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As Josie said in the dr:  they know more about John James and I than I f'ing do.... If he wanted to kindly tell her his opinion, in a way that might be helpful to her,  he should have done it in an entirely different way. But then 'sensitive' seems to be a word that's missing from his vocabulary. Wonder what his wife feels about what he just said on national TV about his adultery?
I assume that most of those on here wouldn't have told her in such a brutal way that he didn't love her/care about her 'though?
i assume most of us really don't know whether he loves her or not.

Call me an old fool but he's said that he does over and over again. I personally don't see it going the whole hog but they are two people who have feelings for each other and that's good enough for me.

i find it disturbing that people actually relish seeing someone tear someone elses dreams and hopes apart. There really was no need,
Soozy Woo
i find it disturbing that people actually relish seeing someone tear someone elses dreams and hopes apart. There really was no need,
Yes, much better to let her latch on to a self-centred ignorant mysoginist who talks down to her all the time repeatedly telling her how he's intelligent and she's thick. Yes, good idea, let's do that instead.
i assume most of us really don't know whether he loves her or not.
Soozy, fwiw I do think that they love each other, whether it's 'healthy' is another matter and something that they'll need to sort out of the glare of the cameras.
My comment was directed at the fms who don't think he loves her and I'd hope that, given the opportunity, they wouldn't have been cruel enough to tell her in the way that John, (and Nadia) did
Reference Soozywoo Today at 23:18:
 i find it disturbing that people actually relish seeing someone tear someone elses dreams and hopes apart. There really was no need,
The problem is that you could say exactly the same about the likes of Davina who have relentlessly played-up the whole "house romance" thing. She has seen no more of the real goings-on than John McCririck, so what right does she have to go on and on about how they feel about each-other, and (for example), shout-down people on BBBM who dare to suggest that it's not real?
IMO, that sort of behaviour is just as damaging...
Eugene's Lair
It didn't need saying. It's got f*ck all to do with him. He's basing his opinion on a few edited HLs she's basing her feelings on 10 solid weeks. We may not agree with the people that others love but it's their mistake to make.
A fair comment to make if she hadn't spent the entire series bringing him and their non-relationship into every conversation at every given opportunity. 

She has relentlessly droned on about him since early June and worked him into almost every conversation.  Eventually someone was going to tell her what they thought instead of massaging her ego.

She made it his business by doing what she always does, trying to make her relationship the centre topic of conversation.
Well said, Keenviewer. I think Josie raised JJ - I can understand John and Nadia not wanting to engage in further pretense. Although honesty can be painful, sometimes you have to tell it like it is.  I think Josie's departure from the house is more to do with some recognition that they may be right. To be fair to John, he also told Josie was a lovely woman and would find many admirers outside the house.
Carnelian 759 Forum PostsToday at 10:35 PM Last Edited: Reference:longcat It didn't need saying. It's got f*ck all to do with him. He's basing his opinion on a few edited HLs she's basing her feelings on 10 solid weeks. We may not agree with the people that others love but it's their mistake to make. A fair comment to make if she hadn't spent the entire series bringing him and their non-relationship into every conversation at every given opportunity. She's relentless droned on about him since early June and worked him into almost every conversation. Eventually someone was going to tell her what they thought instead of massaging her ego.
Spot on Carnelian.  Josie has had the same advice from Coolio, Nadia and finally John, perhaps Coolio was the most diplomatic, but nevertheless the point was made.  John said that JJ was lukewarm.  He didn't badmouth Josie.  She has difficulty with feedback that doesn't feed her ego.
watcher1 684 Forum PostsToday at 10:39 PM Last Edited: Well said, Keenviewer. I think Josie raised JJ - I can understand John and Nadia not wanting to engage in further pretense. Although honesty can be painful, sometimes you have to tell it like it is. I think Josie's departure from the house is more to do with some recognition that they may be right. To be fair to John, he also told Josie was a lovely woman and would find many admirers outside the house.
Excellent point Watcher, that's how I saw it too
Eugene's Lair 2,218 Forum PostsToday at 10:31 PM The problem is that you could say exactly the same about the likes of Davina who have relentlessly played-up the whole "house romance" thing. She has seen no more of the real goings-on than John McCririck, so what right does she have to go on and on about how they feel about each-other, and (for example), shout-down people on BBBM who dare to suggest that it's not real? IMO, that sort of behaviour is just as damaging...
Totally agree Eugene's, the truth needed to come out... the fact is that the other housemates didn't shoot John or Coolio or Nadia down in flames... they had all watched it on tv and formed opinions too!
Although honesty can be painful, sometimes you have to tell it like it is.
Why when it is absoloutely nothing to do with them? And is it honesty or simply their opinion?

Some people relish in shit stirring pure and simple. Nothing needed to be said - Josie is more than capable of finding out whether it's real or not in her own time. Nobody needed to say anything.
Soozy Woo
Why when it is absoloutely nothing to do with them? And is it honesty or simply their opinion?
You really do go to extraordinary lengths to pointlessly argue with people. It has everything to do with them and anyone else who watched BB that's the whole point of the show. They gave their opinion, are you saying they were lying? What reason do they have to lie?

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