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Originally posted by Sexy_Kelly:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by Sexy_Kelly:
Linky poo
Eeker ÂĢ85 for that!
Also nice to see the split isn't effecting Jordan too much Roll Eyes
It looks like a biro drawing though Big Grin.

Thats what i was thinking! Well shes all class that one Big Grin
No class at all... And is it me or is her skin starting to look like freshly skinned leather?
I am so sick of this, Jordan spends a lot of time looking after her kids and up until this split it was deemed that she was doing a good job. Now, the kids went to Cyprus to spend some time with their father (on fathers day) and she took herself off on holiday. She has just split up from her husband and is having some fun, unfortunately she has got the tabloids following her every move, probably making stuff up while he gets the softer side of the story. Currently according to this story he is "wimpering" in Cyprus, erm hang on, wasn't it him that packed his stuff and left?

It makes me so mad. That day in day out she is vilified and he is held up as som e sort of saint. I know she isn't all sweetness and light but for gods sake, its not like she has left her kids home alone while she goes out on the lash and I guarentee he will be doing the same ones the kids have gone back to Jordan except this will be shown as poor tragic Pete getting over his heartbreak from the mean girl.
Originally posted by Lindsxdx:
I am so sick of this, Jordan spends a lot of time looking after her kids and up until this split it was deemed that she was doing a good job. Now, the kids went to Cyprus to spend some time with their father (on fathers day) and she took herself off on holiday. She has just split up from her husband and is having some fun, unfortunately she has got the tabloids following her every move, probably making stuff up while he gets the softer side of the story. Currently according to this story he is "wimpering" in Cyprus, erm hang on, wasn't it him that packed his stuff and left?

It makes me so mad. That day in day out she is vilified and he is held up as som e sort of saint. I know she isn't all sweetness and light but for gods sake, its not like she has left her kids home alone while she goes out on the lash and I guarentee he will be doing the same ones the kids have gone back to Jordan except this will be shown as poor tragic Pete getting over his heartbreak from the mean girl.
Thank you. Thumbs Up Clapping
Originally posted by Lindsxdx:
I am so sick of this, Jordan spends a lot of time looking after her kids and up until this split it was deemed that she was doing a good job. Now, the kids went to Cyprus to spend some time with their father (on fathers day) and she took herself off on holiday. She has just split up from her husband and is having some fun, unfortunately she has got the tabloids following her every move, probably making stuff up while he gets the softer side of the story. Currently according to this story he is "wimpering" in Cyprus, erm hang on, wasn't it him that packed his stuff and left?
It makes me so mad. That day in day out she is vilified and he is held up as som e sort of saint. I know she isn't all sweetness and light but for gods sake, its not like she has left her kids home alone while she goes out on the lash and I guarentee he will be doing the same ones the kids have gone back to Jordan except this will be shown as poor tragic Pete getting over his heartbreak from the mean girl.

I agree in a way Lindsxdx. But i dont think for a second that she is not using the press to her advantage. I think shes showing pete just what hes missing out on. Fair play to her, after all he did end it. But lets face it, shes not doing herself any favours.
No she definately isn't doing herself any favours and I am sure she is loving the pictures of her posing in her bikini with some hot model but the stories that accompany it are so negative and really contrived to make her look like some heartless sluzzer and him look like father of the decade when the fact of the matter is its just his turn to look after them and she is having some fun in the mean time.

Originally posted by Lindsxdx:
I am so sick of this, Jordan spends a lot of time looking after her kids and up until this split it was deemed that she was doing a good job. Now, the kids went to Cyprus to spend some time with their father (on fathers day) and she took herself off on holiday. She has just split up from her husband and is having some fun, unfortunately she has got the tabloids following her every move, probably making stuff up while he gets the softer side of the story. Currently according to this story he is "wimpering" in Cyprus, erm hang on, wasn't it him that packed his stuff and left?

It makes me so mad. That day in day out she is vilified and he is held up as som e sort of saint. I know she isn't all sweetness and light but for gods sake, its not like she has left her kids home alone while she goes out on the lash and I guarentee he will be doing the same ones the kids have gone back to Jordan except this will be shown as poor tragic Pete getting over his heartbreak from the mean girl.

TBH, i don't like either of them. IMO, they are both media whores, but after requesting for "privacy", Jordan has been selling her side of the story and there really hasn't been that much about Pete's side. I really could care less about either of them.
Originally posted by Sexy_Kelly:
Originally posted by Lindsxdx:
I am so sick of this, Jordan spends a lot of time looking after her kids and up until this split it was deemed that she was doing a good job. Now, the kids went to Cyprus to spend some time with their father (on fathers day) and she took herself off on holiday. She has just split up from her husband and is having some fun, unfortunately she has got the tabloids following her every move, probably making stuff up while he gets the softer side of the story. Currently according to this story he is "wimpering" in Cyprus, erm hang on, wasn't it him that packed his stuff and left?
It makes me so mad. That day in day out she is vilified and he is held up as som e sort of saint. I know she isn't all sweetness and light but for gods sake, its not like she has left her kids home alone while she goes out on the lash and I guarentee he will be doing the same ones the kids have gone back to Jordan except this will be shown as poor tragic Pete getting over his heartbreak from the mean girl.

I agree in a way Lindsxdx. But i dont think for a second that she is not using the press to her advantage. I think shes showing pete just what hes missing out on. Fair play to her, after all he did end it. But lets face it, shes not doing herself any favours.
She isn't doing herself any favours i agree. But she also isnt do anything illegal. He left her he said the kids are in bits. Why? Is he showing them pics of their mom? Their life is no different from how it as always been. Daddy goes away to work mommy looks after kids, mommy goes away Daddy looks after kids. I never take sides in marriage break ups because at the end of the day we never really know what goes on behind closed doors, even the nicest man in the world can be a monster in his own home. If the marriage was so happy why was Katie on anti depressants all her married life? Its easy to knock Katie she gives us the ammunition. But she is doing nothing that quite a few newly single women on a weeks holiday in Ibiza would do, which is get drunk , flash her bits and meet men. If any judge thinks thats a reason to make her lose custody then a lot of women need to be very worried.
Originally posted by longcat:
It doesnt even look like a tattoo it looks like felt tipped pen.
I wouldn`t be at all surprised to find out that it is felt tip pen, she`s only doing it so that the press get a picture Mad In a way I hope she carries on like this then Peter might get permanent custody of the children and she only gets visitation rights, much better for the kids. Can you imagine what those children will have to put up with when they start school, fancy having to be embarassed about your mum.
For the last few years all my female friends have been telling me that 'Katie is a really intelligent woman' or 'Katie is really business savvy' and 'Katie has left 'Jordan' behind' and all kinds of other garbage.

Looks like it was all an act, because she's embracing 'Jordan', and throwing away all the hard work on changing her image in the process.

She's no better than Jodie Marsh again.
I like Jordan/Katie Price. She is a good mother to her children and at the moment she is having a break from them. I admire the fact that she has cared for her eldest child and loved him in the only way she knows how. She is a savvy business woman and she knows her shelf life is short and she is making as much money as she can before her appeal vanishes. At least she is shrewd enough to understand biology.

Peter Andre is a decent man, but he is not the man for Katie. He is too soft. She needs a strong minded man that she can look up to and respect. I never thought that it was love, and I was right. I hope she meets a man who she can truly love and respect. And I hope Peter meets someone who values his lovely gentle personality.
Twee Surgeon

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