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i don't know if it's proven that venables had a 'lesser' part of the crime though katty tbh.....of course all we are privvy to is what's reported....and from that it suggests at the trial both boys blamed each other and said the other one was more 'the leader' far as i remember the only conclusive thing they found that could link one of the boys to an injury on james,was a print on james' face that matched the bottom of thompson's shoe........other than that it was 'he did this,he did that'......

it's certainly been suggested that venables was the least likely of the two to reoffend....but obviously they've got that wrong as he's now back inside..and it's presumed thompson is still living under his new identity and has kept himself out of trouble
It's interesting that up here(Glasgow) that The convicted serial killer Peter Tobin  is  now suspected of being the serial killer "Bible John". He is now appealing one of his crimes..he's in jail for life,which will probably mean he dies in jail.He  knows this but they do know how to keep their names etc in the public eye.We pay for their lawyers etc..go google him,he 's been free a long time before he was caught.
there's always been speculation regarding their new lives was reported a few years ago thompson fathered a child...then he was in a gay relationship which ended when he confessed who he really was to his he allegedly lives with his new b/f who knows who he is......
as for venables.......he's been joining the with his g/f....a drug addict etc etc etc.......

katty i'll take a look at that story later this evening..........
following up on the sean walsh story.....he claimed to be robert thompson.........but other reports say he also claimed he was at the barton moss detention centre with obviously he can't be both!.........and after that i guess the gagging order came into place so it'll never be known....walsh does have a  juvenille conviction from when he lived in the uk.....but other than that not much is known
We can't discount the possibility of facial hair when looking for these people.  I'm a little bit suspicious, it has to be said, of the bloke on the right here:

He's also got a scouse accent, and he's a very similar age.  Coincidentally ... or is it ... he's standing very close to the backside of that other bloke.  Perhaps that's his partner?  Live-in partner, I mean!
I just watched the C4 news....the guy being interviewed about it ended saying 'there's no reason he cannot be rehabilitated'....I am for rehabiliation too, but considering he's back inside AFTER years of supposed rehabilitation, isnt it a bit like locking the stable door after etc etc...?

When they were children you have to assume there's scope for learning and 27 however and with such a history, incarceration on a permanent basis considering the reoffending surely seems the only option?
Reference:Garage Joe
Garage Joe 5649 Forum Posts Today at 6:43 PM Blimey! I must be one of those snivelling liberals too. Call me old fashioned, but I'm not ready for Sharia Law. On a positive note Venables has done his job in keeping Lord Ashcroft off the front pages
I certainly am not ready for sharia law Joe. But, there are criminals who commit crimes that are even beyond evil and should have never been let out in to society on the pretence that they are rehabilitated, only to commit further crimes.
*** snivels, a bit ***

Whatever people think of those of the liberal persuation, there is no doubt that finding reasons for such crimes, rather than excusing them, has helped and will help to prevent other children turning into people capable of such sadism and cruelty.

I am in no way saying that every child who grows up in brutal households, or who befriends others in such situations, will be capable of this sort of behaviour, but there is no doubt that there is a connection and prevention is always the best policy.

Children are innocents and should get every chance to stay as such, or to be rehabilitated, if it comes to that. This does not mean that I wouldn't want any child who has become a voilent offender to be isolated from society and subsequently monitored, as long as was necessary, with recall to incarceration, as soon as needs be.
My son was the same age as Jamie was when he died and I know he would have cried for me all the time he was being marched to his death. So I will continue to save my tears for Jamie and his family and not for Venables and Thompson.

My grandson is that age now and the very thought of James and what happened chills me to the core. On the other hand .................two of my kids were the age of Venables and Thompson when it happened too chilled me to the core that children were capable of this. I'm not a bleeding heart liberal but I find it incredibly upsetting that children have been left to their own devices/no guidance/no love /no teaching right from wrong ...............................the fact that one of them has reoffended is really upsetting especially after all the tuition and guidance. Personally - I believe that you instill morals etc. up to five years old make the child what he/she is.

I'm not making excuses or feeling sorry blah blah blah but .............................I find it sad that Venables and Thompson grew up as they did ........................parental love and guidance is all. They had neither.
Soozy Woo
Reference: cologne
Whatever he did to find himself in prison again, he is still entitled to a fair trial which he wont get if we are told what he has done and who he is now.
Exactly, cologne.

Similarly to the 'public's right to know their names', which as a direct result led to the 'criminals right to have their names changed and new identities', none of it makes sense.

If it is not in the public's interest to know what he is being charged with, as it may lead to him not being allowed a fair trial, and possibly getting away with it, the 'public' seem to be shooting themselves in the foot, just because they have an insatiable desire for revenge.
Whatever he did to find himself in prison again, he is still entitled to a fair trial which he wont get if we are told what he has done and who he is now.
Quite right. It will all come out in due course. It's incredibly sad and obviously distressing for the Bulger family but .................................I don't think we need to know - if he has done wrong - he'll be punished. Too much info now could jeapordise a fair hearing.
Soozy Woo

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