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Jon Venables back in prison

he was getting married a couple of years ago, don't know if it ever came about and Thompson was supposedly living with his gay partner who supposedly knew all about his past... nice to know they are getting on with their lives  Jamie Bulger didn't get his chance, and his families lives were wrecked forever, makes me feel sick

It would be interesting to know what the lisense conditions were, it would give us some clue as to the danger this breach imposed...
They had a lawyer on BBC News who said it was unlikely it would be for a minor indiscretion in order to protect the Venables family... and also Venables himself once he was returned to prison...
There are far worse people in the world than Venables and Thompson.
as far as i'm concerned they're right up there with the likes of huntley,hindley,brady and the rest of their kind........8 yrs for ending a small boys life in the most barbaric fashion was not a long enough sentence imo.........they even had the 'brains' (can't think of another word to use) to leave james bulgers body on a train track so it'd look like a tragic accident when a train sliced him in half......

they're liars and different to the pathetic lies of huntley trying to cover his tracks..........they could of abandoned james bulger anytime....left him alone to be found and returned to his mum....they didn't.........evil bastards the pair of them
The fact that they were children when they committed the crimes is what makes all the difference though...children idealistically can be rehabilitated, especially ones of such a young age, there is scope to assume and work on the problems within them that caused them to do such things without knowing better.....unlike if adults commit the same crimes, they have supposed age and a lifetime of learned decency apparently.

How easy it is to test this on anyone, especially a child having grown into an adult inside an institution situation, is beyond me.  Psychological testing obviously isnt enough..
There have been rumours around on the web for a while that a guy who stabbed his pregnant girlfriend while she was sleeping and attempted to suffocate her little girl is Jon Venables. If you google jon venables and pregnant girlfriend several different sites will come up. Obviously I have no idea how true any of this is but the guy concerned claimed he was one of Jamie Bulgers killers

The established press is going with the 'it's not him' line but who knows?
children idealistically can be rehabilitated, especially ones of such a young age, there is scope to assume and work on the problems within them that caused them to do such things without knowing better.....
But children that far gone  Is there really any hope of saving them/turning them around  I don't think so
But children that far gone Is there really any hope of saving them/turning them around I don't think so

I dont know, all I know is if I were in that profession I would want to try....what's the alternative?  Letting two children grow into young men without them ever really knowing how wrong what they did was?  With rehabilition surely there must come an understanding of what they did wrong in the first place?

Dont get me wrong, I dont like the thought of two young men being set free to live a wonderful life like it never happened any more than the next person, I have the opinion though (perhaps maybe too idealistic) that as chihldren maybe they had a better chanced of being '/fixed/whatever' than an adult.
Spoonggeeyyyy xxxxx
This is the result of the reporting restrictions isn't it? There are also rumours that a child killer in Australia is one of them - like I said who knows?
My own take on this is that I believe that they should never - and I mean never - have been released. It's not because I think they didn't serve long enough or get punished enough etc.
My reason is purely from the public safety angle. I honestly think that when you are dealing with someone who is so damaged that they commit these sort of crimes, whether you are dealing with Venables or the Yorkshire Ripper etc then it is sheer vanity and self delusion on the part of the criminal justice system and the psychiatric community to believe that they can be cured or rehabilitated to the point where they are no longer a danger to others.
Of course the fact that these high faluting (sp) professional idiots who saction the release of these dangerous people won't actually be living in the communities they place them in has nothing to do with their decision
I dont know, all I know is if I were in that profession I would want to try....what's the alternative? Letting two children grow into young men without them ever really knowing how wrong what they did was? With rehabilition surely there must come an understanding of what they did wrong in the first place?
I'm of the opinion, yes, teach them that was wrong whilst being behind bars for life, as we can't take another one's life. These people do not deserve to be walking the streets, be it with a new identity or not. I'm not a 'kiddie' person and haven't got kids, but in my opinion there's no way on this earth that that should happen to anyone's children.
My own take on this is that I believe that they should never - and I mean never - have been released. It's not because I think they didn't serve long enough or get punished enough etc. My reason is purely from the public safety angle. I honestly think that when you are dealing with someone who is so damaged that they commit these sort of crimes, whether you are dealing with Venables or the Yorkshire Ripper etc then it is sheer vanity and self delusion on the part of the criminal justice system and the psychiatric community to believe that they can be cured or rehabilitated to the point where they are no longer a danger to others.
totally agree veggieeeee..........i've read about the australian case too......and again it's one of those 'we'll never know' scenario's..........also on the 'we'll never know' list is that thompson or venables could be living in your town or street and you wouldn't have a clue....

obviously they got new identities......but does anyone know if that extends to their immediate family too?...i'm guessing say that jon venables mum for instance would have been given a new identity and relocated as well?..does anyone know if that's the case?.
These people do not deserve to be walking the streets, be it with a new identity or not.

It's a fair point....and one that can only be tested unfortunately with their release (from a judicial/psychiatric perspective)....sadly with alot of cases the only way anyone finds out if a perpetrator is likely to offend again is when they actually do, and then it's too late all round.
As a parent I like to think that children are looked out for, on both sides of the law, but obviously and more importantly that our children and society is kept safe from these dangers too, and not forgotten when offenders are released.

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