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Child killers with a perverse sexual motive - it beggars belief that any with such depravity can be wholey rehabilitated. And i wonder if they should have the chance after such a crime.
I really don't understand this statement from you Renton. You have told us that you are working in this area, and have been in contact with the killers.If you don't believe in rehab. What are you doing working in it?
oh blimey Liver I remember when that lad was shot recently - Rhys? My parents were quite affected by that cos my brother was just the same when he was 11 - totally into football etc... probably just the what if something had happened to him at that age sort of thing
Yes if you relate to it it's even more upsetting
i do think stated you met one of've said you've been to one of their houses and he lives with his also know robert thompson's new identity.......yet you've just said you're not directly on earth did you get to meet one of them at their house and know new identities???

that information is available to a select few only
Sponge + Lee - well its best i avoid you both, pointless chatting if you think i'm a liar
A better idea may well be to read back over YOUR own posts and see the glaring inconsistencies which simply don't add up....That aside it beggars belief that such sensitive information/contact would be available to anyone other than a select few senior employees.
I hope he rots in prison. The fact that they were so young when they committed the crime means nothing to me. They knew exactly what they were doing. They managed to entice that little baby from outside that shop then they made him walk miles, even managing to lie to people on route that they were taking him home. Before they tortured and killed him. Even after he was dead they weren't happy, leaving his body on a train line to make it look like he had been hit by a train.
 They were never really punished for it. They were looked after better than they had ever been and then allowed to continue on with their lives when they turned 18.
 My son was the same age as Jamie was when he died and I know he would have cried for me all the time he was being marched to his death. So I will continue to save my tears for Jamie and his family and not for Venables and Thompson.
Reference:Longcat and Lee
Reference: So I will continue to save my tears for Jamie and his family and not for Venables and Thompson Well said.....The punishment should fit the crime and imo in all cases mentioned in this thread it certainly did not.
I absolutely agree with both of you Longcat and Lee. I honestly think the snivelling liberals that keep shouting about the "Human Rights" of all the perpetrators of the horrific crimes that have been mentioned in this thread should let the murderers live with them and their famlies if they are so rehabilitated. I have always said, "Human Rights" are for human beings,like Denise Bulger (as was)and all the famlies of the victims, not for evil, vicious scum that we have been discussing.
I honestly think the snivelling liberals that keep shouting about the "Human Rights" of all the perpetrators of the horrific crimes that have been mentioned in this thread should let the murderers live with them and their famlies if they are so rehabilitated.

Snivelling liberals? Well, so much for the mature debate.

Human rights are for humans.  The clue is in the name, really.

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