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People keep going on and on about her disgusting habits - how she has ruined JJ, how fat she is etc etc etc..

Now IMO Josie has been nothing but herself in there... her glorious infactuated nose picking duvet hogging self. 

And we don't like it... Why? Because she is showing what perhaps many of us are like at times....
So she picks her nose?
Well so do I and what is more I do it in bed and when driving... and I DON'T CARE!!!
So she stays in bed ...well come on, how many of us can honestly say that we are up and dressed at 0800 7 days a week. How many of us have PJ days.?
So she eats too much - I do that if I am bored - I admit it!

I am a filthy human being BUT I am human

I HATE the JJ thing but that is what infatuation does.

Josie does not deserve the crap she is getting...

Blizzie.. this is for you!

*Puts on flack jacket.*

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I agree with all of that!

I watch BB to see people living in a house for 13 weeks..   I don't want to see people considering every move they make & every word they say, being on their bestest behaviour...  I want to people watch!

Josie is an interesting housemate...  she is fab at witty one liners...  is passionate (for good or for bad),  and the duvet stuff...   back in the days before I had kids and a relationship was starting out, that is exactly what I would do.... live in bed all day with the new man.    It could be so much worse... they could be properly "doing stuff"...   thankfully they aren't.
Her habits disgusting or otherwise don't bother me, her weight doesn't bother me, she has a great curvy womanly figure...What irritates me is that prior to her wierd hook up with Steptoe, (Even though I am not a supporter of hers) She was quite care free, funny, she made an effort to get to know and spend time with other HM's...Fast Forward to the present all she seems to do is slaver all over that poor excuse for a man, she's parted company with her clothes, she seems to have opted to wearing a duvet or a towel, and lay on her back in bed...I want to be entertained not watch Josie doing what she may or may not do at home...She's become boring.
Senora Reyes
Her habits disgusting or otherwise don't bother me, her wieght doesn't bother me, she has a great curvy womanly figure...What irritates me is that that prior to her wierd hook up with Steptoe, (Even though I am not a supporter of hers) She was quite care free, funny, she made an effort to get to know and spend time with other HM's...Fast Forward to the present all she seems to do is slaver all over that poor excuse for a man, she's parted company with her clothes, she seems to have opted to wearing a duvet or a towel, and lay on her back in bed...I want to be enteretained not watch Josie doing what she may or may not do at home...She's become boring.

That is exactly how I feel!
I agree with all of that! I watch BB to see people living in a house for 13 weeks..   I don't want to see people considering every move they make & every word they say, being on their bestest behaviour...  I want to people watch! Josie is an interesting housemate...  she is fab at witty one liners...  is passionate (for good or for bad),  and the duvet stuff...   back in the days before I had kids and a relationship was starting out, that is exactly what I would do.... live in bed all day with the new man.    It could be so much worse... they could be properly "doing stuff"...   thankfully they aren't.
We are as one 

There is no way I could not stop my more anti social bodily functions for 13 weeks 
Senora Reyes online 10,383 Forum Posts Today at 8:49 PM Last Edited: Her habits disgusting or otherwise don't bother me, her wieght doesn't bother me, she has a great curvy womanly figure...What irritates me is that that prior to her wierd hook up with Steptoe, (Even though I am not a supporter of hers) She was quite care free, funny, she made an effort to get to know and spend time with other HM's...Fast Forward to the present all she seems to do is slaver all over that poor excuse for a man, she's parted company with her clothes, she seems to have opted to wearing a duvet or a towel, and lay on her back in bed...I want to be enteretained not watch Josie doing what she may or may not do at home...She's become boring.
Agree with most of that Senora

She has turned into a slob though.  The fact that she wears the same clothes to bed that she has worn all day is quite disgusting.  Call me fussy, but it is.  Slobbing around the house all day with a filthy duvet wrapped around her is vile and she should have more respect for herself.

I do, however, find her funny at times.
I rarely get dressed on a Sunday.  (I do shower and put clean jamas on)

I pick my nose sometimes, but only when I have the feeling that I will produce a good 'eye tugger'.

I just love love love having a good poo, you know the one, you have it and feel so much lighter and spend the rest of the day skipping lightly on your feet and feeling like clicking your heels.

 ....ANYWAY, as for Josie, I just wish she would get over her infatuation with the angry Aussie.
my husband calls that mine dropping.... he does it in Tesco's... then increases his pace so I am left there looking like the guilty party! When I catch him up he will be giggling away to himself!
My younger daughter and I have it down to an artform.

She will say... " we need to go NOW"

And we exit stage left

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