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Josie called Keeva out on her behaviour. Madam didn't like it. Then she was up for nomination and did not want the boos or nastiness because she can give it but can't take it.
Josie called Caiomhe out not on her behaviour... but because she was jelous. And to say its behaviour, what a total hypocrite. Josie has done her fair of bitching in there, even just yesterday she went around to every HM in there bad mouthing one single person.

"Then she was up for nomination and did not want the boos or nastiness because she can give it but can't take it."

This was before nominations were announced... so she didnt even know if she was up.

Josie is no Saint.
No one is saying Josie is a saint. What she is however is forthright and will say things to their faces. She did it with Dave and now she did it with Keeva.
But to say she called Caiomhe out on her behaviour is absurd... and to say she left because she was up for eviction and couldnt face the boos doesnt add up either, they didnt know who was up... and had that been the case, she would of left two weeks ago. Shes been up three times in a row now.
Reference: Cologne
I would have thought a wee bit more of her if she'd just confronted Keeva and not trailed round the house for two days, talking to all and sundry
I agree, she was an absolute spiteful, two faced biatch, going from person to person slagging Caoimhe off. In my opinion, Joise has come out of this very badly. Good riddance to Caoimhe but hope JEALOUS JOSIE isn't too far behind.
Had it been to do with being up im pretty sure she would of left three weeks ago when she was put up.
The difference this week is that I think Keeva knew that she was going to look like a tease and someone who would go after a guy her mate fancied and would be sure to go.  When she was up before, she was up against Sunshine and thought Sunshine would be evicted - after all she was in the big lesbian love affair storyline at the time.

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