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She said that she gets bad PMT for one week before, and this is day 41, so this will be her second period in there.

I must have missed this bad tempered Josie that some of you think has been in the house, because I've only noticed her getting arsey with Dave, over the weight comment, and with Queefer, over the JJ thing.

Apart from that and her argument with JJ, which I don't blame her for, I think she's been cheerful throughout. The other housemates don't seem to have noticed, either.
I have only been able to predict mine recently... cos am crap at all that...  but now I have the Ducky period plotting method...  when Ducky gets stroppy I know to put the necessaries on my shopping list...   for me for the following week!
 Poor Ducky. 

I used to be able to say which ovary the egg was coming from each month and precisely when I was ovulating. It was rather freaky...

But I have been blissfully period free now for 7 years. Nope - not early menopause as much as my mother would relish the idea. The fan-bloody-tastic Mirena coil. 

Maybe that would sort JJ out. Bagsy I insert it. 

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