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I'm amazed I can even eat in restaurants sometimes
I'm not overly good unless I know the reputation. When I was pregnant with my son, a group of us went celebrating to a Chinese Restaurant (in Germany) and I found a hair in my food. I didn't make it to the toilet to be sick and it's stayed with me for 30 years. My mother would not allow anybody to speak over the cooker if they were cooking in case some spittle went into the food, I guess I've got it from her.  
cologne 1
I'm not overly good unless I know the reputation. When I was pregnant with my son, a group of us went celebrating to a Chinese Restaurant (in Germany) and I found a hair in my food. I didn't make it to the toilet to be sick and it's stayed with me for 30 years. My mother would not allow anybody to speak over the cooker if they were cooking in case some spittle went into the food, I guess I've got it from her.
My parents hired a cook and my dad walked in to find her stirring a sauce with a fag in her mouth with a long ash on it and a dew drop hanging out of her nose....
My parents hired a cook and my dad walked in to find her stirring a sauce with a fag in her mouth with a long ash on it and a dew drop hanging out of her nose....
 When I was studying, I was working in a pub around the corner from my house and the landlord was disabled, so he had to sit down permanently, but he smoked and didn't flick the ash, everybody got a flavour of it and it was a running joke. This was befor H&S mind.
cologne 1

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