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Jonas was an absolutely darling last night... he was the only one to try and make friends with the chick and tried to pull away the other boys when they were ganging up on her. I thought it was quite aggressive... Vinnie even said he wanted to 'hit it'. They all seemed to have lost sight of the fact that it was just a person in the costume and they could tell it was a woman yet they were still physically, well, attacking her. Not nice. But Jonas kept trying to get them to play nice and the bit by the smoking bench when Davina tweeted his song was adorable. It'll never happen, but Jonas to win!

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I even think the whole Kat debacle was quite sweet, (not her obvs) but he got all soppy and lovelorn, bless, but then recovered well and didn't let it spoil his stay in the house. Also, I seem to have missed the whole bromance with him and Alex, is it just that they both like being naked a lot (fine by me!)
I read in a paper yesterday that one of Jonas's highlights was convincing kat that Polar Bears roamed the streets freely in Sweeden, it was supposed to be very funny but was edited out of the HLs apparently...
The Devil In Diamante
I'd like Jonas to win Vinnie was also mean to hi the other night when Jonas was explaining about how he got his tourettes under control...Vinnie said something along the lines of, "Shut up, you're boring me now", or words to that effect.....
Typical Vinnie. He was the only one who didn't know about the Tourettes because he had never had a conversation with Jonas.
Typical Vinnie. He was the only one who didn't know about the Tourettes because he had never had a conversation with Jonas.
So true. He has never bothered to find out a single thing about any of the people he's been locked away with for 4 weeks - even when he was chained to Ivana, he later said he 'hadn't bothered' talking to her. But they're all meant to be riveted whenever he starts bragging about his Hollywood lifestyle.

I thought his and Dane's behaviour was a bit alarming - they didn't seem to realise they'd gone too far by throwing a woman to the ground and dragging her about, at first. Thank god for Jonas, for once!
Typical Vinnie. He was the only one who didn't know about the Tourettes because he had never had a conversation with Jonas.
Spot on there longcat I find it admirable that jonas has managed to get his Tourettes under control....I like him and will be throwing a few votes his way today

As for Vinnie, even his 'really funny story' about doing an American accent for an audition WASN'T funny
The Devil In Diamante

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