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She is voluptuous and can carry it off because she is quite tall.  She is also a pretty girl and has a good sense of humour when she wants to.    However....... she can also be a bitch, manipulative, sly and a slob.  I bet she enjoys a pint or two down the pub and is probably a bit of a ladette.
I think that is a very good summing up of Josie's character LL and of all the people in that house, I think she is really being herself - warts and all.
Sorry, but she is fat.  So am I and not proud of it.  It's not healthy but I'm honest enough with myself to admit it.

When you eat as much as she does and do nothing to burn it off, the weight piles on.  I don't think she (or anyone else) should strive to be a size zero, but I think Josie would look much better a few sizes smaller than she is.
But JJ isn't fat.

Some people have a metabolism that is fast enough to burn off the calories.  John James must be one of those people.  He also isn't stuffing his face all the time.

I don't think it's a question of Josie just being fat though, it's because she does absolutely nothing for the majority of the day.  If she were up and about doing anything, I don't think she would get the stick she does.
I don't think it's a question of Josie just being fat though, it's because she does absolutely nothing for the majority of the day.  If she were up and about doing anything, I don't think she would get the stick she does.
But none of them do anything all day.
Josie is probably the same size as most women in this country - a healthy size 16.
I am now thinking that only women who are size 8-10 should apply for the house as anyone else will be judged and condemned accordingly.
Josie may have been a size 16 when she entered the house, but she is certainly not a size 16 now.

It's not her size that makes her a target, it's the fact that she lays in bed, or on the sofa, or near the pool, or on the grass.  She is rarely sitting. 

The others may not do much either, but they are not laying about the way she is.  Dave has lost weight, but it's because he walks about the garden, does sit ups, etc.  Even Rachel does a bit of jogging from time to time.
Suzi-Q offline 194 Forum Posts Today at 8:55 AM Last Edited: Josie may have been a size 16 when she entered the house, but she is certainly not a size 16 now. It's not her size that makes her a target, it's the fact that she lays in bed, or on the sofa, or near the pool, or on the grass. She is rarely sitting. The others may not do much either, but they are not laying about the way she is. Dave has lost weight, but it's because he walks about the garden, does sit ups, etc. Even Rachel does a bit of jogging from time to time.
The way people go on here you'd think she was massive.  Is she overweight? Yes, is that the same as "fat" NO.  Well I don't think so... She's pear shaped, it's the classic English shape innit? 

Plus science has proven that its healthier to carry weight on yer bum or thighs rather than middle so...ladies who got back, not only does Sir Mixalot luv ya but Drs do too
I love teh Leccy

I'm sick of reading 'fat Josie' this 'lardy arse' that... mostly because it has nothing whatsoever to do with the point they are making, but also cos I don't think she is fat. She is larger than average/overweight like Lecs says but I also don't think its the same as being fat. 

Also, loving the science
I'm sick of reading 'fat Josie' this 'lardy arse' that... mostly because it has nothing whatsoever to do with the point they are making, but also cos I don't think she is fat. She is larger than average/overweight like Lecs says but I also don't think its the same as being fat.
I think the word for Josie is Amazonian..or Junesque.
But fat - no.
josie is not at all fat, and it really pisses me of when people say she is, no wonder this country has a large number of woman who are anerexic and bullminic. when comments like some above seem to be the norm, its just pathetic and ridiculous
This country has an even larger number of people who are obese.  Yes, it's quite sad that so many women feel the need to starve themselves to be thin, but anoerexia is not just about food, it's about control.

Obesity is taking over the country.  Marks & Sparks have a new line of children's school clothes for "fat kids".  Children have been taken away from their parents because the entire family was obese.

LIke her or loathe her, Josie is fat.  .  I don't like Josie.  I dislike her because of her character and personality, not because she is fat.  In fact, this is the first thread that I have commented on about her weight.

Other housemates in the past have been fat - Allison Hammond being one.  But Allison was a great housemate.  Josie is not.
People refer to JJ as crab-eyes, so they are making comments about his looks.  I have also seen posts about his manky hair and people who think he has a weedy body
I call him crab eyes sometimes.... not cos I think he has crabby eyes, just cos it pissed him off sooooo much it feels like I'm annoying him I also commented on his manky hair, but he can change that by washing it, the dirty ghet

I do actually think he has spindly little legs, but there isn't a whole lot he can do about that... except not wear shorts
What do you consider fat Isadora (no mean intention here) just interested to know your opinion, purely because I see that the "Josie is fat" is a bug bear for you)
No mean intention taken Fairfax

That is a good question.... I suppose Dawn French could be termed as fat.
But I have a real dislike of judging people on their size - the size of a person does not determine their personality.
Call Josie slovenly if you will... but don't keep blaming her size.
SazBomb online 3,984 Forum Posts Today at 9:37 AM Last Edited: Reference: People refer to JJ as crab-eyes, so they are making comments about his looks. I have also seen posts about his manky hair and people who think he has a weedy body I call him crab eyes sometimes.... not cos I think he has crabby eyes, just cos it pissed him off sooooo much it feels like I'm annoying him I also commented on his manky hair, but he can change that by washing it, the dirty ghet I do actually think he has spindly little legs, but there isn't a whole lot he can do about that... except not wear shorts
He has spindley arms too

Other then that, I think he is quite fit
Call Josie slovenly if you will... but don't keep blaming her size

Okey dokey Missus,  funnily enough I adore Dawn French and its only very recently that I would have called her the dreaded F word. Believe it or not I am no body facist and in fact have the most gorgeous husband who despairs of media coverage of women's bodies and goes ballistic if I ask him the usual questions "Do I look big in this", so I do see where you are coming from. Far too much critical emphasis on womens bodies.
Anyhoo, in the instance of Josie, because she is lazy does loll about (by her own admission) & mentions her weight, it has been brought to the forefront, and rightly or wrongly will be used against her.  I am not being disingeneous here (sic) but I dislike her because of her carry on with JJ and subsequent gossipy rants, but not because of her size.
am not being disingeneous here (sic) but I dislike her because of her carry on with JJ and subsequent gossipy rants, but not because of her size.
And that is absolutely fair enough! The trouble is when you dislike a HM you do tend to see all their physical flaws..
For example - I dislike JJ with a passion and therefore cannot see how he is good looking..
I really can't understand why all this upset about Josie's weight.  For me, saying Josie is fat is like saying Jo is black or that Dave wears glasses.

Is it the word "fat" that people find so annoying?  If people said that Josie is obese, would that make it better?

I agree with Fairfax - disliking Josie because of her size is not the issue.  It's her character and personality that I don't like.  She could be as thin as Corin - wouldn't make her a nice person .  In my opinion, of course.
They probably work harder to keep it off in the outside Kimota... if they usually go to the gym 3 times a week and have a low fat/carb type diet, then sitting around most of the time eating mainly pasta/bread/chickpeas is going to add weight quite quickly. Michelle Bass was one like that I think, she worked hard to keep the weight off outside and really struggled with the diet/lack of exercise in the house
Josie is very lazy and slobby and certainly likes her food, so she's put on quite a bit of weight. She isn't obese by a long chalk, but she's certainly chubby rather than fat.
It's not her weight, but her behaviour that drives me mad and as Issy says, when you dislike an HM, you tend to dislike everything about them too.
She probably has an underactive thyroid innit?

Josie has a heavier bottom half, which has got heavier since she went in the house. She moans about it, but doesn't make any effort to even try to do anything about it whilst in there, and that's what annoys me about her (along with other stuff but we're talking about her weight).

She doesn't need to do a lot either, just walking about or doing exercises intermittently throughout the day could really help and I also think would greatly eradicate the criticism she gets for her size.
Yeah course we all do! (apart from those who are perfect of course ) Dunno about anyone else, but I get bored of whinging about it to myself and at some point do think enough is enough, I either eat the cake and the rest of Cadburys and shut up about the consequences or I try and do something about it! That one on the tele just bleats on and on!

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