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you got lucky with the c section (& yeah I do mean that... I was screaming for 3 days for a c section).. cos the titanic is justified... strangest feeling ever... like the longest wee you've ever had... days & days long!
I can hear Celine Dion in my head I was lucky with the C-section mate, was all set to be started off with the gel and pessaries and God knows what else, till they realised he had disengaged and turned back to breech, was saved hours of labour pain right at the last minute. But the biggest result was not having to wear those ruddy mattresses in my knickers! And it was a result for everyone around me aswell, I had the hump as it was for 6 months after the birth
Really?? Were you under general anaesthetic cos I know that can make the recovery a lot worse. I was happy as a pig in the proverbial during my ceasar, I was awake, yapping away (and singing ) blissfully unaware of what was going on around me. I kept moaning at the bloke to change the radio channel and he found Firestarter by the Prodigy (I know someone with tickets for MK Bowl and I cant get there )  anyhoo yeah I was having a mini rave and was up running about the same night
I had an epidural, they don't work on EDSers but we didn't know I had EDS at that time...although I WAS telling the anaesthetist I could feel his bloody pin pricks

Then halfway through the stitch up after they knocked me out...YUCK, I had trippy dreams, thought I was dying and everything.

But yeah, it was hideous, (even leaving that bit out) it was painful for ages after, I coughed, wee-d and thought me innards would fall out.  Having the boy was pain from hell but it was concentrated, when it stopped it stopped
I didn't know you weren't supposed to feel them riving at your innards tbh, not till yonks later...I thought it WAS normal
No it's not normal The epidural effect lasts for ages but it sounds like you just had some heavy handed surgeons if you were in the much pain after. I didn't have a great time after having K but that was more muscular stuff, nowt to do with the surgery, they did a good job with mine and the scar and everything. I was in more pain after the ectopic where I had one of my tubes out (which was effectively another c section).

Really shit that you had such a bad experience though
Just thinking of Enya reminds me of when I was preggers and you know you read every book and magazine you can get your hands on? Well I thought I'd give meditation and chanting a go cos it was supposed to relax the baby (I tried every bloody thing - I'm so easily sold to ) and I bought a couple of these tapes and one was the noise inside the womb (apparently). Have you ever heard that? WHAT a racket Soon turned trhat off. The other one was some bloke humming and digiriedoos or however you spell it (those long things that make that noise) and I had it full blast, except I'd not read up on how to actually meditate. So yer man's there humming, the long thing's bleating away and I'm sitting on my arse in the lounge giving it 'OHM, HUMMMMM, OHHMMM' in a really deep loud voice. My mum came in from work and thought I'd completely lost it and phoned the midwife team saying she didn't think I was coping very well

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