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I just read the information on Wikipedia regarding this......there's some interesting stuff there, including that his family wanted (Thomson I think) regarded as an undiagnsoed psychopath.

Coming from his own family, you would think that someone somewhere should have taken notice of this in consideration to his release.
Having read more information, God only knows how he is 'undiagnosed'...
I just read the information on Wikipedia regarding this......there's some interesting stuff there, including that his family wanted (Thomson I think) regarded as an undiagnsoed psychopath. Coming from his own family, you would think that someone somewhere should have taken notice of this in consideration to his release. Having read more information, God only knows how he is 'undiagnosed'...
It was the Bulger family that wanted that....

The paper also told how the Bulger family’s lawyers had consulted psychiatric experts in order to present the parole panel with a report which suggested that Thompson is an undiagnosed psychopath,
John Venables - fatter one, gay lover, just recalled. I know the town he lives in.
Robert Thompson - skinny one, met him in the past

My friend actually worked with Robert Thompson in the same job - she didn't know his true identity at first .... she described him as "a nice guy with anger problems, had hit his girlfriend and had a drug problem"
Need i say more . . .
John Venables - fatter one, gay lover, just recalled. I know the town he lives in.Robert Thompson - skinny one, met him in the pastMy friend actually worked with Robert Thompson in the same job - she didn't know his true identity at first .... she described him as "a nice guy with anger problems, had hit his girlfriend and had a drug problem"Need i say more . . .
I always thought Hon Venables was the thin one, looked like he had'nt seen a decent meal....
Last edited by stonks
My friend actually worked with Robert Thompson in the same job - she didn't know his true identity at first .... she described him as "a nice guy with anger problems, had hit his girlfriend and had a drug problem" Need i say more . . .
and can she be sure it's thompson??.......i cant imagine him casually dropping it in the convo...'oh my name's not really joe bloggs..i'm really robert thompson who killed james bulger'...............
Reference: renton
Cos i told her it was him
well IF it was indeed robert thompson then i'd be very very careful who you tell is one of britains most notorious murderers...i'd imagine if you worked in his rehab the chances are you agreed to never reveal his true identity to anyone........yet you have...that could lead to your friend telling a friend and his new identity is then open.....

i hope your bosses don't find out you've blabbed his new identity
he'll get what he deserves when he's back with "normal" prisoners
I'm very interested in these prisoner hierarchy theories. By normal prisoners do you mean the ones who, although unprovoked and unknown, attacked my son breaking his eye socket, cheekbone, and ribs? Or do you mean the one that beat my Mum's friend to the floor, stole her handbag, and left her in such a state that she died within the year? I think that we should be told.
Garage Joe
OMG Spongebob why are you so horrible to me all the time?
You always doubt me and think the worst.
I am very professional - and was applauded for my work recently.
I told my friend who he was becos she entered the same line of work as me and it was part of her induction - ok? She then raised the fact that she had previously known him.
well you can think i'm being horrible renton.....that is your choice......i find it hard to believe it that's've posted many times you work a nightshift job looking after disabled residents in a care you're working in the rehab of a notorious murderer?'re unsure which is venables and which is thompson......which doesn't help!....

as for your friend starting work alongside you....i can't see that someone who was at one time working alongside thompson(and lets be honest here...thompson isn't going to be working in your line of work) would be chucked in at the deep end at the beginning of a new job and told all about him ......surely people dealing with thompson/venables would be seasoned professionals?...not someone just starting?.....these are people who've worked with them for years.....not a rookie just starting.....

or..if your friend was informed that robert thompson was 'on the books' so to still shouldn't have told her his new identity.......i just can't see someone having an induction would be told.....'oh by the way..we look after robert thompson...he's now known as fred jones'.

if you think i'm being horrible then again i stress that's how you interpret it...which is your just doesn't add up to me that a worldwide blanket ban on their identities and such is really voiced so freely as you state
fair enough...i'm not going to argue with you..other than to state again..if you've recently changed jobs then  to working with ex offenders..... i fail to see how you'd be assigned to ones as notorious as thompson and venables as you're new to the profession.....i'd of thought you'd need years of training to even get into that line of work..let alone be assigned or co-assigned to the rehabilitation of murderers so quickly.
Reference: ikatali
How do they stop the information getting into the public domain from the general prison population? Is it too far to think that maybe another prisoner may recognise or even get to know him and pass the info on to a relative? How do they stop that? Just wondering...
would he be recognised though?.......the last picture of him is aged 10.....he's now 27....... he's in under his new identity and only the higher ups will know the truth........they must be confident they can  house him in jail with no one finding out.......but i guess there's always the chance the truth may come out......would they then have to give him another new identity?
as far as i'm concerned they're right up there with the likes of huntley,hindley,brady and the rest of their kind........8 yrs for ending a small boys life in the most barbaric fashion was not a long enough sentence imo.........they even had the 'brains' (can't think of another word to use) to leave james bulgers body on a train track so it'd look like a tragic accident when a train sliced him in half...... they're liars and different to the pathetic lies of huntley trying to cover his tracks..........they could of abandoned james bulger anytime....left him alone to be found and returned to his mum....they didn't.........evil bastards the pair of them

absolutely agree spongebob

The legal system in this country owed it to the public NOT to let these two change their names and given new identities.
Surely, any woman who they might meet, has the right to know what they did? What if the woman has young children? it makes me heart sick to know what happened to that poor baby, all other babies need to be protected from these evil pair. Justice was not done, makes me sick!!
If this has been some "minor" breach of his parole eg: not to visit Liverpool, then l cannot see why it was necessary for the Home Secretary to even mention it. If however he has committed another criminal offence, it's a damn site more than blooming breach, and would surely be charged and face trial for that.
I think we have a right to know, before this government start crowing that the system works.
I'm leaning towards a crime being commited otherwise how else would they know he has breached anything, do they have him under surveillance 24/7, l doubt that. And if he has re offended then the system does'nt bloody work!.
Surely, any woman who they might meet, has the right to know what they did? What if the woman has young children? it makes me heart sick to know what happened to that poor baby, all other babies need to be protected from these evil pair. Justice was not done, makes me sick!!
That's the crux of the question as far as I'm concerned.  They should never have been allowed to ride off into the sunset with new identities and a clean slate.  The 'justice' system is so obsessed with protecting the rights of killers that it forgets their victims ... and their potential victims.
Surely, any woman who they might meet, has the right to know what they did? What if the woman has young children?
I wonder if they would get 'indefinite sentences' now if the case was heard today?  If I recall correctly, the Home Secretary had a say on the minimum sentence in cases like these before it was (properly, in my opinion) put back in the hands of the judiciary.  They were detained 'at her Majesty's pleasure' back then, which was essentially an indeterminate sentence anyway.  The Lord Chief Justice set their tariff to 'expired' so that they could be paroled if the Parole Board thought they were fit, as the Home Secretary was told off by the ECHR.  Technically, if they were paroled then the Parole Board considered them no longer enough of a danger to the public as that is their first duty.  In which case, there's no point telling the people around them as it would serve no purpose.  Either they're a continuing danger, and so should be kept locked up, or they're not.  That said, I think I'd want to know myself anyway.
I saw an interview with one of the Detectives who worked on the case on TV this Morning, he reckons that Venables was the one of the two he thought was LEAST likely to re-offend, and Thompson was the one most likely to re-offend...also that it must be a serious crime otherwise there wouldn't be such a big deal being made of it...

At the time, I was seeing a fella who worked high up in SCO for HMRC, they worked alongside some of the Detectives working on the case, and some of the details and injuries James Bulger sustained were either kept under wraps or watered down for the press...he told me it was ALOT worse than was reported...evil spawn of Satan, the pair of them...
The Devil In Diamante
Reference Daniel J* Today at 21:10:
I wonder if they would get 'indefinite sentences' now if the case was heard today?
One of the interesting things I heard on an interview about this earlier today was the suggestion that the massive increase in Britain's prison population that started in the mid-90's was largely as a result of much stiffer prison sentences that followed the public's reaction to the Bulger case...
Eugene's Lair

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