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Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

It's how her  and her ilk earn their living.

So true Katty, but I was so astonished by KP's personal and mean comments about Kelly Brook, who to me looks like a normal healthy sized woman, certainly not a Heffer and she is definately not overwieght..KP really needs to stop bullying other women and focus on her kids.

Senora Reyes

She did say a bit more than just calling her a "heifer"


Katie writes: “You’re a heifer, Kelly, but still a hot one.”

She then goes on to salute size eight Kel's shapely frame, writing: “Kelly Brook is a brilliant role model for young girls because of her curvy figure.

“Every mum should make her daughter look at the recent set of pictures that show Kelly modelling her latest New Look swimwear range.

“They don’t seem to be airbrushed and I’m FLABbergasted to see how big Kelly really is.”

So on the one hand she was actually complimenting her but wiped that out by calling her a heifer and apologised. 

Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:

I think it does as it sends the wrong message about curvy women..But on reflection KP is far too thick to understand that concept.

I agree it sends out the wrong message Senora, but not that KP is thick. Keeping herself in the public eye - even by making awful comments - is probably her business strategy [sadly].

Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:

Apparently she has gone on record calling Kelly Brook a "Heffer"..KP went on to say she did not realise Kelly Brook was so big???..WTF!!Is KP for real?


Kelly Brook has a natrually curvy figure, she to me, looks more of a woman, than sperm receptical KP could ever hope to be....KP sounds as if she is really jealous of Kelly Brook...


I have zero time for Jordan Price. When she talks all I hear is -


blah blah, me. blah blah buy my rubbish, blah blah in love, blah blah divorce. blah blah bitchy comment.


How much longer before she disappears from our screens, papers, magazines, Internet, department stores and forums?


Edited in response to GJ post - I need to be more expansive and inclusive in my comment. 

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Last edited by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

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