bandied about ...........i've never understood it. Why would it matter to BB who wins? I guess sometimes the more entertaing HM's get a bit more air time but that's inevitable isn't it? it's an entertainment programme FGS!

When people claim 'set up' 'fix' or 'BB's favourite' it is simply a case of sour grapes IMO.
Soozy Woo
Is this one of those Tweenie campaigns?
Ben said, " Don't underestimate the greys, they've got the money."  Everyone who watches/votes has a right to an opinion on who they want to win, irrespective of their age.There are so many negative references to 'tweenies,'  v disrespectful to young people imo, to assume that all young people are so shallow that they only vote for people because they are 'fit'
Everyone who watches/votes has a right to an opinion on who they want to win, irrespective of their age.There are so many negative references to 'tweenies,'  v disrespectful to young people imo, to assume that all  young people are so shallow that they only vote for people because they are 'fit'
I totally agree with that Sups 
Ben said, " Don't underestimate the greys, they've got the money." Everyone who watches/votes has a right to an opinion on who they want to win, irrespective of their age.There are so many negative references to 'tweenies,' v disrespectful to young people imo, to assume that all young people are so shallow that they only vote for people because they are 'fit'
Agreed, just annoying as it is seeing certain housemates being labelled as just having younger fans which is disrespectful to their fans in the older age groups IMO.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
tis a mythical creature... they gather in packs... nay, in armies... and have huge amounts of disposable income to squander on voting in reality tv programmes (cos on most mobiles its ÂĢ2 a vote)..
Agh that makes sense cos they rather stay in and watch telly and pay ÂĢ2 a pop on a vote than be down the local field with 4 cans of cider and 20 fags....
What is a tweeney?..if its a teenager I know when I was a teenager my I was either out or my parents had the run of the telly so I think this tweeney voting is just another urban myth....
well my son says there are no fit birds in there so he isnt watching (thank God he didnt say about the guys!) He doesnt know any girls watching either, but going by the C4 comments there are some who did say JJ was fit, but whether or not it was older folk who knows?? We can all tick a box or say a different date of birth cant we?
its all a mystery, whos supporting the bloody monk i ask
some viewers Jaf..    I can see why they would as well.    The bulk of people don't google housemates or go on forums...   so to them he is a housemate who yes, did go in as a bit of a religious loon, but over the weeks he has diluted a lot of the looney stuff...   in fact most of it.

He is sometimes quite funny...      I can see why he would appeal to some.  (not me... but hey ho)

Also...   so far there is no evidence that anyone IS actually supporting him...    all its says is that people have disliked other people more than him.

If they evict on finals night in order of votes..  then we will see.
i can see him 2nd ditty, h/l just dont show the real monk, and theres thousands of people who int seen what we have all seen on you tube i know
so can I Jaf..  

and I know it looks like loads have seen the vids...  but I think they are still only a small percentage of people.

also..   and I hate to say this... cos its not how I feel...  but I reckon that there will be some who have seen the vids and don't see what all the fuss is about.   Different people have different values n all that.

And in the house (& especially on HL show)... he is always talking about "house of love" and bigging people up (yeah, I know.. on LF ten mins later he stabs them in the back)...  but some will take him at face value.
Have any of you thought that the church of Dave is mass voting with their funds to keep him in cos if he wins it will be gods work and mahoosive free advertising for them, depending on the programme being shown it cost on average 100k a minute to advertise in the Corrie break, so can you imagine what Dave actually winning is worth to his American and English church....
Have any of you thought that the church of Dave is mass voting with their funds to keep him in cos if he wins it will be gods work and mahoosive free advertising for them, depending on the programme being shown it cost on average 100k a minute to advertise in the Corrie break, so can you imagine what Dave actually winning is worth to his American and English church...
I did consider this ...     but I have no idea of how many people that would be

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