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I agree that he is either asexual, or, he is very far back in the closet he can see Narnia.
He is more femine than Josie. The fact that he is obsessed with Beckham and has his posters all over his bedroom wall, then he has his Barbies, then he wears his cheapo jewelry, he also admitted at the very start that he didn't like Bj's, and that he does sex in 30 seconds. He always averts himself when Josie kisses him, and he kisses her neck.He is always looking in the mirror, and if Josie has a tender moment with him he looks around for the camera.I could go on and on..........................
I agree that he is either asexual, or, he is very far back in the closet he can see Narnia. He is more femine than Josie. The fact that he is obsessed with Beckham and has his posters all over his bedroom wall, then he has his Barbies, then he wears his cheapo jewelry, he also admitted at the very start that he didn't like Bj's, and that he does sex in 30 seconds. He always averts himself when Josie kisses him, and he kisses her neck.He is always looking in the mirror, and if Josie has a tender moment with him he looks around for the camera.I could go on and on..
I think you have it in one Sezit...
He is a tortured soul that one.
sezit CC #22 offline 569 Forum Posts Yesterday at 10:01 PM Last Edited: I agree that he is either asexual, or, he is very far back in the closet he can see Narnia. He is more femine than Josie. The fact that he is obsessed with Beckham and has his posters all over his bedroom wall, then he has his Barbies, then he wears his cheapo jewelry, he also admitted at the very start that he didn't like Bj's, and that he does sex in 30 seconds. He always averts himself when Josie kisses him, and he kisses her neck.He is always looking in the mirror, and if Josie has a tender moment with him he looks around for the camera.I could go on and on.....................
I agree.
Reference: Sezit
I agree that he is either asexual, or, he is very far back in the closet he can see Narnia. He is more femine than Josie. The fact that he is obsessed with Beckham and has his posters all over his bedroom wall, then he has his Barbies, then he wears his cheapo jewelry, he also admitted at the very start that he didn't like Bj's, and that he does sex in 30 seconds. He always averts himself when Josie kisses him, and he kisses her neck.He is always looking in the mirror, and if Josie has a tender moment with him he looks around for the camera.I could go on and on
I agree with every word, Sezit.
Reference: Senora
When I saw his wierd stalker induced Beckham obsessed bedroom on BBLB, It kinda freaked me out..Not to mention that it looked like a 12 year old's bedroom.

I don't watch BBLB and I'm glad I missed that

I think Josie could easily work out for herself that the bloke just doesn't fancy her, but she chooses to ignore what's staring her in the face.

He's not intersted in sex...Period.. I think that is the crux to be honest. He is assexual,
I thought that watching the H/L's from the weekend.  Any young man in bed with a woman let alone one straddling him like Josie did would have had serious problems with a certain part of his anatomy, not John James, no responses whatsoever from the look of it.
I don't think he is latest theory is that he has a very tiny winkle, and women in the past have laughed at it...which is why all women must now suffer, because he fncies the good lookig ones, yet feels inadequate in their presence.

However women who remind him of his mum are welcome to cuddle him up and keep him safe as long as they remember their place will be washing his undercrackers and making him nice things for tea  and that they are not bonking material
I don't think he is latest theory is that he has a very tiny winkle, and women in the past have laughed at it...which is why all women must now suffer, because he fncies the good lookig ones, yet feels inadequate in their presence. However women who remind him of his mum are welcome to cuddle him up and keep him safe as long as they remember their place will be washing his undercrackers and making him nice things for tea and that they are not bonking material
You may have hit the nail on the head in these couple of points.
Ev (Peachy)

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