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Originally posted by longcat:
Originally posted by The Guru:

I can't believe there are some fm's gullible enough to believe all the crap printed by the tabloids.
But people do. If they bothered to read the entire story most of the time it hasn't come from him or her. Or what is an headline as been taken completely out of context.

She has just been on This Morning, she skimmed over the rape, but she did admit it, also, she is still very resentful...straight from the horses mouth so to speak...Nod
The Devil In Diamante
Originally posted by The Devil In Diamante:
Originally posted by longcat:
Originally posted by The Guru:

I can't believe there are some fm's gullible enough to believe all the crap printed by the tabloids.
But people do. If they bothered to read the entire story most of the time it hasn't come from him or her. Or what is an headline as been taken completely out of context.

She has just been on This Morning, she skimmed over the rape, but she did admit it, also, she is still very resentful...straight from the horses mouth so to speak...Nod
She also said that Peter knows who the guy was.
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
I would almost stake my life on it being a lie...or at the very best a stretching of the truth...she probably woke up after a drunken night next to someone she wouldn't do sober and told herself she'd been raped rather than admit she was a drunken slapper who'd shag anyone.

I think this is a likely scenario.
Rev. Dim Dale
Originally posted by The Devil In Diamante:
Originally posted by longcat:
Originally posted by The Guru:

I can't believe there are some fm's gullible enough to believe all the crap printed by the tabloids.
But people do. If they bothered to read the entire story most of the time it hasn't come from him or her. Or what is an headline as been taken completely out of context.

She has just been on This Morning, she skimmed over the rape, but she did admit it, also, she is still very resentful...straight from the horses mouth so to speak...Nod

Yes, she wrote a snippet in her column to negate the viscious bullshit the tabloids are printing about her fella being in a rape porn film. All lies of course, it's a gangster flick.
The Guru
Originally posted by The Devil In Diamante:
She also said that Peter knows who the guy was.

She did Thumbs Up He has said he knows nothing about her being raped, though that doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't know who the Guy is...whichever way, they're both getting very tiresome now....
The story where Peter says its the first he as heard comes from a friend of a friend of a friend as do most of the headline stories.
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
I would almost stake my life on it being a lie...or at the very best a stretching of the truth...she probably woke up after a drunken night next to someone she wouldn't do sober and told herself she'd been raped rather than admit she was a drunken slapper who'd shag anyone.

Blimey!! What you've written is bloody nasty.

Do you know her personally? Probably not. So where do you get the gall to call her that other than from tabloid stories. 90% of which are made up bollocks.
The Guru
Originally posted by disley21:
The sad thing about this whole situation is that this is the real Jordan, the nicey nicey Katie Price of the last few years was clearly all an act designed to increase her bank balance...

Yes, she tried very hard to ditch Jordan and b Katie, now she's back to square one...I must say, I preferred the nice katie...
The Devil In Diamante
Originally posted by longcat:
If you read beyond the headline you will see that it was a pal of Peter who gave the story not Peter. Most of the headlines attributed to Peter and Katie come from so called friends and pals.

With permission though...that's how most 'celebrities' get bits of info they want into the papers whilst being able to say it did not come from them.
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
Originally posted by longcat:
If you read beyond the headline you will see that it was a pal of Peter who gave the story not Peter. Most of the headlines attributed to Peter and Katie come from so called friends and pals.

With permission though...that's how most 'celebrities' get bits of info they want into the papers whilst being able to say it did not come from them.

No... That's how tabloids get away with printing shite in the papers.
The Guru
Originally posted by The Guru:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
Originally posted by longcat:
If you read beyond the headline you will see that it was a pal of Peter who gave the story not Peter. Most of the headlines attributed to Peter and Katie come from so called friends and pals.

With permission though...that's how most 'celebrities' get bits of info they want into the papers whilst being able to say it did not come from them.

No... That's how tabloids get away with printing shite in the papers.
Thumbs Up
Originally posted by The Guru:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
I would almost stake my life on it being a lie...or at the very best a stretching of the truth...she probably woke up after a drunken night next to someone she wouldn't do sober and told herself she'd been raped rather than admit she was a drunken slapper who'd shag anyone.

Blimey!! What you've written is bloody nasty.

Do you know her personally? Probably not. So where do you get the gall to call her that other than from tabloid stories. 90% of which are made up bollocks.

Yes it may well be but drink makes people stupid.
Rev. Dim Dale
Originally posted by Rev. Dim Dale:
Originally posted by Koala Brother:
vile, pathetic f****in biatch Angry

I take it there's a possibility you may be Team Andre?
no he did himself a disservice when he got involved with her. I'm just angry that someone (even if they are true) would use this kind of story to bring up their ratings Shake Head
Koala Brother
Some of the comments on here towards Jordan are harsh, but people are entitled to voice their views and opinions. And yes they are gonna be harsh ones when it comes to Jordan. When you are consantly forcing yourself into the public eye, and I mean CONSTANTLY, and doing anything and everything you can to gain publicity, then you invite all sorts of responses; and the chances are that some of them will not be good.

Jordan is the worst attention seeker out there IMO and is right up there with Kerry Katona as a vacuous and useless attention seeking talentless entity. I am not on 'team Jordan' OR 'Team Peter,' but I think he is way too good for her. The woman's behaviour is just dreadful, and I feel sorry for her poor kids.

I think someone who loves her and cares about her (maybe her MOTHER) should pull her away from all this, and STOP her selling her soul. I think she has gained even more enemies thatn she already had now.
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Some of the comments on here towards Jordan are harsh, but people are entitled to voice their views and opinions. And yes they are gonna be harsh ones when it comes to Jordan. When you are consantly forcing yourself into the public eye, and I mean CONSTANTLY, and doing anything and everything you can to gain publicity, then you invite all sorts of responses; and the chances are that some of them will not be good.

Jordan is the worst attention seeker out there IMO and is right up there with Kerry Katona as a vacuous and useless attention seeking talentless entity. I am not on 'team Jordan' OR 'Team Peter,' but I think he is way too good for her. The woman's behaviour is just dreadful, and I feel sorry for her poor kids.

I think someone who loves her and cares about her (maybe her MOTHER) should pull her away from all this, and STOP her selling her soul. I think she has gained even more enemies thatn she already had now.

Bloody good post CP.

Someone needs to rescue Kerry for she is a lost waif. We all said that about heartbroken Britney last year. Saddled with kids and arsehole husbands. Jordan knows exactly what she is doing and none of it is nice. Kerry is drowning in a sea of desperation and heartbreak.
Rev. Dim Dale
Originally posted by Sink the Pink:
For a so called glamour model, i dont even find her remotely attractive.

I have never worked out what the fascination about her was

Me neither she is no Maysoon.

On that link in the pic of her and Pete she is giving her best I am smoulderingly sexy look! PMSL what does she think she looks like? Laugh Moon
Rev. Dim Dale
Originally posted by Rev. Dim Dale:Bloody good post CP.

Someone needs to rescue Kerry for she is a lost waif. We all said that about heartbroken Britney last year. Saddled with kids and arsehole husbands. Jordan knows exactly what she is doing and none of it is nice. Kerry is drowning in a sea of desperation and heartbreak.
Thank you Rev Smiler I really wanna refrain from calling her a slag, slapper, bitch whatever, LOL, though I can understand people saying it coz she is acting so much like one! Mad but none of us are perfect and it's a wee bit harsh... BUT she is BLOODY annoying! She is her own worst enemiy and it comes as no surprise that more and more people are starting to detest her. i actually did used to think she was OK, but her behaviour this past few months has been grotty. As for her physical appeal; she was very pretty and sexy when she first bounded onto the scene, but now she just looks awful IMO and much older than her 31 years (I think that is what she is...)
Originally posted by RENTON:
Why say it now - has she sed?

Leaving the allegations aside - i find this woman a vile creature, a horrific example to set to anyone and her own worst enemy.
That peter Andre married her explains him from top to bottom

I am of the genuine opinion that Pete Andre fell very much in love with her. I think THAT says much much more.
Rev. Dim Dale
Originally posted by Rev. Dim Dale:
Originally posted by RENTON:
Why say it now - has she sed?

Leaving the allegations aside - i find this woman a vile creature, a horrific example to set to anyone and her own worst enemy.
That peter Andre married her explains him from top to bottom

I am of the genuine opinion that Pete Andre fell very much in love with her. I think THAT says much much more.

Fell in love with a vile, attention-seeking slapper Shake Head
Originally posted by RENTON:
Originally posted by Rev. Dim Dale:
Originally posted by RENTON:
Why say it now - has she sed?

Leaving the allegations aside - i find this woman a vile creature, a horrific example to set to anyone and her own worst enemy.
That peter Andre married her explains him from top to bottom

I am of the genuine opinion that Pete Andre fell very much in love with her. I think THAT says much much more.

Fell in love with a vile, attention-seeking slapper Shake Head

Love is blind does he deserve to be stoned for it? Confused
Rev. Dim Dale

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