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well, guess i can say something now . . I'm in the car on my way back from the London bb auditions. Having done an online application my daughter was contacted by endemol and invited to go along today and skip the queue and the first rounds of the selection process and go straight to interview. Obviously as i am posting this she got rejected at the final round. She's a bit pissed off. I'm a bit relieved . . . It would have been very difficult for me to read peoples opinions of her on here.
Originally Posted by Rexi:

Ohhh Ditty - how exciting for her though


Mind you - if it was my daughter I would be pleased if she got rejected too. In fact, my daughter auditioned for Skins a while ago - I was cock-a-hoop when she got turned down

bollocks...   she's just read that!  


I am being told to google Shipwrecked for her first...  

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
I used to follow Jodie on twitter but she annoyed me, banging on about self promotion things all the time. I binned her off Shame cos I loved her on BB

remind me who Jodie is 

I'm serious - they made such an impression on me 

Is this a typeo and you mean Josie?      Jeez I'm quick off the block 

Originally Posted by Ducky:

Hide Ickles eyes a sec Ditty! I am SO glad she didn't get through.


I'm a total nutcase when it comes to defending my family......and in some weird online but very sincere way, Ickle is just that! Lori would have had to ban me for life within a week of launch night!

aw..   I lubs you Ducks ...     And Ickles says she lubs ya too!


I suppose whatever the outcome of today was, I was going to come away feeling sad (or out of my mind with blind panic )...      I do feel sad for her...     kinda.        But I know deep down that there was every chance that had the outcome of today been different I would have desperately been wishing it hadn't been  a few months down the line.


Hey ho!   Everything happens (or doesn't) for a reason..    I truly believe that.



Oh & ..       this years housemates --------      FREAK CITY!!!!!   (seriously!!!  I am a hardened BB viewer & the ones I saw that got through left me speechless..   not in a good way)



Oooooh..  that sounds like I am really really bitter!     I'm not!   I am sure there are some decent ones I didn't see.     I was hanging around with a lad waiting for his mate..   I'm fairly sure his mate got through..    he seemed like a good un! 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Croctacus:
I think I might give the whole thing a miss....last years lot were the most unlikeable bunch ever....and if this years lot are that bad they'll probably be worse. I don't know that I can be bothered. Had Ickle been in I'd have had to watch it.


 Definitely, and no one would  dare to say anything out of order. 

We wouldn't let them. 


Or get banned as ducky mentioned,   we could form a banned group 

Ev (Peachy)

OK....  the Josie pics.. 


Pic 1 - She was carrying the blue hoody when I first saw her...  as she chatted to the people in this pic she absent mindedly put the hood on her head.. 



pic 2 - she leaves the building... still carrying hoody on head 



Pic 3 - So when she gets outside...  someone asks if he can take her photo.. & she kinda forgets she has the blue hoody on    I did laugh...   


Last pic..    She did then go "ooh.. I better take that off me head"..    



Daughter & I agree that she kinda glows when you see her in person..  in fact daughter has just said (& I quote) "she looked fit".  (HUGE compliment coming from the girl...   she is usually highly critical of her fellow wimmin).


Having seen those pics in here of her before I left this morning I felt a bit awkward taking photos of her today...  I didn't want to be intrusive...    but she was lovely.     She spoke to us outside like she was just another person milling around...   to the extent where you kinda wondered if she had mistaken you for someone you knew or something.


I am not good at the fan thing..   I find autograph/photo taking etc too cringey..     Josie didn't make it feel like that at all 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

bollocks...   she's just read that!  


I am being told to google Shipwrecked for her first...  

ooooops sorry


Ickle ... my daughter has just seen the error of her ways and has devoted the whole of this summer to doing all the housework and cooking.


Hope that works Ditty 

Originally Posted by Rexi:


Ickle ... my daughter has just seen the error of her ways and has devoted the whole of this summer to doing all the housework and cooking.





To be fair to Ickle..   I want her to fulfil some of the things she has said she would do in her gap year.    Year 9 she made a decision to get her head down & study..    whilst her friends partied & were out all the time..    to balance it she has always planned to have a gap year..  and over the last 4 years there has been a list of things she wanted to do during her gap year.   (although... the last 2 years she has actually done quite a bit of partying..   I must remember that)



I'm not saying Josie should be forced to weat a burkha, (bit harsh Carnelian!  ) as I do actually think she has a very pretty face, but no way on earth can anyone say this is a good look! 



And come off it, people are free to say she is not looking her best and should not be wearing a bikini without being accused of being horrible!  This is definately NOT a good look.!


I have varied in size from a 10 to a 20 over the years (currently a 14,) and have NEVER worn a bikini.  You have to be very slim and toned to pull off a bikini.  So what on EARTH is Jodie thinking wearing this?!  She looks bloody AWFUL!  I don't care about how some say 'oooh, what do YOU look then?', or 'I am sure YOU look amazing and perfect!'  Well actually, no I don't; and I am not super-dooper slim, and this is why I would not dress like this. She knows that people may be there to scruntinise her, so why put herself in that position?  Surely she must KNOW the press would take pics... it's ALMOST as if she is doing it for attention.  (as if.........)  And on what planet does she think she looks good in a bikini?   


Josie is in the public eye, she chose to be there and she dresses like this in public, and then is shocked when people critisize her...  Nobody I know would dress like this, and some of my friends who are several stone lighter than Josie.  She is a pretty girl, but looks ludicrous in a bikini and anyone who says she doesn't look awful or that she 'looks normal' is kidding themselves.  In fact, I think a few people are being a little pious TBH, having a pop at people who are critisizing her, as if they are some kind of evil monsters for being sooo cruel to poor defenseless Josie!


Another thing is; she blathered on about her weight loss, like Colleen naffing Nolan and that bloody Natalie Cassiday and Claire from Steps who bored everyone half to death with how SLIM they are/were, and made plenty of money from the interviews/books/DVD.   So I'm sorry, but they have to take the flak when the weight piles back on.  They love the attention and compliments from their amazing weight losses, so they can take the flak when they regain it.  This is a 2-way street mateys! 



Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:


'I see the sun have got the worst pics of me ever. Cringe. Oh well me can't look good all the time pmsl x x,' she Tweets.

If she's not comfortable with it (and we saw her leaving CBB), why doesn't she just leave it all behind and go back to her chav life in Bristol? Because she wants the money, which is something both her and the Australian twit denied. Oh well.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by cologne 1:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:


'I see the sun have got the worst pics of me ever. Cringe. Oh well me can't look good all the time pmsl x x,' she Tweets.

If she's not comfortable with it (and we saw her leaving CBB), why doesn't she just leave it all behind and go back to her chav life in Bristol? Because she wants the money, which is something both her and the Australian twit denied. Oh well.

Well said Col

Originally Posted by cologne 1:

If she's not comfortable with it (and we saw her leaving CBB), why doesn't she just leave it all behind and go back to her chav life in Bristol? Because she wants the money, which is something both her and the Australian twit denied. Oh well.

Who says she's not comfortable with it (I'm assuming you mean her 'new life')?


I'd say she's having a whale of a time, from what I've seen.

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

If she's not comfortable with it (and we saw her leaving CBB), why doesn't she just leave it all behind and go back to her chav life in Bristol? Because she wants the money, which is something both her and the Australian twit denied. Oh well.

Who says she's not comfortable with it (I'm assuming you mean her 'new life')?


I'd say she's having a whale of a time, from what I've seen.

I know you and I don't see eye to eye about her, but I do remember her crying her eyes out in the DR saying she wasn't like them, she was just a normal person. I thought then it was all about money and it has shown itself to be all about money. She's not nice, she's not funny, she's a money grabbing chav.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by Cupcake:

I'm not saying Josie should be forced to weat a burkha, (bit harsh Carnelian!  ) as I do actually think she has a very pretty face, but no way on earth can anyone say this is a good look! 



And come off it, people are free to say she is not looking her best and should not be wearing a bikini without being accused of being horrible!  This is definately NOT a good look.!


I have varied in size from a 10 to a 20 over the years (currently a 14,) and have NEVER worn a bikini.  You have to be very slim and toned to pull off a bikini.  So what on EARTH is Jodie thinking wearing this?!  She looks bloody AWFUL!  I don't care about how some say 'oooh, what do YOU look then?', or 'I am sure YOU look amazing and perfect!'  Well actually, no I don't; and I am not super-dooper slim, and this is why I would not dress like this. She knows that people may be there to scruntinise her, so why put herself in that position?  Surely she must KNOW the press would take pics... it's ALMOST as if she is doing it for attention.  (as if.........)  And on what planet does she think she looks good in a bikini?   


Josie is in the public eye, she chose to be there and she dresses like this in public, and then is shocked when people critisize her...  Nobody I know would dress like this, and some of my friends who are several stone lighter than Josie.  She is a pretty girl, but looks ludicrous in a bikini and anyone who says she doesn't look awful or that she 'looks normal' is kidding themselves.  In fact, I think a few people are being a little pious TBH, having a pop at people who are critisizing her, as if they are some kind of evil monsters for being sooo cruel to poor defenseless Josie!


Another thing is; she blathered on about her weight loss, like Colleen naffing Nolan and that bloody Natalie Cassiday and Claire from Steps who bored everyone half to death with how SLIM they are/were, and made plenty of money from the interviews/books/DVD.   So I'm sorry, but they have to take the flak when the weight piles back on.  They love the attention and compliments from their amazing weight losses, so they can take the flak when they regain it.  This is a 2-way street mateys! 



Good post Cupcake, I dont' really think Josie should wear a burka but she's in the public eye, I don't like her and she's a fat arse.  And no, I'm no oil painting either, but like you, I won't be parading up and down the beech this summer with my beer belly hanging out. 


I totally agree, and let's be honest, if it were a fat bloke letting it all hang out, there would be none of this big is beautiful 'fat is a feminist issue' nonsense. 


Dawn French did women as much of a disservice as those size 0 models when she and others insisted it was politically correct that morbid obesity in women be regarded as curvy and sexy. 


Numerous male celebs such as Robbie Williams have had plenty of stick in the past when they've paraded on beaches with their paunches.  Even Jack Nicholson, who must be in his seventies by now got mocked over his belly.  So why not Josie, who's what, 28?

Last edited by Carnelian
Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by Cupcake:

I'm not saying Josie should be forced to weat a burkha, (bit harsh Carnelian!  ) as I do actually think she has a very pretty face, but no way on earth can anyone say this is a good look! 



And come off it, people are free to say she is not looking her best and should not be wearing a bikini without being accused of being horrible!  This is definately NOT a good look.!


I have varied in size from a 10 to a 20 over the years (currently a 14,) and have NEVER worn a bikini.  You have to be very slim and toned to pull off a bikini.  So what on EARTH is Jodie thinking wearing this?!  She looks bloody AWFUL!  I don't care about how some say 'oooh, what do YOU look then?', or 'I am sure YOU look amazing and perfect!'  Well actually, no I don't; and I am not super-dooper slim, and this is why I would not dress like this. She knows that people may be there to scruntinise her, so why put herself in that position?  Surely she must KNOW the press would take pics... it's ALMOST as if she is doing it for attention.  (as if.........)  And on what planet does she think she looks good in a bikini?   


Josie is in the public eye, she chose to be there and she dresses like this in public, and then is shocked when people critisize her...  Nobody I know would dress like this, and some of my friends who are several stone lighter than Josie.  She is a pretty girl, but looks ludicrous in a bikini and anyone who says she doesn't look awful or that she 'looks normal' is kidding themselves.  In fact, I think a few people are being a little pious TBH, having a pop at people who are critisizing her, as if they are some kind of evil monsters for being sooo cruel to poor defenseless Josie!


Another thing is; she blathered on about her weight loss, like Colleen naffing Nolan and that bloody Natalie Cassiday and Claire from Steps who bored everyone half to death with how SLIM they are/were, and made plenty of money from the interviews/books/DVD.   So I'm sorry, but they have to take the flak when the weight piles back on.  They love the attention and compliments from their amazing weight losses, so they can take the flak when they regain it.  This is a 2-way street mateys! 



Good post Cupcake, I dont' really think Josie should wear a burka but she's in the public eye, I don't like her and she's a fat arse.  And no, I'm oil painting either, but like you, I won't be parading up and down the beech this summer with my beer belly hanging out. 


I totally agree, and let's be honest, if it were a fat bloke letting it all hang out, would be there would be none of this big is beautiful 'fat is a feminist issue' nonsense. 


Dawn French did women as much of a disservice as those size 0 models when she and others insisted it was politically correct that morbid obesity in women be regarded as curvy and sexy. 


Numerous male celebs such as Robbie Williams have had plenty of stick in the past when they've paraded on beaches with their paunches.  Even Jack Nicholson, who must be in his seventies by now got mocked over his belly.  So why not Josie, who's what, 28?

I think that you are right, this is the 'must be kosher' society. God help us.

cologne 1

Josie went to her friends hen do last minute,funny how the paps knew where to find her.I dont believe for one minute that it wasn't set up by her.Who runs along the beach like someone out of Baywatch.She made sure the paps got their picture.

When Josie was in the BB house she went on about her weight at every opportunity,Why would John James want me ..I'm so fat.I'm doing this for the bigger women.On and on she went.Josie made her weight an issue.Josie came out the house ,got herself  a trainer,made a fitness dvd,got magazine deals showing her 3 stone weight loss.So I dont have a problem commenting on how she looks,and I think she looks gross.

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Videostar:

With all due respect, it was Josie who made such a big deal about her weight while in the BB house, no one else cared apart from her 


Well, that certainly wasn't true of a fair few people on here, who mentioned it much, much more than she ever mentioned it

Those who mentioned it only did so after she talked about it "constantly" in the house.

Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Videostar:

With all due respect, it was Josie who made such a big deal about her weight while in the BB house, no one else cared apart from her and the fact that she brought it up at every given chance in order to get mugs to support her.




My take on some women who make a big deal about their weight in front of other people is that they feel SO uncomfortable being bigger than others, that they are always at pains to make sure THEY are the first to point it out......laughing and joking about it, talking about it out in the open, is easier to cope with than the comments others may make to your face.....or the imagined comments that they are saying behind your back.


What a choice to have to make!


I'm speaking from experience of having a sister who has suffered badly from eating disorders from the age of 16. She's stick thin, but will still comment on how fat she is in practically every conversation she has.


My sister was mildy overweight when she was in her early teens. Comments from others about her weight definitely contributed to the onset of her problems. 24 years later she's still not managed to overcome them. It's doubtful she will live to a ripe old age, eating disorders can shorten a persons life span considerably. But hey, she's spent the last 24 years looking great in a bikini......


I just wish people would THINK before they say things!


Some people who are overweight (or think they are)  have no confidence in themselves and feel like they have to put themselves down or joke about it before they think others will do first, Josie however " I believe" used the weight thing and her relationship with JJ as a means to win BB.


She showed plenty of signs of nasty and sometimes quite bullying behaviour (Keeva) , thats not a sign of someone who is lacking in self confidence.


But I agree with you that people should think before they say things as to not hurt anyones feelings.


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