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"Fans have laid into the star after she sensationally claimed she had been raped more than once when she was younger.

They have labelled her confession “a disgrace” and “a desperate bid for attention”.

Thanks Devil. I saw this on the front of OK magazine yesterday, and the first thing I thought was 'is there NOTHING this woman won't do to get her mug on the front of the magazines, and to gain sympathy?' I did not for one second think 'poor Jordan,' as frankly I am not sure I believe her.

I was gonna post this yesterday, but was afraid to for fear of people thinking I was a heartless cow. But if ANYone else had said this, I would have gasped and felt sorry for them. But Jordan? No way. Shake Head

But if her FANS and many others are saying this is a bid for attention and publicity and THEY are mad with her, then I don't feel bad or guilty for saying it now. Obviously many others think the same as me...

I do agree she needs help though. Especially if it's NOT true. Even if it is, why tell the world? To make them feel sorry for her and like her more. Not gonna work IMO.
Originally posted by Sink the Pink:
Originally posted by cinnamon girl:
She has mentioned being raped before. Absolutely horrible of course, and may go some way to explain why she is the way she is.

However, using it to regain some sympathy is rather cynical.

The girl has issues Frowner

So how come no one knows about it then, not even Peter or her friends Confused

Honestly, I remember her saying something way back. Did she not mention it on the Piers Morgan interview? (I didn't watch it, can't stand that creepy little man).

She was in an abusive relationship when she was in her teens too.
cinnamon girl
I was gonna post this yesterday, but was afraid to for fear of people thinking I was a heartless cow. But if ANYone else had said this, I would have gasped and felt sorry for them. But Jordan? No way. Shake Head

I was going to mention it Yesterday also, but didn't for the very same reason.

I have heard her mention about being sexually assaulted, but not raped...

I don't know if I believe her TBH Shake Head Sad to say isn't it?

It seems everytime she wants publicity she comes up with something else, bullying etc...if this is not true she seriously needs help...
The Devil In Diamante
Originally posted by cinnamon girl:
Originally posted by Sink the Pink:
Originally posted by cinnamon girl:
She has mentioned being raped before. Absolutely horrible of course, and may go some way to explain why she is the way she is.

However, using it to regain some sympathy is rather cynical.

The girl has issues Frowner

So how come no one knows about it then, not even Peter or her friends Confused

Honestly, I remember her saying something way back. Did she not mention it on the Piers Morgan interview? (I didn't watch it, can't stand that creepy little man).

She was in an abusive relationship when she was in her teens too.

I think she said in the Morgan interview that she was touched up, she also has 3 autobiographys out and no mention of it in any of them, just seems like bullshit to me, rather a heavy claim to just throw out like that when her popularity has diminished Shake Head
Originally posted by The Devil In Diamante:
I was going to mention it Yesterday also, but didn't for the very same reason.

I have heard her mention about being sexually assaulted, but not raped...

I don't know if I believe her TBH Shake Head Sad to say isn't it?

It seems everytime she wants publicity she comes up with something else, bullying etc...if this is not true she seriously needs help...

It may seem sad and bad in a way to think 'what a publicity seeking troll,' and not feel sorry for her, and yet everyone I know seems to think the same. They don't believe her and think it's a bid for sympathy. And they also think the same as you (and so do I...) that there is ALWAYS something that has been so tragic in her life, and we should all feel sorry for her. NEWSFLASH Jordan, we have ALL had misery and heartache and suffered at some point in our lives, but we don't all use it to gain sypmathy and to whitewash appalling and unnacceptable behaviour.
Originally posted by cinnamon girl:
She has mentioned being raped before. Absolutely horrible of course, and may go some way to explain why she is the way she is.

However, using it to regain some sympathy is rather cynical.

The girl has issues Frowner

What she mentioned on Piers Morgan was not a was someone flashing at her and touching her in a park....No rape was ever mentioned.
Originally posted by luxor:
Why does she feel the need to tell the world now. If it is true, and I have my doubts, then surely it is not something that you shout to the world.
Plus what on earth posesses people to buy these magazines that have nothing but gossip and here say on a bunch of attention seeking non entities.

Being so outspoken Roll Eyes Why has she not mentioned this before, not even to her Husband or Friends? Funny it is said as soon as her new fella is involved in bad publicity over a film he has made...Shake Head

The girl is shameless!
The Devil In Diamante
If its true its awful, if it isn't she needs help.She was in an abusive relationship when she was young and it may stem from there. You can be raped in a relationship. She is doing herself no favours at the minute but Peter isn't helping. His fans are screaming abuse at her in the street and I don't think its going to be too long before someone attacks her.But it will be ok as long as they are Team Peter.
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
I would almost stake my life on it being a lie...or at the very best a stretching of the truth...she probably woke up after a drunken night next to someone she wouldn't do sober and told herself she'd been raped rather than admit she was a drunken slapper who'd shag anyone.
Very harsh words FGG! (So why do I find myself nodding and giggling slightly?) Blush
Originally posted by luxor:
Why does she feel the need to tell the world now. If it is true, and I have my doubts, then surely it is not something that you shout to the world.
Plus what on earth posesses people to buy these magazines that have nothing but gossip and here say on a bunch of attention seeking non entities.
Frankly I would rather stick pins in my eyes than buy one of these rags, I just saw it on the front page of OK when I was in WH SMITH yesterday and thought 'OMG, is there NOTHING this girl won't do to gain sympathy?!'
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
I would almost stake my life on it being a lie...or at the very best a stretching of the truth...she probably woke up after a drunken night next to someone she wouldn't do sober and told herself she'd been raped rather than admit she was a drunken slapper who'd shag anyone.
Very harsh words FGG! (So why do I find myself nodding and giggling slightly?) Blush

We've all been there...not called it rape though Ninja
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
I would almost stake my life on it being a lie...or at the very best a stretching of the truth...she probably woke up after a drunken night next to someone she wouldn't do sober and told herself she'd been raped rather than admit she was a drunken slapper who'd shag anyone.
Very harsh words FGG! (So why do I find myself nodding and giggling slightly?) Blush

We've all been there...not called it rape though Ninja
Well said.
Originally posted by Skylark24:
Wasnt this supposed to be when she was a child? Has this paedophile been caught and was there police involvement? I am very surprised to read this morning that Pete doesnt know about this. If this did happen why isnt she more protective with her kids, she seems to have a camera and crew attached to them daily

No...that was something different entirely.
Originally posted by Skylark24:
Wasnt this supposed to be when she was a child? Has this paedophile been caught and was there police involvement? I am very surprised to read this morning that Pete doesnt know about this. If this did happen why isnt she more protective with her kids, she seems to have a camera and crew attached to them daily
I know. Sickening ain't it? I am surprised that the media are still paying her for her drivel and isn't bored and pissed off with her now; coz the public surely bloody well are!
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
Originally posted by Skylark24:
Wasnt this supposed to be when she was a child? Has this paedophile been caught and was there police involvement? I am very surprised to read this morning that Pete doesnt know about this. If this did happen why isnt she more protective with her kids, she seems to have a camera and crew attached to them daily

No...that was something different entirely.
Oh right, i cant keep up with her!
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Originally posted by Skylark24:
Wasnt this supposed to be when she was a child? Has this paedophile been caught and was there police involvement? I am very surprised to read this morning that Pete doesnt know about this. If this did happen why isnt she more protective with her kids, she seems to have a camera and crew attached to them daily
I know. Sickening ain't it? I am surprised that the media are still paying her for her drivel and isn't bored and pissed off with her now; coz the public surely bloody well are!
But Peter is doing the same thing. He is off on holiday with the children and he's got a film crew and photographers.
Originally posted by longcat:
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Originally posted by Skylark24:
Wasnt this supposed to be when she was a child? Has this paedophile been caught and was there police involvement? I am very surprised to read this morning that Pete doesnt know about this. If this did happen why isnt she more protective with her kids, she seems to have a camera and crew attached to them daily
I know. Sickening ain't it? I am surprised that the media are still paying her for her drivel and isn't bored and pissed off with her now; coz the public surely bloody well are!
But Peter is doing the same thing. He is off on holiday with the children and he's got a film crew and photographers.
The pair of them need to have a good long look at themselves and get rid of these cameras. I feel so sorry for those poor kids
Originally posted by Skylark24:
Originally posted by longcat:
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Originally posted by Skylark24:
Wasnt this supposed to be when she was a child? Has this paedophile been caught and was there police involvement? I am very surprised to read this morning that Pete doesnt know about this. If this did happen why isnt she more protective with her kids, she seems to have a camera and crew attached to them daily
I know. Sickening ain't it? I am surprised that the media are still paying her for her drivel and isn't bored and pissed off with her now; coz the public surely bloody well are!
But Peter is doing the same thing. He is off on holiday with the children and he's got a film crew and photographers.
The pair of them need to have a good long look at themselves and get rid of these cameras. I feel so sorry for those poor kids
I agree they need to sit down as adults and sort it out, but thats hard when he won't even talk to her.
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Originally posted by Skylark24:
The pair of them need to have a good long look at themselves and get rid of these cameras. I feel so sorry for those poor kids
Well said. The cameras are like oxygen to Jordan and I guess pete is a bit guilty as well.
They are both as bad as each other. He is doing the exact same thing. She is just easier to hate.
Even so, Pete has not made up allegations of being raped. Sorry if it offends anyone, but I simply don't believe her and believe she has stooped as low as she possibly can to gain sympathy. Pete is no-where NEAR as bad as Jordan... The further he stays away from her the better. Shame he has 2 kids with her though. I think she is toxic.

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