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It's just a historical metaphor, not to be taken too seriously. Years ago on usenet, I rather rashly used the phrase "You can lead a horse to water ..." in the presence of a woman who fancied herself as a horse expert and suddenly wanted to showcase it. Lordy, the amount of rosettes and equine theories I had to endure there. "Really, it's just an idiom" just wouldn't cut it.
Must be like when a short answer is required but someone drags out pye charts and a load of statistics of interweb and bores the living shit out of you....
Reference: DanJ
I've just read the synopsis of that book on Amazon. I like the sound of it!
Well I totally love Marge Piercy so I'm biased. I am interested in the French Revolution but find that I absorb facts/people etc better when they are set within fiction.

The Glass Blowers by Daphne Du Maurier is another good book set around Revolutionary France.
Must be like when a short answer is required but someone drags out pye charts and a load of statistics of interweb and bores the living shit out of you....
Top tip: To avoid boredom, don't read forum posts if you're not involved and uninterested.

Hope this helps.

Next week's top tip: How to avoid really trivial virus scams.
Oh my bad I thought this was a forum where everyone was involved..
Aww you don't have to read everything on the forum, you know.  Bless.  If something's boring the living shit out of you then, well, you've read too much already and probably ought to stop reading any more.

I feel all nostalgic now for the old forum and it's Ignore button debates. 
Aww you don't have to read everything on the forum, you know. Bless. If something's boring the living shit out of you then, well, you've read too much already and probably ought to stop reading any more. I feel all nostalgic now for the old forum and it's Ignore button debates.
I think your getting a bit paranoid there Dan..who said my refrence was to you or about me? and when was this YOUR forum to tell people what they can and cannot read?....
I've bought quite a few and never had a problem. The trick when the books are only a few pence is to not order online until you have spoken to the seller (if it's a bookshop and they give you the number) and then order a few and get them to just charge you one lot of p&p.
Otherwise it bumps the cost up by 3 or 4 quid per book.
*puts Joe's book under the wonky leg of the coffee table*
only what i expected to read really,
dear mr so and so,
the cnut has been a real role model for the other cnuts in here, i recommend we let the cnut out now, there's no problems for the public might well be really but i can't be arsed any more, i'd even let the cnut mind my own kids would i feck  when i'm out on the pish.
sorry but that made me laugh

On a different note the sentence I found quite revealing was the point about his move to a young offenders institution "It would make rehabilitation very much more would introduce an inappropriate element of punishment in adult life for a crime comitted  nearly half a lifetime ago"...............No wonder Denise Fergus and Ralph Bulger feel they never got the justice they deserved
That must have been hard for them considering the enormity of the crime.
But he was/is their son and was only ten years old at the time he committed the crime. IMHO ............i think they have to look to themselves as to how their child grew up to commit such an horrendous crime ...............I don't know an awful lot about their relationship but ................OMG - if a child of mine had done something like that aged 10 I'd be looking at myself .....................and no matter how horrific the crime - I'd have stuck by my child (not defending his actions) but trying desperately hard to see a way through the whole horrible ordeal.
Soozy Woo
Let's hope the scumbag gets caught speeding around in a vehicle that isn't taxed, with a mobile phone stuck to his ear, then, according to some he will deserve to have the book thrown at him.     How anyone can trivialise the horrific death that child suffered, at the hands of these two  morons, is beyond belief.  Let's hope the supercilious amongst you never lose a child eh?  What could and should have been a reasoned debate, has taken a wrong turn somewhere!
There have been many cases where the parents are totally horrified by the crimes that their offspring do.Upbringing etc ,that some folk bang on about,does not always equate .I'd be interested to know the crime ratio for good/bad upringing of offenders etc.

Some of the worst serial killers/ offenders have been very middle class....

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