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Reference: Scotty
What I don`t understand is that she apologised for making a big deal of it to Keeva, made up with her, then continued to bitch about her to all and sundry.
Yes, I agree that she behaved quite badly over the whole thing.

I wish she'd see that JJ is just playing her for all his worth, and it's completely messed her head up.

All that crap he was spouting, every time anyone said, "She's got feelings for you", or "She fancies you" etc. and he'd say, "Yeah, but what does that mean?"
All that crap he was spouting, every time anyone said, "She's got feelings for you", or "She fancies you" etc. and he'd say, "Yeah, but what does that mean?"
I did really roll my eyes when he asked what sexual tension was the other night,FGS how old is he....And why tell her the other week he loved her ,not to mention I'd never leave you Jose.
Reference: Lee
I did really roll my eyes when he asked what sexual tension was the other night,FGS how old is he....And why tell her the other week he loved her ,not to mention I'd never leave you Jose.
He playing the 'Good looking bloke, that doesn't know it, who all the girls fall for, but he doesn't notice, and doesn't feel like that, and certainly wouldn't do anything in the house, as he respects women and would have to be really sure of his feelings first, because he couldn't bear to hurt anyone' sort of housemate.
He playing the 'Good looking bloke, that doesn't know it, who all the girls fall for, but he doesn't notice, and doesn't feel like that, and certainly wouldn't do anything in the house, as he respects women and would have to be really sure of his feelings first, because he couldn't bear to hurt anyone' sort of housemate.
Gotcha...In other words a player.
I am beginning to wonder if Josie even likes JJ that much. JJ and all the politics of that relationship were a means of getting attention for Josie. She is as sly and unpleasant as they get, She stabs people in the back and then makes a show of stabbing them in the front to make herself out like good old honest upfront Josie. By the time she has stabbed them in the front, her victim has keeled over anyway. Job done. Josie spent the last 3 days dripping poison in everyone's ear, While people like Corin were genuinely concerned offered good advice, Josie's attention wondered because she had done what she wanted to do...poison dispatched.. I was so annoyed that she used Corin's good nature in that way.
Spot on!
Senora Reyes
Reference: Blizzie
I wish she'd see that JJ is just playing her for all his worth, and it's completely messed her head up. All that crap he was spouting, every time anyone said, "She's got feelings for you", or "She fancies you" etc. and he'd say, "Yeah, but what does that mean?"
I know...playing the innocent and fishing for attention at the same time. He knows exactly what they mean.
She`s let her own head get messed up imo Blizzie. I don`t know for sure but she gives me the impression she wouldn`t be much different in real life.
She`s the jealous type. I would certainly be wary of giving a friendly hello cuddle to someone she fancied. She`d ostracise you toot sweet.
I wish she'd see that JJ is just playing her for all his worth, and it's completely messed her head up. All that crap he was spouting, every time anyone said, "She's got feelings for you", or "She fancies you" etc. and he'd say, "Yeah, but what does that mean?"
God you're not wrong there blizzie. I keep thinking 'where have you been since you emerged from child to grown up'?
cologne 1
Reference: G&P
I am beginning to wonder if Josie even likes JJ that much. JJ and all the politics of that relationship were a means of getting attention for Josie. She is as sly and unpleasant as they get, She stabs people in the back and then makes a show of stabbing them in the front to make herself out like good old honest upfront Josie. By the time she has stabbed them in the front, her victim has keeled over anyway. Job done. Josie spent the last 3 days dripping poison in everyone's ear, While people like Corin were genuinely concerned offered good advice, Josie's attention wondered because she had done what she wanted to do...poison dispatched.. I was so annoyed that she used Corin's good nature in that way.
She is as sly and unpleasant as they get, She stabs people in the back and then makes a show of stabbing them in the front to make herself out like good old honest upfront Josie. By the time she has stabbed them in the front, her victim has keeled over anyway. Job done. Josie spent the last 3 days dripping poison in everyone's ear, While people like Corin were genuinely concerned offered good advice, Josie's attention wondered because she had done what she wanted to do...poison dispatched.. I was so annoyed that she used Corin's good nature in that way.
Well said    Agree with you too Fairfax, but cant do two copies in one post

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